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My profile

Hello to everyone ? I'm Gwebayanga Nimrod, an inspirational writer from Africa, is a remarkable figure in the literary world. Born and raised in a culturally rich African community, my writing reflects the diverse experiences, struggles, and triumphs of the African people. Through his powerful words, he has become a source of inspiration for many aspiring writers and readers alike. My writing style is characterized by its vivid imagery, evocative language, and profound storytelling. He has a unique ability to capture the essence of African life, portraying the beauty of its landscapes, the richness of its traditions, and the resilience of its people. His works often delve into themes of identity, social justice, and the human condition, resonating deeply with readers from all walks of life.

One of my greatest strengths lies in his ability to shed light on the untold stories and marginalized voices within society. He fearlessly tackles issues such as inequality, discrimination, and the legacy of colonialism, challenging readers to confront uncomfortable truths and envision a more inclusive future. Through his writing, Nimrod encourages dialogue, empathy, and understanding, fostering a sense of unity and shared humanity.

Nimrod's impact extends beyond his literary achievements. He actively engages with his community, organizing workshops, mentoring aspiring writers, and advocating for the importance of literature in education. His dedication to nurturing talent and promoting African voices has earned him widespread respect and admiration.

As an inspirational writer, I influence reaches far beyond the borders of Africa. His works have been translated into multiple languages, allowing readers from around the world to appreciate the depth and beauty of African literature. Through his storytelling, he challenges stereotypes, breaks down barriers, and fosters a greater appreciation for the diversity of human experiences.

In conclusion, I stands as an inspirational writer from Africa, using his words to uplift, educate, and empower. His ability to capture the essence of African life, address social issues, and promote inclusivity has made him a beacon of inspiration for aspiring writers and readers alike. Nimrod's legacy will continue to shape the literary landscape, reminding us of the power of storytelling to bring about positive change.

Community Member

In case you don't know, this is not where you have to present your achievements, but in your profile.
Furthermore, the text is a mess of words. Created with AI? Is what it seems.
I've looked at your profile and it's the same, but luckily much shorter.
Your profile says that you are super experienced, that you have written for important people and that, as you say here, your writings have been translated into many languages. Well, where is the evidence? You don't have anything in your portfolio and it should be full, right? How do you want clients to know if your work fits what they are looking for? How do you want them to know if you're real or not?
You don't have a photo either.

so what should i write in m profile if i don't have experience

We can't see your profile because it is set to private.
What do you mean you have no experience?

I'm sorry you couldn't access my information. I think I've fixed it, but
feel free to reach me at **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Tammy Scott
**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Tammy Scott

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can you see my profile and can you told me because im rewrite profile many time but many client doen't reply my proposal 

and i don't have experience in translation really

what should i do have job fast

can you see my profile and can you told me because im rewrite profile many time but many client doen't reply my proposal 

and i don't have experience in translation really

what should i do have job fast

Screenshot (32).pngScreenshot (33).pngScreenshot (34).pngScreenshot (35).png

Good morning,

You are clearly skipping over a number of expected conventions. When you
type without using proper capitalisation, grammar, punctuation, and voice,
you make clients think they will not get the product they are looking for
from you, and they will move on to others.

Get some help resolving those, and try again.