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Worried about feedback. take time to read.

So I have a client, He sent me a proposal to edit 2 websites however, he gave unclear instructions. 

I got confuse because by the time he tell me what he wants all files that I need is not yet prepared and he cannot elaboratively explain. I even offer to call him but he didn't respond to that. (I offered it for me to be able to understand him more and communicate well)

He created first task on first milestone which is

*Transfer site 1 to site 2 server

*Remove elements in their website and changes it to video.

Now to the project he told me to transfer site 1 to site 2 server. Which I did, 

For the video, their production is still working on it. It seem fine because I submitted my work for payment, It got accepted.


Earlier this morning, He is suing me because what I did is not right. Well it is all based on what he says.

He told me that his assistant(He is not an agency this must probably be a Violation against terms and services and privacy of upwork)accepted my milestone without reviewing it. I offered to call so that I can understand clearly but he seems not interested to voice call. What he wants changes time to time and I applied to him for a position of Marketing Assistant , and this is where I landed. Web Developer. Now my problem is I am worried about the feedback he will be giving as I want to build clean reputation here on upwork. What can I do? Will I be allowed to take of negative feedback from him as his name is not defined on the contract and I applied for a position of Marketing Virtual Assistant. He even have assistant when he is not even part of an agency. Please I need assistance.

Community Member

The client can (of course) have an assistant. No violation of the terms of service.

What do you mean "he is sueing you?"


The contract is still open?

Has any money been paid?

Is it fixed price or hourly?

Is the client disputing or requesting a refund?



The contract is still open, He had paid me already. Fixed price. No refund requested I am just worried about the feedback I might receive

Lester B wrote:

The contract is still open, He had paid me already. Fixed price. No refund requested I am just worried about the feedback I might receive

So what do you mean that the client "is  suing you" ?


What is actually happening?

What I meant to say he is having doubts because of why did I submit my work for payment when It is not clear yet. He gave unclear instructions. I offer voice call to understand and thats its. by that I am worried about the feedback I might receive. Sorry for wrong statement. 

Lester B wrote:

What I meant to say he is having doubts because of why did I submit my work for payment when It is not clear yet. He gave unclear instructions. I offer voice call to understand and thats its. by that I am worried about the feedback I might receive. Sorry for wrong statement. 

Don't worry too much about it. One bad feedback is not the end of the world.

Your mistake was accepting an offer where you were unclear on the deliverables. Now you know to never do that again, lesson learned, move on. 

Okay, he was unclear to his instructions. refuse to have a voice call with me though I take initiative but still this happens

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