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We are here for you- COVID-19 Update

In troubling and uncertain times like these, we find more meaning than ever in our company mission, which is to create economic opportunities so that people have better lives. It is through this lens that we are responding to the current COVID-19 crisis.


There is no higher value than the well-being of our team members, our customers, and our global community. Upwork is monitoring the COVID-19 situation closely and taking the necessary precautions to ensure the safety of our team members, while proactively driving business continuity plans to ensure that we continue to deliver for our customers. 


To ensure the safety of our team members as well as our business continuity, we’ve moved from a hybrid to a fully remote model. Upwork was built on a strong distributed team model, with the majority of our 1,700 team members already working remotely from their home offices in more than 800 cities before this crisis. Those who regularly work in one of our three corporate offices have shifted to working remotely as well. 


As Upwork’s CEO, I’m very aware that self-employed individuals and small-business entrepreneurs often face heightened risks in economic downturns. Upwork is committed to supporting you through this trying time, and we are working hard to ensure that clients know that your skills and talent may be exactly the thing they need to get through the current crisis. 


We have received some questions about Upwork’s approach and want to keep all our customers equally informed, so in addition to sending out emails, we are sharing information here in the Community forums on the steps we are taking and the ways we can help you.


The ways we are all connected have never been clearer, and Upwork remains committed to helping all our community members however we can. In particular, we are working to:


  1. Help you maintain business continuity. We are working hard with our clients around the world to ensure that their changing business needs are translating into work opportunities for all of you—particularly in this time when the need for work done remotely is at an all-time high. We are investing in developing new job pipelines for you so that you can find meaningful work opportunities on our platform even as this crisis unfolds. We are also helping our clients successfully adapt to remote work.

  2. Support freelancers in a time of need. We are a Founding Partner of the Freelancers Relief Fund, established this week by the Freelancers Union to assist independent workers in the United States who are experiencing financial hardship as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. For more information, visit here.

  3. Facilitate your earnings from non-Upwork clients. We are testing a program that gives you the ability to leverage our escrow services and directly invoice your non-Upwork clients. We are here to help you get paid at a time when prior solutions such as cash and checks may not be viable. If you are interested, please sign up here.

  4. Accelerate receipt of payments. We have heard from many of you a heightened desire to expedite payments from your Upwork clients. We have established an internal task force that is working on how we might do this, and we will keep you posted on these efforts here in the forums.


Our team is working around the clock to develop new resources for our customers and community, and we will continue to share more as the situation evolves. In the meantime, our thoughts continue to be with each of you during this challenging time. Please stay safe, stay healthy, and stay connected—and let us know how we can help.




Hayden Brown

President and CEO, Upwork

173 REPLIES 173

many freelancers in my country are working here on upwork, we are also paying service fee.

Im hoping that upwork will have way to help freelancers live in other country

Community Member

Any ETA on getting us our payments more quickly?

Community Member



I hope that the Upwork service fee will be lowered just this time during COVID crisis.

Community Member

Hello Hayden and everyone in this community,


I want to know if any of you know a mechanism to speed up pays and how much would it cost me. I won't lie, I would've like to receive them faster and not 5 days later, especially during this situation, and at no cost (for obvious reasons). But I don't want to sound unfair, also noticing that I don't know how the payment process usually flows and why does it take that much time. 


Any guidance is appreciated. 


Best regards,





Hi Aquiles,


We understand your concern around reducing the security period for your withdrawals. We currently have established an internal task force that is working on how we might do this, and we will keep you posted on these efforts.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

For US folks ...


There is some solid info about PUI in this thread


Community Member

It will be super nice if you can waive or decrease that 20% fee for new projects; it's tough to find work right now as many clients are affected.  There are many freelancers whose works have been paused because of this pandemic thing.  We're not asking for some sort of humanitarian relief, just this... for now? Fingers crossed.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Marissa,


Thanks for sharing your concerns. We don’t plan to adjust fees. Upwork fees help to cover the costs of acquiring new clients and providing services like payment protection, customer support, and platform infrastructure. We'll continue to monitor developments with COVID-19 closely and notify our customers if there are any changes. Stay safe!

~ Goran

Of course not; every other freelancer, even those in small economies, will have to pay to support the freelancers in the USA. How can you write something like this with pride?

Hi Ludovic,


Thanks for reaching out. We value all the independent professionals around the world that use Upwork. Unfortunately, the fund run by Freelancers Union is only able to offer grants within the United States. 


We are working with clients around the world to ensure that their changing business needs are translating into work opportunities for all. We are investing in developing new job pipelines to help independent professionals like you find meaningful work opportunities on our platform even as this crisis unfolds.

~ Vladimir

Excellent tone deaf corporate reply. Then have the fees you charge on American freelancers fund the help you’re so proud of. I keep working on my country and did not ask for lower taxes here so I can support those who can’t work, but I’m not too keen on the idea of having to chip in to help the workers of the richest country in the world. What a mess. Trying to look like saviors on the backs of others.

To UPWORK **edited for Community Guidelines** my brother just died because of this virus and you are saying im not professional fact is adobe and squarspace support their community and this are companies that will last the crisis and YOU DONT

I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, Miles. This pandemic affects us all in every way, and I understand how this can be a difficult time for you as well as other freelancers and clients in our Community. 

Please know that the safety and well-being of the Upwork community is our number one priority. At the moment, we aren't aware of any plans to make changes to Connects or offer free ones. We also don’t plan to adjust fees. Upwork fees help to cover the costs of acquiring new clients and providing services like payment protection, customer support, and platform infrastructure. We hope you understand.


We'll continue to monitor developments with COVID-19 closely and notify our customers if there are any changes. 


Stay safe, Miles. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help regarding your Upwork account, or if you have further concerns.

~ Avery
Community Member

Quite rich that you have workers from around the world and our work contributes to the relief fund you mention, yet only American freelancers get to access it. The rest keep supporting one of the biggest economies of the world and a private initiative on our backs. Meanwhile, you take more than 200$ from me even in a bad month for a contract that you never had to intervene. And, when you do have to intervene, there's nothing much you do besides provide wrong information and empty promises of investigation. That's a lot of money in € for nothing, which I could use to pay taxes in my country during this difficult time. Fantastic double standards,

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


Serious question. Why do you continue to use a platform you obviously feel is doing you wrong? If I am unhappy with a company’s policies or service, I go elsewhere. This question goes out to all of those complaining that Upwork is unfair. I genuinely want to know why you continue to use it if all you do is complain about it. I believe the answer would be because it affords you opportunities you can’t find elsewhere but I could be wrong so I am requesting insight. What is Upwork doing right that causes you to continue to use it although you obviously aren’t satisfied with it?

Catherine M wrote:

Serious question. Why do you continue to use a platform you obviously feel is doing you wrong? If I am unhappy with a company’s policies or service, I go elsewhere. This question goes out to all of those complaining that Upwork is unfair.

Since this crisis started I've changed the pharmacy, the grocery store ... wherever I see greed or unfairness during this time, I will no longer use those services.


Being a Founding Partner of the US Freelancers Relief Fund on a global community isn't a smart move. I see very few people who comment on it, I didnt want either ... but surely many are boilling inside them. Who knows, long term, how this will change the players in this type of business.


There was an Elance-Odesk earnings report posted sometime in 2014. There were $941M+ freelancer earnings ... 1st in the top was India with $300M+, second the USA with $300M+ ... and some $300M earning generated by the rest of the world. If you take India + the rest of the world that's $600M+ vs $300M+ in the US. I suppose the trend is similar nowadays.


In 2014, Elance-Odesk didn't have a strict freelancer verification process. The $300M+ generated by US freelancers probably included also earnings from freelancers who misrepresented their location.

The safety and well-being of the Upwork community is our number one priority.

Is Upwork community represented only by the US freelancers?


I think it would have served better Upwork if they had a campaign that served the entire "Uwork community".  The people could have had the option to select what country they want to donate to, and either funding freelancers or funding for providing donations to hospitals for example.


I hope that at least they will be offering some donations to charity organisations in other countries, at least to India. Elance, Odesk and Upwork owe it to India ... and to the rest of the world.

Hi Claudia,


Thank you for the thoughtful response although I am not sure it answered my question. I asked why people still use Upwork if they feel it's doing them wrong or is "greedy". Your response, though, did offer a more detailed mindset of those that may feel slighted.


Sometimes, I feel like those who complain target U.S. freelancers too much and not focus on the fact that Upwork is a U.S. company. Being in the United States, it may be easier for Upwork to navigate the laws and policies within this country more so than in other countries. Upwork has said that it is trying to work with other countries to offer support. It doesn't guarantee that anything will come of it. 


I often feel the Upwork community is pitted against one another which is unfortunate. I wonder what would happen if Upwork ever decided to create separate websites for U.S. freelancers and everyone else since it seems that we are the target of ridicule all of the time.

Catherine M wrote:

I asked why people still use Upwork if they feel it's doing them wrong or is "greedy". Your response, though, did offer a more detailed mindset of those that may feel slighted.


Sometimes, I feel like those who complain target U.S. freelancers too much and not focus on the fact that Upwork is a U.S. company. Being in the United States, it may be easier for Upwork to navigate the laws and policies within this country more so than in other countries. Upwork has said that it is trying to work with other countries to offer support. It doesn't guarantee that anything will come of it. 


I often feel the Upwork community is pitted against one another which is unfortunate. I wonder what would happen if Upwork ever decided to create separate websites for U.S. freelancers and everyone else since it seems that we are the target of ridicule all of the time.

I don't think there are many people that come here in the forums and brag about their leaving, they just move on.

Where did Upwork say they are trying to work with other countries to offer support?


"it may be easier for Upwork to navigate the laws and policies within this country more so than in other countries" ... whatever, it's no rocket science to donate to Red Crosses.

I wouldn't expect Upwork to offer support on an "individual" case. It would be overwhelming if not impossible to offer help in the same manner to other countries because there are many categories in a vulnerable situation regardless the existence of a pandemic or not.

"I often feel the Upwork community is pitted against one another which is unfortunate. "

Ummmm, if that happens, what could cause that .... a fund relief like the one Upwork founded could be a reason. Upwork is a U.S. company with a global community.

The U.S. clients already have the option to post a job that only US freelancers can apply to. If the client already has a preference and knows exactly what he wants I think that is good he has this option.

Claudia Z wrote:

Catherine M wrote:

I asked why people still use Upwork if they feel it's doing them wrong or is "greedy". Your response, though, did offer a more detailed mindset of those that may feel slighted.


Sometimes, I feel like those who complain target U.S. freelancers too much and not focus on the fact that Upwork is a U.S. company. Being in the United States, it may be easier for Upwork to navigate the laws and policies within this country more so than in other countries. Upwork has said that it is trying to work with other countries to offer support. It doesn't guarantee that anything will come of it. 


I often feel the Upwork community is pitted against one another which is unfortunate. I wonder what would happen if Upwork ever decided to create separate websites for U.S. freelancers and everyone else since it seems that we are the target of ridicule all of the time.

I don't think there are many people that come here in the forums and brag about their leaving, they just move on.


Point taken.

Where did Upwork say they are trying to work with other countries to offer support?


It was either in this thread or another.  I can't remember. Too many threads on this topic.


"it may be easier for Upwork to navigate the laws and policies within this country more so than in other countries" ... whatever, it's no rocket science to donate to Red Crosses.


Yes, but if they donated to the Red Cross, it can be done anonymously. Another thing, other are looking for direct relief. There would be complaints that the money should have been given directly to the freelancer. It doesn't take rocket science to see that scenario playing out.

I wouldn't expect Upwork to offer support on an "individual" case. It would be overwhelming if not impossible to offer help in the same manner to other countries because there are many categories in a vulnerable situation regardless the existence of a pandemic or not.

"I often feel the Upwork community is pitted against one another which is unfortunate. "

Ummmm, if that happens, what could cause that .... a fund relief like the one Upwork founded could be a reason. Upwork is a U.S. company with a global community.

The U.S. clients already have the option to post a job that only US freelancers can apply to. If the client already has a preference and knows exactly what he wants I think that is good he has this option.


Yes, but that option is still housed on the global platform. My comment referred to what would happen if they created an entirely separate platform for U.S. workers since the U.S. freelancer seems to be the scapegoat for several things that don't go right on Upwork. Oh I know, we would probably still be targeted and  there would be the accusation that all the good jobs are on the U.S. platform.


Thanks again for the  dialogue. Peace.


Catherine M wrote:

Yes, but that option is still housed on the global platform. My comment referred to what would happen if they created an entirely separate platform for U.S. workers since the U.S. freelancer seems to be the scapegoat for several things that don't go right on Upwork. Oh I know, we would probably still be targeted and  there would be the accusation that all the good jobs are on the U.S. platform.

Why do you insist that the US freelancers have a blame, are targeted or are accused of something? You are manipulating the conversation to make something else out of it. I was talking about Upwork's actions. 


Point is that Upwork's communication goes like "We are here for you ... we've created a Relief Fund for the U.S. freelancers" .... and for the rest of the platform we've got plenty of empty words of compassion.


It doesn't make sense to open a micro website for a market that is proven to generate less then 30% off your entire operations, and that is interconnected to your other 70%, unless you create a bridge to allow either side to switch between global and local.... it just doesn't make sense. Maybe only if Upwork starts acting like a recruiter for on-site/local independent contractors, that is another story.

This reading is kind of surprising and I think you're doing a biased interpretation of what I said. I never stated that Upwork is not beneficial for me.

I pay taxes as a freelancer in my country. The state gave me the chance to parcel my monthly contributions to help during the crisis. I said no because I make enough money and I can contribute to social welfare, as there are others in my country that can't work and the state needs any possible contribution to help those in most need.

Upwork works differently. Many from poorer communities and countries have asked in this thread if there will be any reductions on the fees or helps. Your gurus said "No" while the main post stated that the company will contribute to freelancers of a specific country.

" If I am unhappy with a company’s policies or service, I go elsewhere" the FRF from the Freelancer's Union was announced in March 2020. I've been a freelancer since 2015. What is this bait of a question? Why would I stop the good relations I have with my clients for something that was announced weeks ago, to which Upwork had no prior history with? Where in my agreement did it ever say "Your contributions will help the FRF, the exclusively american fund to help american freelancers"? This is not a previously announced measure that I could consider when signing up with this service.

This is a neoliberal talking point. "Well, if you don't like your job, why don't you get another one?"

"What is Upwork doing right that causes you to continue to use it although you obviously aren’t satisfied with it?"

Catherine, because even European companies are trying to make a profit by exploiting a loophole Upwork gave them, which allows them to work with European workers and enjoy the instability of currency while stripping workers from their rights. People that have rents to pay and families to feed, meaning that workers with responsibilities have to submit to certain things so they can make ends meet. The European work culture has shifted dramatically since the last crisis and workers had to adapt to companies wanting to restrict worker's rights. This has been a serious problem in Portugal since the "recibos verdes" reform was created.

 Let me repeat this: I never stated that Upwork was not beneficial for me. I keep working as I did before and I would not need access to any relief fund right now. However, my principles might be different from yours, being raised in a social-democratic country, where everyone contributes and help funds first reach those in urgent need. In Upwork's case, this act shows quite a different principle: the company takes from a global community to donate to a fund that aids exclusively freelancers in America. How many in the Freelancers Union really do work with Upwork?

Also, Working Today INC (the organization behind the FRF) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Charity contributions to companies with this status are tax-deductible. The justification that it's easy for Upwork to act on american society because it's an american company is pretty lame. Contributing exclusively to the FRF is just a tax benefit for Upwork while acting globally would really be a philanthropic act. This is no charity, this is creative accounting. Upwork is a listed company, so there are people to please. I recognize I might be wrong, though, as american fiscal policy is not my expertise.

Let me end this rant by saying that I'm not looking for benefits myself and my observations were in favour of those in real need. I'm not opposing help to the Freelancer's Union. I'm saying that this help needs to be extended to be fair. As it stands, it's quite the opposite.

Catherine, Ludovic and others,


A few posts have been removed from this thread. Please, be mindful of the Community Guidelines, respectful toward other Community members and their opinions and refrain from making personal attacks in your posts.


Thank you.

~ Valeria

I like 2% fee after 20k earning, i think it's fair and not many people reach that amount so i think it won't hurt upwork to do that new fee

Community Member

Hi Hayden, Thanks for the COVID-19 crisis Update. This is the World Economy Problem and we will get rid of this crisis soon. 




Community Member



I would suggest reconsidering the connect policy. It would be great to have free connects during this crisis period. 

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