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Telegram scam

Hi guys.

I'm making this post so you don't have to go through the same thing as I did... I know it's my fault and I feel stupid but I got scammed. I signed up for a job, got contacted by email and then sent a link to chat on Telegram (God I have that app), and I did not question whatsoever. In my mind I had this voice telling me to not do it but I did anyway. Everything seemed legit, they gave me the option to choose the payment method so I chose bank transfer, the job was to translate a book "Love and Friendships" with a deadline of 3 days. I accepted it and I literally dedicated most of my time on that until I finished (it took me around 2 days, there were 75 pages) only to then be told that in order to be paid I had to purchase a 80 USD premium card, which would be refunded after 🤡🤡🤡 obviously a scam and I called them out on that. And the sad part is there is no way to report them. I was not the first and definitely won't be the last.


Hi Randy,


I checked the job post you were referring to and it appears that it's already been taken down because it was in violation of Upwork TOS.

Please check out this course for more tips on staying safe on Upwork and please use the flag option found on each job post or message anytime you’d like to report a violation.


- Pradeep

Community Member

You need to read the terms of service; had you done so, you wouldn't have been scammed. But frankly, I looked at your profile and I think that you're only going to continue being targeted by scammers and not real clients; you have no portfolio, your writing sounds AI-generated, and you haven't even spelled the word "copywriter" correctly in your profile title, which is just plain sloppy. Upwork is intensely competitive, and even highly-skilled professionals with years of experience have a lot of trouble finding work here. My best advice is to take some copywriting courses and get some real-world experience before you try to become a freelancer.

Community Member

Please  take Christine's post SERIOUSLY.

Community Member

NEVER go off of Upwork with a prospect. It's against Upwork's Terms of Service.


Frequently Telegram jobs are scams.


They should be blocked from the site most of the time.

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