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bad job


I assigned a job and the freelancer also delivered something, but unfortunately it was everything he should have done. Unfortunately the payment has already been approved.

The support offered can't help and I don't know how I can request the money back.

Can someone help me please?

Community Member

Hi Tobia,


I took a closer look at the contract and confirmed that you reviewed and approved the work submitted by your talent. We encourage clients to release funds only when the work submitted is complete and satisfactory. Releasing funds from escrow (including by not responding for 14 days) is consent to pay the freelancer or agency for their work.


If you release funds before work is submitted, or before you are satisfied with it, you cannot dispute the payment through Upwork. If you aren’t satisfied with the work, request changes instead of approving the milestone. I hope this clarifies.


~ Arjay
Community Member

First and foremost, the work looked good, but unfortunately it turned out that it didn't work. How can I dispute it? What's the point if I request changes and he doesn't make them?

Community Member


First and foremost, the work looked good, but unfortunately it turned out that it didn't work. How can I dispute it? What's the point if I request changes and he doesn't make them?

So you didn't check thoroughly, accepted and then you want money back? Ooookay 😂

Also, if you accept the work and pay for it, you cannot request changes for free. This requires additional payment. And obviously some more thought put into whatever project you have.

Community Member

That is exactly the reason why no one uses the portal anymore and why it is rated so poorly. It does exactly what it's rated for. Using UPwork was a mistake and I will certainly never repeat it.

The error only appeared after several tests and it turned out that the reulatate was being manipulated.

You are encouraging the sale of intentionally bad work.

Community Member

Welcome Tobia, the portal is popular and takes care of security but as a solution for your project I invite you to ask the freelancer to review the delivered work and make it works or refund money for you.

Community Member

I tried that, but it's not possible as described. Since I don't have any options in the menu to select "Request a refund"




Community Member

Hi Tobia,


We understand how you want this situation with a talent sorted out. I’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket to give this the attention it deserves. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.


~ Arjay
Community Member

Tobia: Upwork is not a Walmart where you can take stuff back and get refund.  Don't hide behind unsatisfactory or didn't work crap.  Upwork doesn't RELEASE MONEY UNLESS YOU APPROVE IT.  Now who knows who is telling the truth here.  May be the stuff didn't work or may you just making the excuse the get FREE work.

That may be true, but I can prove that he didn't deliver everything. The freelancer can’t do that. Unfortunately, this is not looked at here, unlike other portals like fiverr etc. That is also the reason why the portal is only rated 3.0 on Google and accordingly it will never get better. Because I and everyone else won't be using it anymore.

This is precisely why freelancers avoid platforms like Fiverr. You had up to 13 days to review the project before approval.
This freelancer worked and delivered the project, and YOU approved the delivery. How can you turn around and say you want a refund? You should've reviewed it properly before approval. 
If it worked for some time, and you saw a bug later, then you can pay a small fee for revisions so that the freelancer can correct it.
Please put yourself in his shoes. Imagine clients are allowed to just demand a refund after work has been approved? There would be no freelancers willing to waste their time because that is fraudulent.

Community Member

But, but Tobia you approved and released the funds

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