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hide a chat

there's one chat that I'm stuck with and can hide it, neither on the website nor on the app. the usual 3 dots that should appear next to the name don't appear anymore, any ideas?


Hi Charbel,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Could you please clear your cache and cookies or log in with another browser? 


If the issue persists please share a screenshot from your end so that we can assist you accordingly.

~ Nikola
Community Member

I cleared the cache, cookies and nothing happened!!! i signed to a different browser and still stuck with the chat... i used to hover next to the name and three dots appear with the option to HIDE, now it just disappeared!!!

i attached a screenshot

**edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Charbel, 

It appears that this is the only Message Room you have in your Upwork Messages. I'll check if this is by design, and our team will come back here once we have information. 

~ Avery

Hi Charbel, 

The team has confirmed that this experience is by design. We are slowly rolling out a new version of Upwork Messages, and once you're part of the experience, you will be able to hide all Message Rooms. 

~ Avery
Community Member

is this a new design? Because I never had this issue before!!!! I always HIDE a chat when i finish from the contract

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