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Edit Your Reviews?

I made a typo in the review and it read "fat" instead of "fast" 


can I edit this?



Community Member

You have no button that will allow you to edit a review. The other party in the contract has a button that she can press which will allow you to make a one-time edit.

Community Member

Hi John,


Feel free to share this help article with your freelancer to help them enable you to change your feedback.

~ Valeria

Hello, I am seeking some community or upwork assistance re editing reviews which are a Must to be edited, and when contacting the other party is NOT an option.


There are 2 freelancers I have hired where I hurried to give 5 star reviews based on what appeared to be good work.  However in both cases the process involved the "after job". 

the Vanishing Attorney

this is an attorney I hired via upwork located in Eastern Europe who would file some crucial corporate documents for a company I managed in his location.... where payment was due after the succesful filing.  I was happy  initially, as he sent me the proof that he "filed" and our communication had been positive.  5 stars were awarded, he was active, easy going and seemed knowledgeble.  However, a few weeks after, it was found out  that the documents were either incomplete or wrongly filed.    I have tried to reach this attorney ever since in different ways, via upwork, phone, direct mail.  He seems to have been very busy with lots of work after my 5 star review, however my work is not done and due to this, I have incurrent penalities and difficulties in this foreign land.    I would like to at least take off my review or do "something" about it, as I have been  damaged by his lack of responsibility, silence and lack of professional conduit.   

The Lost in Translation Accountant

I hired an accountant  who seemed to have filed some very easy corporate taxes for one of the newer companies I manage. Not much to be done, I assumed an easy task.    All went ok, I paid her upon "filing".  Gave her the decent reviews.  A few days after I hear that the IRS file came back, and the accountant was not able to tell me why;  she alternatively asked me to personally call and see what happened.  Instead, I hired a new accountant on upwork who made the call, resent the documents and spent time to do a good job with follow up.  I was not able to make changes to my review to the initial accountant, she deserved in fact no stars.


I beleive that upwork is a great service, and when the job is straight forward and the end result could easily be assesed, the model works well.  However, as in the cases above, where the quality can only be assessed afterwards, the upwork system is not covering the potential liability towards a client.     

I am hoping you could advise me regarding my options for these 2 cases, especially the attorney, whose vanishing act  has been extremely damaging financially.   thank you 

Community Manager
Community Manager

I'm sorry to hear about your experience, Anna. I understand your situation, but the system unfortunately doesn't have a way of editing reviews other than what Valeria has noted above. I will send this as a suggestion to the team so that it can hopefully be considered in the future but would recommend closing contracts and leaving feedback once everything all related tasks of the contracts has been reviewed, and was used with no issues on your end. 

~ Avery
Community Member

please add the option to edit reviews. i had a dev release an app to me and the payment was due. i paid and rated but unfortunately he did not release the source code and now i have a half-dead app that i cannot modify because he is blackmailing me for 400 USD bonus.  i still have a case open against him but i really need to change the review and warn people against him.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Naem, 

I'm sorry to confirm that this feature is not available on your end. Your freelancer will need to enable you to edit your feedback before you can update the feedback you left for the freelancer. In the future, I would recommend closing contracts and leaving feedback once all related tasks of the contract has been reviewed, and was used with no issues on your end. 

~ Avery
Community Member

I'm the client and having a similar situation where the freelancer was not honest and managed to submit work not as required. I paid him even a bonus as a courtesy and with good faith. It turned out that he misinformed me and wasn't honest in delivering the files needed. I need to change my positive review and warn the UpWork community from his deceitful tactics.

Please assist
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Shraim,


I'm sorry to hear you had a bad experience with this freelancer. It's recommended to close the contract only once all the work agreed for that contract is delivered and reviewed by the client. That way both the client and freelancer can provide their honest feedback on the closed contract.


Feedback cannot be disputed and the Upwork team can't edit it unless it violates Upwork TOS. That said, the client and the freelancer can communicate to sort out any issues amicably. You can also request your freelancer to enable you to edit your public feedback, you can find the instructions on how to do this here.




Community Member

Thanks for your email.
However, what being suggested here is totally not helpful!
When there is a case of deceit and ill faith, there is no way both parties
reach an amicable solution. I'm very disappointed to see that UpWork do not
care about this recurring issue that hurts clients and enables bad
freelancers. UpWork should step in at least and be able to look into such
claims, if the claims are correct and there is something wrong, UpWork
should terminate the wrong party from the template. As a client, I need to
have a way to submit complaints or disputes if needed. Giving me the right
to change my own review should be a given right, not something controlled
by someone else!
UpWork can fix this issue instead of letting your clients down each time
they are subjected to bad freelancers.
BTY, I couldn't terminate a contract that has no pending milestone
because the system is designed in a way that requires my review of the
freelancer immediately once I terminate the contract. Either I terminate it
and make a review or it cannot be terminated!

I'm very disappointed by this, and will be considering taking my business
somewhere else if my issues are not resolved.

are: "I couldn't terminate a contract that has no pending milestone
because the system is designed in a way that requires my review of the
freelancer immediately once I terminate the contract. Either I terminate it
and make a review or it cannot be terminated!"


If you want to end a contract, you should end the contact. Don't let the review requirement stop you. If you don't want to write a review, you don't have to. You can leave the text field blank.

Thanks for the comments.

I just tried ending a contract but the system requires I complete the "Private Review" in order to do so (not only the reason for ending it, which is understandably ok). There is noway I can terminate it without making such reviews. 


Hi Shraim,


I`m sorry for the inconvenience this has caused you. Just to clarify, by design when a contract is closed both parties can provide feedback for each other for 14 days. If no feedback is provided in this time frame, you will not be able to leave feedback unless the freelancers has enabled you to change it from their end.


Could you also please confirm if you would like to open a dispute on your contract? If yes, please reach out to me via PM (click on my name) with more details about the contract so that I can assist you further.

Also, thank you for your feedback I will share it with our product managers.


~ Goran

Yes. I'd like to open a dispute. Couldn't figure out how to reach out to
you via (PM)!.

Hi Shraim,


I just sent you a "test" PM that you can open by clicking on the envelope icon at the top right corner. Feel free to share the contract ID with more details about the contract and I will assist you further. Thank you.

~ Goran

May I ask why this has been designed to be so rigid? I too have had a similar experience to Avery. A rush to get a review in, only to be left with not all deliverables being met, and a job that is now 6 weeks past the proposed due date. It's important that others are protected. I was left feeling confident the job would be completed prior to leaving my review. It has essentially been abandoned, and I am in a bind as a result of it. The least I should be able to do is adjust the review, based on my experience.

Justin S wrote:

 The least I should be able to do is adjust the review, based on my experience.

The best you can hope for is to have it removed (the feedback you left).

You can only change your feedback if the freelancer allows it, and they clearly won't.


Justin S wrote:

May I ask why this has been designed to be so rigid?

Because otherwise there would be no point in having a double-blind system...

Hey guys, I am probably not going to stand down on this one, as I am having a horrible experience with your platform and a Developer who pretty much took my compensation, requested a review and abandoned the project. I am 2 months past the deliverable date, have tried pursuing the Developer,  he dropped messages saying the tasks would be complete on this date and that date, and continued to not deliver. It has cost me quite a bit of money, and my in-house Developer is suggesting we try to band-aid what he did and start over the job. I am thousands invested. I tried contacting Upwork support.  No response.

I am new to Upwork. But is the platform pro-freelancer with little or less protection for the agency? That's the kind of vibe I am getting here.

Hi Justin,

I'm sorry to hear about your experience. I can see you were able to submit a support ticket with our team regarding this. Please allow some time for our team to review and they will be able to advise you directly via ticket about the next steps you can take.



Upwork is not pro-freelancer.

It is overwhelmingly pro-client. As it should be.


But Upwork does not provide free project management.


You do not have a freelancer problem.


You have a project management problem.


Your project can't is too complex to succeed without project management. But you did nprovide project management.


I truly am sorry for the disappointment that you feel. But these are software engineering principles that Upwork no control over.

Hey Preston,


You're speaking 'confidently' about a scenario you don't have any personal, hands-on experience with. And every scenario differs.


Clear milestones and deliverables were provided with consistent communication, screenshots, videos throughout the entire process. 


I should not be in this position at all, based on the communication I had with the Developer.


In what ways is Upwork a pro-client solution?
"Upwork does not provide free project management." As opposed to what? Paid management?




re: "Clear milestones and deliverables were provided with consistent communication, screenshots, videos throughout the entire process."


But you did not succeed in achieving your goals, and you seem to think that this is Upwork's fault or the freelancer's fault.


It is not.


It is the project manager's responsibility to ensure that the project succeeds, that it remains on budget, and is completed on time.


Why didn't your project manager assign tasks to freelancers on the team who delivered quality work on time?


I know you are disappointed. But this isn't a freelancer issue. This is a project management issue.


Got you. Next time I will add a potential flight overseas as part of Project Management when a Developer makes a decision to go unresponsive after being paid.


Noone has passed blame on Upwork. My question 100% legit based on the experience I had. We don't have to discuss this anymore. You're not helping


Knowledge is power.


The more that clients know about how to succeed, the better off they will be.


A freelancer may become unresponsive or become unavailable at any time. An effective client or project manager plans for this.

re: ""Upwork does not provide free project management." As opposed to what? Paid management?"


Upwork allows clients to find, hire, and pay freelancers.


Upwork doesn't provide project management.


But through Upwork you can hire project managers.

You can also use non-Upwork project managers to manage your Upwork clients.


What you can't do is hire freelancers to work on a complex project and assume that the project will succeed without project management.


Your situation is a prime example of this.


You did not achieve your goals.

Had you hired a qualified project manager, your project would have succeeded. A project manager would have fired people or sidelined people as necessary and hired additional freelancers as needed.

I agree with Petra on this point, and add that the system is good like this:


1. If someone is not sure about the quality of the work done, they can always leave the contract open until they are 100% satisfied.


2. If there is a typo, the other party can always agree to allow the change.


3. But leaving the review open at all times will only exaggerate the influence one party will have on the other. I'm speaking specifically for some clients, who have realized how important the rating is for freelancers, and use it as a blackmail point to continue to ask for free overwork, without a conscience.
I'm not saying that the contributors or clients of this post are one of them, I don't think so at all! But if you explore the other posts in the community, you'll be outraged to see how many freelancers suffer because of a dishonest client, or because of a scammer or a manipulator, who have understood the system very well, and don't hesitate to blackmail good workers to get them to do work for free, continuously, until they can't take it anymore, and abandon the platform.

I recently read a post from someone who couldn't get an interview for over a year because of simple feedback. Another who had to do 3 projects, without getting paid. etc, etc....


So to sum up, yes, sometimes we would like to have the ability to change a comment or two, but allowing it to everyone and continuously, will add a much more complex equation, put us all at risk, as it will mainly benefit the bad (dishonest) customers, which of course you don't want.

Personally, I think the system is fine as it is, speaking of feedback.

Community Member

I have a similar experience. The freelancer was supposed to complete my job in 30 days, but ended up stretching it beyond 1 year. After 3 months of doing the job, he begged me for reviews, which I gave him. Upwork asked if i wanted to allow him reference my job on upwork, which i declined, yet the freelancer posted my logo, the job and link on upwork. He is yet to complete the job after 1 year of appealing and following up. Right now, he no longer responds to my messages, declines or doesn't pick my calls. I don't know what to do. Please advise. I paid $1,600 for the job, now I'm stuck. App is not completed, I've made complete payment, freelancer no longer picks my calls

Hi Tony,


I'm sorry to hear about the bad experience you've had. Our team will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and will assist you further with your freelancer. Thank you.

~ Goran

Tony - I’m really sorry to hear about it. I lost a couple grand as a result of my experience. It’s not fun. I respect Upwork for trying to open a dispute between myself and the negligent Developer. And it’s sad to see how responsive he was after pursuing him for months with no returned message.

To make things worse. I have “community gurus” (not entirely sure what earns them that title) essentially saying it’s my fault, and that it’s poor project management - having no knowledge or experience with my case. So that just adds more frustration to this.

Upwork, in their attempt to better the situation, provided me with credit to use in the future. I respect their efforts.

My advice moving forward,..

1) don’t give the developers the benefit of the doubt. Unfortunately, integrity seems to be more rare these days. So protect yourself.

2) Take the reviews with a grain of salt. I reviewed the Developer prematurely based on request, both aware that the project was incomplete, and got “ghosted” after it was done.

I signed up for Upwork years ago but I’m brand new to using their platform and didn’t anticipate this experience happening at all. Super disappointed.

I hope you get your issue resolved with better luck than I had.

Best to you.

Community Member

I also accidentally click on submit even if I have not yet finish giving my feedback. Any other way to edit it or for me to continue my feedback?

Kate Michelle E wrote:

I also accidentally click on submit even if I have not yet finish giving my feedback. Any other way to edit it or for me to continue my feedback?

Only if the clients enables you to do so

re: "Next time I will add a potential flight overseas as part of Project Management when a Developer makes a decision to go unresponsive after being paid."


Nobody needs to book a flight.


There seems to be a misunderstanding here about how the system works.


If I buy a lunch at a diner, then I paid them for the lunch and I received the lunch.


If the diner then decides to become unresponsive, so what?
What if I go there the next day and they have shut down? So what?

I hired a freelancer and he delivered the files I hired him to create, and the I released payment to him. That is how the system is designed to work. What if he then becomes unresponsive? So what?

He worked for me. He gave me the work. I paid him. That's it. He is not obligated to work for me forever. I didn't buy him. I hired him to do a task, and he did that task.


Is the project done? No. There is more work to be done. I assign that work to members of my team who are available.


I don't rely on just one person to complete the entire project. That is not an effective way to handle a project of this size.

re: "In what ways is Upwork a pro-client solution?"


Upwork is overwhelmingly pro-client because it allows clients unlimited freedom to hire as many freelancers as they want to, from around the world, with the click of a button.


There are no minimum wage requirements.

There are no employment-style requirements to provide benefits, sick leave, health care, etc.


And best of all, clients have unlimited freedom to fire freelancers. For any reason. Or for no reason at all. Without any need to provide advance notice. Or severance pay.


It is an awesome platform for clients.


The number one mistake I see clients making is not knowing how much power they have.


Especially when they fail to use their power to fire freelancers.


In the Forum, we can read about clients complaining about freelancers who are disrespectful or who are behind schedule or who do terrible work. Okay... why don't you just fire them? Or keep them on the team, but diminish your reliance on them by assigning work to other team members?


Honestly, I just find this behavior perplexing.

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