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Tips for Getting Started on Upwork

Getting started on Upwork can be challenging. Here are some top tips that can help you succeed.


Complete Your Profile

First, it can be very helpful to complete your profile 100%. It’s important to understand that there are certain sections that must be completed in order to reach 100%. You can even technically exceed 100% completion. The more fields you complete on your profile, the better your chances of winning work. Also, your profile must be 100% complete in order to qualify for badges such as Rising Talent and Top Rated. Check out this help article for more information on the numerous ways you can reach 100% or more completion. I also recommend this article about why a great title and overview can make a difference.


Set Your Profile Visibility

Second, we recommend updating your profile visibility. Once you’ve crafted the perfect profile, you’ll want clients to be able to see it. When setting your profile visibility, you have three options: Public, Only Upwork Users, or Private.  If you set your profile to private, it will be excluded from the Upwork marketplace and search engines. This means clients won’t see you when they search for freelancers. Therefore, it’s in your best interest to set your profile visibility to Public or Only Upwork Users.


Submit Proposals

Third, submit proposals! This may seem like an obvious step, but it’s one that often doesn’t receive enough attention from new freelancers. By regularly submitting proposals for projects that fit your skills, you not only increase your chances of winning work, but you also prevent your profile from being automatically set to private, which can happen if you are inactive from the platform. As you submit more proposals, you will also learn what does and doesn’t get the attention of clients. Also, remember, that you may have to submit more than 5 proposals before you win your first project. Persistence is key. To help improve the quality of your proposals, I invite you to read about how to create a proposal that wins jobs and take in this proven advice from freelancers on Upwork. Also, check out this great article about How To Get More Jobs on Upwork in 2022!

Community Member

For help with your profile, check out this peer feedback thread and consider joining an Upwork Academy Coaching Cohort!


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849 REPLIES 849

Thanks you

Thanks, Jennifer R  for your completed short answer.

Community Member

Thank you Mike, i found this information really helpful. As newbies, it's alwasy encouraging to get a step-by-step breakdown of what we need to do, even if it seems to be obvious. It is positive reinforcement that goes a long way to increasing confidence. Thanks again.

Community Member

Hi Mike,

I'm a new member and has already submitted 3 proposals. When I tried to submit my fourth proposal, it prompted me an error saying 'Insufficient connects to submit proposals for the job'.

Please let me know how to go about this issue.

Thanks and stay safe!

Hi Andrew,


You need Connects in order to bid for jobs in the Upwork marketplace. If you wish to purchase Connects, please go to your Membership & Connects page (Settings > Memberships & Connects) to purchase Connects. You may read more about Connects here.


This can vary based on your location, but all Upwork users will be able to purchase Connects with a credit card or prepaid card. If you aren’t able to use a credit card or prepaid card or you don’t have an Upwork balance, in many cases you’ll be able to use PayPal. Check the options available to you and learn more about acceptable billing methods for paying memberships.


Please note that we return Connects when a client closes their job without hiring or we find a job post has violated our Terms of Service.

~ Nikola
Community Member

Thanks for your help!


Its a welcoming community and platform.

My name is Rufaro and I'm also brand new.

I like data analysis.


I need help in 2 areas.

1. Can someone kindly check my profile and see if it is easy to follow and clear enough to attract relevant projects.

2. I have been trying to figure out some mechanism on this platform for interacting with prospective clients or to learn about some of their problems in data analysis and handling.

Kindly give me the links.  


Many thanks for your time.

Hi Rufaro,


Thank you for your message! I reviewed your profile and have some suggestions:

  • The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
  • Your profile overview is short compared to the average. Upwork’s research shows clients see it as a positive signal if the profile is well written and comprehensive. Consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about. Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools.

Here are some additional tips for writing a great Title and Overview.


As for interacting with prospective clients, there is not a way for a freelancer to initiate contact with a client prior to submitting a proposal.


I hope this helps!


Hi Mike,

I really appreciate you taking the time to review my profile. Your comments and suggestions have been very helpful.

Many thanks 


Kind Regards


Hello Mike,


I've applied to nearly 74 jobs in the past 2 months and have been hired by 2 clients and interviewed by 3 other clients ( but didn't win jobs).

I'm always improvising my proposal according to the clients's project and provide relevant samples in the proposals.

Could you please correct me where am I going wrong?


Hi Narayan,

Thank you for your message.  Your profile overview is short compared to the average. Upwork’s research shows clients see it as a positive signal if the profile is well written and comprehensive. Therefore, consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. 

  • The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
  • Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. 
  • Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about. 
  • Be clear on your expertise and mention specialized software or tools. 
  • If appropriate, let your personality shine through (include some excitement), and show your qualities and praise the work you do, instead of focusing on yourself.
  • Other examples of information you can include are past accomplishments and projects, preferred working style, and your business’ values (e.g. I believe in strong communications or thorough upfront planning), industries or lines of businesses you have worked in before, and the types of clients you have worked with before (start-ups, solo entrepreneurs, large businesses, etc.)


I am new to hear in Upwork. Please review my profile, and tell me my profile is good or not good. I am confused about my profile. Please solve the problem now. I am waiting for your reply. Thank you.

Hi Pronob,


I provided you feedback here earlier today.

Community Member

Hi Mike,


I have an urgent question regarding an interview test that I've received from an Upwork plus client, this interview test was sent by email from the client, I need a guidance for the process since I am new.

Thanks a lot for your quite response.

Best regards.

Hi Nabil,


Could you please reach out to me via PM (click on my name) with the client's name or the job title? Thank you.

~ Goran

Hi Goran,


Yes it's done, meet you there, thanks a  lot.


Hello, Upwork


I'm still struggling on Upwork spent all of my connects now feeling hopeless even can not apply for new jobs and I feel like Upwork do not support new freelancers like other platforms don't understand what should I do now.



Community Member

Hi Mike

Thank you for the tips!  I am just starting out and would like feedback on my profile.  I have both administrative assistant skills and would like to work remotely using those skills.  I also have experience proofreading, something that I am interested in doing more of. Is combining both skills into one profile too much?  I definitely need to work on my proposals so I’ll check out the links listed.

Thank you.


Hi Gail,


It's not uncommon to have multiple skills. Fortunately, we offer Specialized Profiles which allows you to create up to three different profile overviews. As such, you could create one for administrative assistant work and another for proofreading. 


I reviewed your profile and have some suggestions:

  • In your Titile, avoid generic descriptions, such as “hard-working” or “reliable”. You can touch on these points in your Overview.
  • The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise.
  • Consider crafting your overview as a pitch to prospective clients. Help clients understand your abilities better by listing information about your skills and experience in an original and creative way. Focus on how you can help clients achieve their goals. For example, expand on who you are, the services you offer, and what you’re most passionate about.
  • Other examples of information you can include are past accomplishments and projects, preferred working style, and your business’ values (e.g. I believe in strong communications or thorough upfront planning), industries or lines of businesses you have worked in before, and the types of clients you have worked with before (start-ups, solo entrepreneurs, large businesses, etc.).

I also curated a short list of articles that I think you'll find helpful:

If you do decide to build out two specialized profiles, don't hesitate to ask for feedback on those as well, if you'd like.


I hope this helps!


Hi Mike-


I added a specialized profile. Do I need to redo my Admin profile to Administrative Assistant work only?  I have many questions - can I work one on one with someone for guidance in creating this?  Do I post a job on Upwork to do so?



Hi Gail,


The general (default profile) will be labeled "All Work" and will be a general introduction to the services you offer. Then you have your specialized profiles that focus on specific skills. So, yes, I would suggest creating a second specialized profile for admin support work. Also, don't forget to click "Publish" on your specialized profile once you have it how you want it (though it can be edited at any time).


While you certainly can create a client account and hire someone to assist you, the Community has a wealth of information. If you don't find the answers you're looking for when searching, don't hesitate to make a post asking for help or suggestions. We have a dedicated team as well as numerous freelancers who are ready and excited to help!




As a new user of Upwork, I often post articles on the forum and thank you that for new members they are very helpful.

The theme treated here is interesting.

I also have a profile with different skills, Architecture & Brand Design Identity.
I am a professional who has been doing both for years but here I doubt that perhaps it is one of the reasons why I still do not have any "interview" for about 30 proposals I made in a month. All proposals are written seriously on the work offered, and prices in the lower part.

By now I have also made an offer for the first three jobs that I will do, but I wonder if, in the long run, it is better to keep two profiles that do not belong to the same main supply chain.

Hi Elis,


Thank you for your message. It's ultimately up to you if you want to continue to offer both services on Upwork, but you're using the Specialized Profiles correctly. I do have a couple of suggestions for improvement of your profile


The beginning of your profile overview displays in prospective client search results and it’s your first 200-character pitch. So, your first sentence should include clear, relevant information about your primary skill sets and expertise. To give a clear impression you’re the person the client wants to talk to, here are some additional tips for writing a great Overview.


I'd also suggest you check out these articles:

I hope this helps!


Thank you for your time and advice!


Community Member

Hi Mike,


Can you please check my profile? My profile hasnt been discovered for a single time.  


Where I have to be more accurate?


Requesting your kind feedback.






Hi Imad,


Thank you for your message! I reviewed your profile and have some suggestions:

  • Consider adding details about the types of projects you've completed to your profile Overview. You don't provide any real concrete examples of your experience.
  • In the same vein, I suggest adding samples of your work to the portfolio. Ensure you have the client's permission.
  • Your written English skills are strong and you are easy to understand. However, I did see a few minor errors. If you'd like to add extra polish, you might want to consider using Grammarly (from Grammarly.com). I use this myself and really like it because it's free and it offers a Chrome add-on so it works in webmail, messages, proposals, and more.

I also suggest you check out this short list of articles I curated just for you:

I hope this helps!


Thanks a lot Mike.
Community Member



I am new to this platform. Although I have joined upwork 4 years before but started working on it now. Could you please review my profile? I have no idea how to get an order. I am reading all tips. Hopefully i can get soon.


Thank you.

Hi Fouzia,

Your profile is off to a great start. You did a good job outlining your services in the beginning of the Overview. This is important as this is the text that shows in search results. I provided a couple of suggestions below:

  • Consider updating your Title to be descriptive about the services you offer rather than trying to list every skill you have.
  • Your written English skills are strong and you are easy to understand. However, I did see a few minor errors. If you'd like to add extra polish, you might want to consider using Grammarly (from Grammarly.com). I use this myself and really like it because it's free and it offers a Chrome add-on so it works in webmail, messages, proposals, and more.

Here are some articles that I think might be of interest to you:

I hope this helps!


Hello, Thank you for your tips. I will definitely work on it.
Community Member

Hi Mike! 


Thank you for the valuable insight! I'm a new member to Upwork and i'm currently trying to do my research before i start submitting proposals. 


Would you be available to assist further in anyway? if so, feel free to contact me privately. 


Thank you. 

Hi Tia,


I will send you a private message.

Community Member

Mike you made my life easy I am newbie and I need to know all the things, thanks man

Community Member

Hi Mike,

I've been on upwork for a little while now, and have gone through the steps you have outlined in your post.  I'm sure that my concerns are not new, but I am a little confused as to how to get traction.  I routinely submit proposals (almost daily) and have updated my terms to remain competitive.  Yet I fail to get invites, my profile is never viewed, and my proposals go unanswered.  While I don't expect that every thing I submit would be accepted, I do find it interesting that my success ratte for some time has been a big zero.  I'm wondering if there is something I'm doing wrong?

Hi Grant,


I responded to your private message with some feedback on your profile. It's important to understand that competition is fierce on Upwork. It is common to submit a great number of proposals. The average varies widely based upon a number of factors and tends to decrease as a freelancer earns experience (both because the experience is showcased and because you learn over time which projects to pick and which approaches work best). You are currently doing better than the average!


I did review your proposals and have some suggestions.

  • Your cover letters are very short. Considering expanding them to include information on your background and related experiences.
  • Add a salutation or greeting to the client and thank the client for taking the time to review your proposal. This demonstrates professionalism and courtesy.

I also noticed you have a large number of contracts where feedback was not given. I would suggest asking your clients to close contracts, rather than closing them yourself, so that they are required to leave feedback. This will give prospective clients more confidence in your abilities.


I hope this helps!

Community Member

Hello sir, I need your support. Could you please assist me?

Greetings Bijaya,

How are you doing?


Yes sure, feel free.

What can I do to assist?


KInd Regards


Please feel free to reach me via private message.



Hi Bijaya,


Thank you for your message. How may I assist you?

Community Member

could you tell me how i can upload my illustrations onto my computer 

thank you

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