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Tips to create my portfolio.

Hi, I'm new to upwork and I'm building my portfolio, but many projects I've worked on (on other platforms) are confidential, so I can't capture or share too much information about them in my portfolio, what can I do in this case? 
Community Member


Welcome to Upwork! It's great to see you working on building your portfolio. I completely understand your situation regarding confidential projects from other platforms. While you can't share specific details, there are a few strategies you can consider to showcase your skills and experience effectively:

  1. Anonymized Samples: Create anonymized versions of your work that highlight your skills without revealing sensitive information. Change names, specifics, or data points while still demonstrating your capabilities.

  2. Case Studies: Develop detailed case studies that outline the challenges, solutions, and outcomes of your confidential projects without divulging specific project details. This showcases your problem-solving abilities.

  3. Skill-Based Projects: If your confidential work covers various skills, consider creating individual projects that showcase those skills. For instance, if you've done confidential writing, create sample articles or pieces that exemplify your writing style.

  4. Personal Projects: If you can create similar projects that are not confidential, they can serve as strong portfolio pieces. This could involve recreating scenarios that demonstrate your skills and expertise.

  5. Client Testimonials: While you can't share details of the project, you might be able to include anonymous client testimonials that highlight your professionalism, expertise, and the impact you made.

  6. Non-Confidential Elements: If there are parts of the projects that are not confidential, such as graphics, code snippets, or design elements, you can include those to give a glimpse of your work.

  7. Focus on Skills: Emphasize your skills and expertise in your profile description. Highlight the types of projects you've worked on without divulging specifics.

Remember, clients often value seeing the quality of your work and your problem-solving abilities more than the exact details of past projects. Crafting a well-rounded portfolio that showcases your capabilities will make a positive impression.

Best regards,

Community Member

Hi Upwork fam!

Please review my profile: https://www.upwork.com/freelancers/~0163a2fa88a6773300

I can't wait to read your feedback!

Thanks a ton in advance!



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