» Forums » New to Upwork » Re: TRANSLATION JOBS
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Good afternoon, I've sent many proposals for interesting jobs on the platform, but every answer asked me to contact them on telegram.

I 've understood that this is a violation, am I right?

are there any exceptions?

Thanks a lot for your response

Community Member

Giovanna L good morning, I did fall, I am a total newbie to working with upwork, I am surprised that they made me chat on telegram, 2 companies in 4 days contacted me, as I still do not understand what this employment system is like, I know that the conversations start in the app's chat and from there the contracts begin and the payment must be received through themselves and not by external entities, thank goodness I saw your comment in the forum.
First red flag... communication via telegram
second red flag... I give an amount for my services per hour and they stupidly offered me something much higher than what I charged??
third red flag... I do the transcription/translation work for one and simple transcription for the other, one of them paid me for a strange page that I already investigated and a SCAM page, **Edited for Community Guidelines** WHICH REQUIRED ME TO PAY A $100 PIN TO BE ABLE TO RECEIVE MY MONEY and the other by a direct transfer (because I delivered the work almost the same day) and today when that payment should fall it tells me that the IRS is withholding the transfer until I pay $70 IN TAXES!!
As I am a computer technician, I have done some remote repairs or maintenance via Tean Viewer for the United States and the United Kingdom AND MY MONEY ALWAYS ARRIVES WITHOUT PROBLEMS, yes, they charge me a commission but the system charges it automatically!
I have already learned the lesson, if someone hires me but wants to speak by telegram I WILL NOT ATTEND THEM, at least it served me as practice and I know that I discovered that I can transcribe a 100-page ancient history book AND TRANSLATE IT INTO SPANISH in LESS THAN 1 DAY, or that in less than 4 hours I can transcribe in English (Spanish being my birth language) an anatomy book for veterinary medicine.

Community Member


Almost without exception, these kinds of jobs are SCAMS! They post jobs, draw you in with high pay, and then when it's time to withdraw money, you will be asked to pay a fee (for activation, for tax purposes, and so on). If you fall for this kind of scam, you can be sure the "employer" will be nowhere to be seen when the fees are paid and you want to get your money. (spoiler alert: there were never any funds available). 


I flag jobs almost on a daily basis, that are scams. I have gotten pretty good at spotting the scams now, so I usually avoid them but the scammers come up with new and, sadly, innovative ways to get to your money. 


I do find it a bit baffling that, in the age of AI, the platforms (I'm not a member on ALL the different platforms, though) don't have automated detection for these scamming posts. 

Community Member



Telegram jobs are usually fraud. Stay away and follow Upwork's TOS.

Community Member

Better to like share and invest than run back

Waseem akhtar
Community Member

Upwork is a helpful job for earning money

Community Member

Giovanna, these fake translation jobs have been inundating Upwork for some time, particularly on week-ends. Here's an old post where I give advice on how to avoid being scammed by people pretending to need translations and other fake jobs:



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