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What is Your Favorite AI Tool?

What are your favorite artificial intelligence tools and why?

140 REPLIES 140
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There are lots of AI tools I try, favourite tool is chat gpt.



Do you use the free 3.5 or paid 4.0 version?

I use version GPT 3.5.

The paid version of ChatGPT costs $20 per month and includes a much better LLM, DALL-E 3, data analysis, and GPTs. It's the BEST investment any freelancer will make this year.



Chatgpt, CopyAI



I don't use CopyAI.


What does it do that ChatGPT or Gemini don't?

I was trying to used chat gpt , but sometimes only.i want most AI video  but its not free.is there any free AI video?



OpenAI just upgraded for free ChatGPT 4o which has all types of new features.

Visla: AI Video Creation and Editing for Business  this tool is best for video creation 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Are you looking forward to Sora?

my favorite AI tools is a mother board.
the memory and the program

It's great!

I'm using paid 4 version now, hehe

Canva is my favorite AI tool. Its easy to use.

Do you use ChatGPT also?

Community Member

I try chatGPT, Forefront and recently Google Bard to print code. It is also possible to use chatGPT 4 for free on Google Bard.

Using ChatGPT and GitHub, what percentage typically of the code is the generative AI able to write?

It is not possible to get the entire code at once, but it is possible to get it step by step when the requests are explained in detail.
I usually use it to save time when I am unsure of how to write the code or when I need to prepare a project section that will take a long time to write.

Going step by step what percentage of the code can be produced with the AI tools you are using?

Community Member

I also have been using ChatGPT but i explain each step and that helps immensely for printing the code.



You are using ChatGPT for coding?

Yes I use chartgpt for coding but not all the time

What percentage of your coding has ChatGPT performed?


Do you save 50% of your time now or?

Actually it save development time by using Chatgpt


But it require 10x time to solve bug due to Chatgpt  than developers made

I do. Especially for debugging

How much time do the tools save with debugging which of course is a big part of programming?

Community Member

My favorite AI tools are, Humata, You.ai, and Chat gpt, and looking for others who can help me with the duty.


My favorite AI too l which it has helped me to solve many of my technical
problems related to my project,it has also help me to improve my skills in
different ways and field work.



Which tool do you like and did it solve programming issues?

My favorite tool is chartgpt which it has helped me to solve many problems

Have you tried ChatGPT Teams?


It's my favorite.




Do you use the free or paid version of ChatGPT?



Humata or You.ai?



What are Humata and You.ai used for?

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I've primarily been using OpenAI and Mid-Journey, but so tools lately get 20-30 minutes of my time before I move onto the next one.  Last week I was messing around with https://www.freepik.com/pikaso a lot - It's one of those "Whoa that just happened" moments when you interact with the default stuff, let alone you start drawing your own scene.

Many of the music apps in general have blown me away, I can't think of one off the top of my head, but the ability for them to just spit out what could be award winning stuff in 30 seconds.  I've created entire songs for my daughter that involve her name, things she likes, her stuffed animals. It's so easy, yet sounds amazing at the same time.



I viewed an AI generated music video on Youtube and agree it was incredible.


Quite scary that the music was so good the quality could be addictive within six months. Not sure what to think about that.


My go to is the paid version of ChatGPT. Unless something changes soon, it will become THE AI tool.


Rumor has it that version 4.5 is coming out this month. Guess we will see.

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I am currently a prompt engineer at Bard so i would say Bard 😄