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I left feedback as private. Can I change my feedback to public?

I hired a freelancer, and I left feedback as private. Can I change my feedback to public?

I have looked around everywhere but I do not see any button associated with feedback.  

I have looked at "All Contracts" > clicked on the project > clicked on the 3 dots > but no link to feedback.  

The contract ID is: 37680696.


Can anyone help me?


Hi Takayuki,


I checked and it looks like you've already successfully submitted feedback for the freelancer. Once the freelancer receives payment, it should be reflected in their public profile. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Joanne, Ok, thanks.   So the feedback will be shown after freelancer receives payment.  After that, will "edit feedback" button option also show on my side?   Currently I do not have the option to change feedback.

Takayuki, this option is unavailable to you by design. Only the freelancer can enable you to edit the feedback you left, and only public feedback can be edited.  You may share this help article with the freelancer for more information on how they can enable this option. 

~ Luiggi


 Only the freelancer can enable you to edit the feedback you left, and only public feedback can be edited.  

what if someone does click on wrong number by a misclick where it ask 
"How likely do you recommed this freelancer"  
as someone might click by mistake while scrolling for example and doesn't realise it. 

It is final. FLs score will be dropped. It is uneditable.

You can remove this feedback with Toprated perk, but this ability will be removed from september. No other ways.

Community Member

Upwork doesn't let you change private feedback to public after it's submitted. Once feedback is marked as private, it stays hidden from the public and can't be edited or made public again.


Best Wishes Zulqarnain Ansari (Zain)
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