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How to refund from paid milestone


i hired a freelancer to visit a fair in Atlanta and paid her $200 as the travel cost on a milestone.

but finally she didn't go to the fair and she is scammer.

how can i get money back as she ignored my refund request,no response at all.



Community Member

Hi Suguang,


I have checked and it looks like the freelancer has disputed your refund request. Kindly expect a notification from us by email and you can either accept or reject their response. I can also see that you've reached out to us with your concern and a support ticket has been set up. I highly suggest you continue communicating through that support ticket or your email so that the team can assist you more efficiently. We seek your patience and utmost understanding while sorting this out for you. Thank you!


~ Arjay
Community Member

Hi Arjay,


thanks for your reply. yes, what i can see is the stage 2 milestone $475 is on dispute, i am just worry the stage 1 milestone which i have paid $200 to her, i request refund but she ignore. if i can open dispute for this too?



Hi Suguang,


I'd like to confirm that the mediation team is already handling this case. Please allow them time to review and update you directly on the same ticket to assist you further. 

~ Joanne
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