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Question about Salary

I am supposed to be getting my salary this week Wednesday, and I recently joined an agency here in Upwork. I don't see the "Get Paid" option on my Profile anymore. Would I still get my paycheck directly on my bank account?


Hi Brea,


The payment from the client under your Freelancer profile will be received on your freelancer profile. Once the funds are availeble you will be able to withdraw them directly via your payment method. Thank you.

~ Goran

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Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Brea,


I would recomend to reach out to your agency owner about this and communicate further. All payments from contracts under the agency will be sent to the agency. 
To learn more about this, check out this Help Article. Thank you.

~ Goran



I just want to clarify that my salary is gonna come from my previous client before I even joined the agency. So technically, they are not affiliated or whatsoever with my previous project. Would I still receive the pay on my bank account? Or will it come through agency's payment still?

Hi Brea,


The payment from the client under your Freelancer profile will be received on your freelancer profile. Once the funds are availeble you will be able to withdraw them directly via your payment method. Thank you.

~ Goran



I still don't have an option to withdraw funds. I am expecting my pay today and I still haven't received it on my payment method under my Freelancer profile. (Please see attached image) 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Brea,


I checked and it looks like you already created a support ticket regarding the problem you are having. I'll follow up with the team handling your case and you can expect an update very soon.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi Aleksandar, 


Yes, I created a ticket. I'm not sure but it looks like the ticket was closed. Well, the problem I am experiencing is, I recently joined an agency and I understand that since I'm part of an agency now, all of my future earnings will go directly to them and payment will be between me and the agency I am under. 


This is the situation, I finished a one-time project before I joined the agency. Technically, I worked as an individual and the agency does not have anything to do with the project. I am under the impression that I would receive my payment on my freelancer profile on my payment method since I did the job as an individual freelancer. 


Thank you.



Hi Brea,


I checked your account and I can see that you have followed up on your ticket. Rest assured, our team will update your ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran
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