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UPWORK and New Freelancers

Upwork should seriously start thinking about freelancers as well, especially the new ones. Upwork should offer some sort of benefit to the client if they hire someone new or should offer connects to the freelancers at discounted rates. It is very disappointing when a new freelancer is trying hard, investing, giving his/her time and not gaining any benefit. The upwork community can not grow as a platform if the new freelancers are ignored.

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With regard to connection theory, they actually need to make some significant adjustments. When a person receives their projects, connects ought to be taken away. New bees are not receiving calls for interviews, to start. They do not become eligible for that when they do receive one. It costs too much to connect. 

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Upwork should accamodate or facillitate the new Freelancers in getting the small projects, so that it increase their interest as well as increasing trusting themselves.

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Your concern is understandable, and it's a sentiment shared by many new freelancers. Building a freelance career on platforms like Upwork can be challenging, especially when you're just starting. Upwork has made efforts to provide resources and support for new freelancers, but there's always room for improvement. Here are a few points to consider:

  1. Upwork's Learning Resources:

    • Upwork offers learning resources, webinars, and articles through the Upwork Community and Upwork Help Center to help freelancers improve their skills, understand the platform, and enhance their profiles.
  2. Connects System:

    • Upwork's Connects system has been designed to encourage freelancers to submit proposals for jobs they are genuinely interested in and qualified for. While it may require an initial investment, it helps maintain a quality marketplace.
  3. Specialized Profiles:

    • Upwork allows freelancers to create specialized profiles to showcase their expertise in different areas. This can help freelancers stand out in their specific niches.
  4. Client Reviews:

    • Positive client reviews are crucial for new freelancers. Encourage clients to provide feedback after successfully completing projects to build a strong profile.
  5. Consideration for New Freelancers:

    • Upwork does periodically run programs and promotions to support new freelancers, such as offering free Connects or other incentives. Keep an eye on announcements and take advantage of such opportunities.
  6. Community Engagement:

    • Active participation in the Upwork Community can provide valuable insights and support from experienced freelancers. Learning from others' experiences can be beneficial for newcomers.

It's always helpful for platforms like Upwork to listen to user feedback and adapt their policies to better support their community. If you have specific suggestions or concerns, consider sharing them directly with Upwork through their feedback channels or community forums. Upwork often takes user input into consideration when making updates to the platform.

Community Member

For me connects cost too much, but Upwork also return or give award connects when you got interviewed to a job you applied & for a job you are hired. But for me it's cost too much.

Job posting need to improve and more awareness of the scam postings and clients.

Being new in Upwork is really hard because of many competition and there are alot of freelancers that more experienced with us, and have reputation here. But I think being skilled building your profile researching and learning about more on the platform helps new freelancer.

You have to have a skills first, don't go to Upwork without any skills or anything you can offer to a client that they would need you because you can't make it if you don't have one of those.

I am new here, since September 2023. I am grateful that in my 1/5 months I've already taken 19 jobs already but it was a hard work. I spent hundreds of connects, sending many proposal till I got my first job since then I never stopped, with so many no's and no replies with my proposal I still grind and grind.

Don't give up! 

wow. well done for your perserverance. I guess they want you to look at the fact you finally got many jobs and now you're experienced. Hopefully though, you get your initisal investment back and have built client relationships.

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