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I can't send an offer.

I have an issues when I send an offer on Upwork. When I try to hire a freelancer it shows me "An error has occurred. Please try again later" I am not sure why. Please let me know why it happend and how to fix. Thanks.


Hi Yaz,


Thank you for your message. I am sorry to hear about the error while sending an offer. I'll have one of our customer support agents reach out to you directly and assist you further.


Thank you


Community Member

Hi Pradeep,


I have the same problem when trying to send an offer. The following error is showned:

There was an error loading this page: error [6f4bf34efa699401-PDX, 6f4bf34efa699401-PDX]. Contact Upwork Support for more information


Can you please help?


Thank you, 


Hi Eduard,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. A Customer Support Team member has reached out to you through this support ticket to assist you further with your concern.

~ Luiggi
Community Member

When I try to send an invitation to a certain freelancer, an error message says that the "freelancer is unable to accept invitations at this time."  She has no idea what that means and believes that it is on my side.

Hi Mark,


Thank you for your message. One of our team members will reach out to you via ticket as soon as possible and assist you further.


Thank you.


Community Member

I am also experiencing same error. Whenever i try to hire a freelancer it gives me an error saying that there's an error. Please could you look into it. Thanks 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Nouman,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ AJ
Community Member

having exactly the same errors, very often. Upwork starts to become useless.

Hi Alexandru,


Thank you for your message. Could you please try again after clearing Cookies and Cache on your browser? You can also try using a different browser. Feel free to message us if problems persist.


Thank you,




I have the same issue, I am trying to contact a company but I constantly get the same error: Couldn't send the message. Please try again later.

I have cleared the Cookies and Cache on my browser, I have also switched from Google to Mozilla but I still get the same error. 

Any help? 

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Krsto,


I've shared your report with the appropriate team and raised a support ticket to give it the attention it deserves. Kindly expect an update from the team on this page with further assistance once your case is fully reviewed.


~ Arjay

Agree with Pardeep H: I thinks its may be due to your browser problem.


Community Member

I'm not a client, yet I have the same problem (as do other freelancers): 

We do not get the same amount of invites, as we previously did. 

For me, the cutoff point was the beginning of August, but others have experienced the same problem since July. 

The good news is: I have recently started getting invites again, so Upwork must have come up with a fix. 

It would be an exaggeration to say, that the platform is useless, it's good! 

And, even though there are issues, they are being worked on and fixed.

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