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Way too many people are applying to jobs using ChatGPT

It's crazy how hard it is right now to find good candidates. I've posted a job and I've been receiving dozens of new applications per hour and I can clearly see that the vast majority is simply ChatGPT generated text.

It's a waste of my time to be evaluating BS candidates.

I don't know how upwork should prevent this but I think there should be a way for us clients to flag these candidates.




The experts are vetted - it's called Expert-Vetted. View my Profile and see.

William T C wrote:



The experts are vetted - it's called Expert-Vetted. View my Profile and see.

William, not all experts are expert-vetted.  It is by invite only and not available in all categories.  So I'm not sure what you are suggesting, or what that has to do with vetting freelancers at the gate. 


This is what I'm talking about; whenever someone asserts that raising connects is the only anwser to what's going on here, they just gloss over the real issue like it doesn't exist.  So, again, what will raising connects accomplish that vetting won't? 



Both are needed and both exist.


Freelancers need to focus on obtaining expert in-demand Skills and these issues become a non-issue.

William T C wrote:



Both are needed and both exist.

William, 1% of the freelancers are expert-vetted; that leaves 99% unvetted.  So, I ask again, what will raising connects do that vetting the remaining 99% won't?

Upwork isn't going to have any choice but to move in the direction of supplying expert in-demand Skills that are difficult to locate anywhere else.


Within a few years 80% to 90% of the jobs on this site will have changed and if the freelancers don't Upskill there will be little work for them.


The focus for Upwork should be on Expert Vetting a few more freelancers that will be using this site a few years from now. In my opinion, the majority of freelancers will be gone in a few years due to lack of job postings that match their skills. Artificial Intelligence is completely changing the game.

William, fair enough.  Expert vetting is a much more strategic long-term approach than increasing connects because increased connects is predatory at best, prioritizes money over skills, and would just raise the bar for the compromised mindset; but expert vetting nails it going forward no matter how you look at it.

Interesting perspective from both William and Anna but I think I am more aligned to Anna since I see no value in Williams approach. 

Upwork, cannot place nearly as high as Toptal, because the experience is completely different.
Expert Vetted means nothing in upwork more than Top Rated or Top Rated Plus.
Williams initial idea suggesting raising the cost of connects is amusing because when I apply for jobs, I see the top 4 people on minimum average between 50 and 60 connects for a $50 job.
Upwork does nothing about spammers - This is the true problem.
Here are large cohorts of freelancers who simply go on the idealogy if I apply for 1000 jobs, I should land 1.
These guys are spending large amount of connects and upwork is simply increasing the channels where these freelancers can simply waste away their connects faster but it hasn't stopped any spamming.

With regards to Upwork Expert Vetted, its only available for a few freelancers and let us think of it like this
The novelty now is that if you are upwork expert vetted you are part of the top 1% of Upwork right?

So William, how do you remarket this when you have now expert vetted 50% of the freelancers and 25% turnout to be "expert vetted"?
Do you realign and say upwork expert vetted is part of the top 25%? Client then figures, previous expert vetted was 1% of the population and now it is top 25% it loses that selling point right?

The best way for upwork to dodge this is simply by weeding out freelancers that disrupt the experience of clients.

In my client hat, it is pathetic how many boosted applications come with ChatGpt scripts.
I am not against chat gpt because it can speed up efficiency, but if 40 out of 50 proposals are written by chat gpt then I might as well ask chat gpt to do my project for me as it will be more cost effective.



The KEY is to offer expert in-demand Skills that clients can't easily obtain anywhere else.

Community Member

I get it......But funny enough me that don't use ChatGPT I can't get view, not talk more of getting hired.

Is well😊


Community Member

What I found funny in this thread is that a client came to complain, and freelancers took over the thread doing the same thing. If the freelancers are complaining too, who then is committing this heinous crime of using ChatGPT? Of course, I am new to Upwork, and I have completed  only one order. But I think it doesn't sound right to me that a freelancer is thinking that Upwork should shut down their business model because more people are adopting it and generating more income for them.


There is what everyone - freelancers and clients can do to solve this problem.

To the clients, chose anyone and call for a 1:1 meeting with them. During the interview or meeting, yoou would know if he/she would deliver or not. I personally like to invite clients to my inbox instead of attaching the samples of my previous jobs. However, I also noticed that most clients don't like it. They prefer people attaching samples even if such samples were generated by ChatGPT.


Now to the freelancers, whether you are an expert or not, instead of complaining about the high bids from incompetent freelancers, you too should also boost your original and unique proposal.


I am sorry if my contribution here offends you. My siblings don't like how I judge issues as well. Lol.



Community Member

Chinasa O wrote:

What I found funny in this thread is that a client came to complain, and freelancers took over the thread doing the same thing. If the freelancers are complaining too, who then is committing this heinous crime of using ChatGPT? Of course, I am new to Upwork, and I have completed  only one order. But I think it doesn't sound right to me that a freelancer is thinking that Upwork should shut down their business model because more people are adopting it and generating more income for them.


There is what everyone - freelancers and clients can do to solve this problem.

To the clients, chose anyone and call for a 1:1 meeting with them. During the interview or meeting, yoou would know if he/she would deliver or not. I personally like to invite clients to my inbox instead of attaching the samples of my previous jobs. However, I also noticed that most clients don't like it. They prefer people attaching samples even if such samples were generated by ChatGPT.


Now to the freelancers, whether you are an expert or not, instead of complaining about the high bids from incompetent freelancers, you too should also boost your original and unique proposal.


I am sorry if my contribution here offends you. My siblings don't like how I judge issues as well. Lol.



I will gladly disagree.

First off, it's not about who is "committing crime" because using ChatGPT is not a crime per se (although it should be, given how much of the intellectual content has been stolen to create this bot, without consent, without compensation to the original authors), it is people unable to think on their own that take over the platform because it is way too easy to generate "offer" for the client using artificial tools that "think" for them. If we do remove the human factor from just about any activity, then sure, go ahead. It won't last long until it collapses but some folks will "benefit" from this anyways, if only for a while. This seems to be modern model of "business" - use and abuse, get your pockets full and disappear. Frankly, I am old date human being, independent in my thinking, and I will not take part in it, nor do I approve it. That is why I am fully against ANY AND ALL usage of AI on this platform. If the client is unable to write properly and formulate their requirements, they should go back and learn how to do it because I will not deal with primitive mind, not able to communicate on their own. If the freelancer is unable to clearly and precisely state their ability to perform a task the client requires, they should go back and learn how to do it. UW embracing use of AI is making everyone loose EXCEPT for UW naturally. If applying for "jobs" is as easy as to ask ChatGPT about "professional" text and then throw some connects so the UW is fed with money, then there should be clearly stated in ToS - "This service is meant for AI and for AI only". Real people simply disappear in the crowd of unskilled, irrelevant, straight primitive bots that call themselves clients or freelancers.


Second, I stated this countless times - I will not fund people abusing me. Boosting proposal is predatory technique, against which many posted arguments, and valid ones, yet UW in their absolute disconnection from reality decided to implement it anyways. The health of the platform is lowest from the beginning when I joined, and I used to work when it was called oDesk and Elance. Feeding this monster is counter-intuitive for anyone able to think on their own but as I see, not many of those are left in the crowd of bots that plague the platform.


Third - I personally do not make video or phone calls. See, there are people that are extremely introvert and focused on the work, not chit-chat. I hate talking to people and I don't do it, keeping all communication via written messages. I am not going to change the way I work because that is the way I function in life overall.


No offense taken, as per your last statement. I just find it funny how people that have no idea about what is really going on under the sugar coat of lies that UW is selling to the new freelancers, try to find solution to the problem that has been given solution by many. Sadly, UW don't give a flying *** about logic so here we are, burried under bots.

Community Member

Chinasa O wrote:

instead of complaining about the high bids from incompetent freelancers, you too should also boost your original and unique proposal

My understanding is that the original complaint is related to a tsunami of high bids from bots and freelancers who open and close new accounts at the speed of light. The original intention may have been (amongst others) for freelancers to signal their interest in a job posting, but even my limited time on this platform made me I realize that this ain't working.

I fail to see how anyone can craft a "unique" proposal for a fairly complex project within minutes of its appearance on UW. But that is seemingly quite possible since 50+ proposals boosted to high heaven pop up in the time it takes me to make a cup of coffee. Had I been a client my reaction would be "Lord have mercy" NOT how wonderful it would be to wade through all this stuff and have 1:1 meetings with people in different time zones. 

Community Member

We must understand that Upwork is a market place. Everyone must devise a strategy to make sales.

Like in every marketplace, you either copy your competitor's marketing strategy or you develop your own strategy.


As a content strategist, part of what I do is to research what my client's competitors are doing, and devise a means to either replicate it or fine tune it. As a business owner, you must find what works and follow it.


Of course, as a freelancer, if you discover that your competitors are boosting their bids and its working for them, you don't tell them to stop doing what is working for them. It's like telling Fiverr not to advertise their company on Google because Upwork who is a competitor is already advertising. 


Boosting bids here is a form of advertisement. No one can tell anyone how much to spend on ads. I am only asking the freelancers who feel there are more qualified to get the jobs to also boost their gigs instead of complaining.


Now to the buyers, I am not saying you should reach out to everyone who has applied. But you must just check out some of the people who applied. Or better still, search for freelancers who have their gigs displayed and contact them instead of calling for bids.



Community Member

You should read tons of feedback posted already because you clearly don't understand what real issue is with UW pushing pay-to-win features. No one wins except for Upwork. Since you mentioned you're new here, you have a lot to learn and find out.

Community Member

Of course, I have read. And like you keep pointing out, "Upwork is not listening."  Freelancers are not also listening. Even the clients who keep hiring the boosted bids are not listening. Since no one is listening, what else?

Community Member

Excuse me but what I am supposed to listen to as a freelancer? Some kid in suit telling me I have to pay to get a chance for an interview? That's gambling. Gambling, my dear, is illegal in many countries. What am I supposed to listen to? Kids producing "offers" using AI that they don't even understand, don't have the slightest idea how much of intellectual content has been stolen so they can turn their "I do pics plz pay me" babbling into something that resembles human speech? That's the standard? Then sign me out from society entirely because I refuse to live among brainless robots.

I do listen to what makes sense. UW ToS make sense, I follow them. UW demanding more and more money, I listen to them BUT I am not bound to agree and I choose not to feed their pockets. What I don't support in any shape and form is creating more idiots than the Earth can accommodate, by using AI because that will just blow back. Humankind happily embraces newest "amazing, fantastic, so useful" tools but forgets to see a bit further and project consequences, we've seen it before. Sadly, imagination and critical thinking commited suicide long ago, seeing how many people defend something they should actually actively fight, for their own good. Unless you fully support humans turning into machines but then you're right, I am not listening.

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Olga P wrote:

"I do pics plz pay me" 

Brilliant! My week begins with a chuckle. 

Community Member

My week just began with this brilliant thing, we are doomed ☠️



Community Member

Chinasa O wrote:

What I found funny in this thread is that a client came to complain, and freelancers took over the thread doing the same thing. If the freelancers are complaining too, who then is committing this heinous crime of using ChatGPT

Idiots do. As both freelancer and a client on this platform I can say the problem was always there, with "will do everything for $3" proposals in broken English showing up at every job ad. ChatGPT exaggerated this issue massively, because (a) it takes seconds to generate a proposal now, no thinking/typing required, and (b) these proposals now look somewhat concise and coherent, so it's way harder to discard them immediately.


Community Member

Keep complaining to UpWork, my friend. That is the only way UpWork will know this is problem and direct their limited resources to address it. I imagine there is a way to pass proposals through filter to identify patterns that indicate AI authorship. Just a thought but appreciate your saying something. I know I speak for many legitimate freelancers here who deliver high-quality deliverables without using AI who appreciate you.

Jeremy Z wrote:

Keep complaining to UpWork, my friend. That is the only way UpWork will know this is problem and direct their limited resources to address it.

This is proven not effective. No matter the feedback and amount of it, they push things out of logic just because they can. If you talk to the deaf one, you're wasting your time.

Community Member

FYI: Expert Vetted only shows to Enterprise clients. Nobody sees it unless they are hiring for enterprise clients.

Community Member

Freelancer who take their time to draft up proposals with portfolios don't stand a chance, as ChatGPT would always be faster and it is a very big disadvantage for upcoming freelancers like me as most of my proposals would always end up below since many AI generated response proposals have taken the first few positions in few seconds and now those proposals even cost more connects, I am not getting hired, I am buying connects to stay active and send proposals and when I end up sending one, powerful people with AI generated proposal are already there with high bids and I end up loosing tons of connects. 
This is the one reason why I gave up on proposal sending since 3 months ago 😔😔

It's very unfair and discouraging 

Community Member

Look at profiles instead of reading bids. Profile history is real. 

Community Member

Hi, Guilherme,

I passed by and saw your post which is very interesting to me as a freelancer. May I know how to distinguish between an application by ChatGPT and a human-made one? 

Thanks and regards,


Community Member

It is very frustrating on the freelancer side as well. I spend time crafting a proposal but most of the proposals I submit are never viewed by the client I think currently ~ 10% get viewed. 

Community Member

I totally disagree with you.
You posted nice article.


Community Member

You raise a valid concern. While AI assistants can be helpful tools, it's problematic if they are used deceptively to generate disingenuous job applications. Here are a few thoughts on this issue based on what I found in my research:
Upwork has policies against fake profiles and spam applications. They advise flagging any candidates you suspect of AI-generated responses so their team can investigate. You may also want to include a short introductory essay or test in your postings to filter out low-effort submissions.
Some hiring platforms are exploring techniques like CAPTCHAs or writing samples to verify a human is applying. However, AI is improving rapidly so it's an ongoing challenge. As an employer, being selective upfront and knowing what to look for can help weed through large volumes of applications more efficiently.
**Edited for Community Guidelines**
**Edited for Community Guidelines**

If your service is hosted on Upwork, you gave a good advice but if not hosted on Upwork.


Don't you think that advertising your service which is outside of Upwork is unprofessional and unethical given that this place is a marketplace for both client and freelancers?


The first paragraph of your response is sound, but that aspect of selling your service which is not on Upwork is not supposed to be.

Community Member

Jeet P wrote:
Upwork has policies against fake profiles and spam applications. They advise flagging any candidates you suspect of AI-generated responses so their team can investigate.

This is not our job to provide safety on the platform, at least not in platform's current poor state where bots are fighting bots over bot job posts. UW is taking money from everyone and yet they refuse to actually fight scams and fakes. Proven many times, flagged job posts are here to stay forever so I stopped flagging. I am not paid to do their job.

Community Member

Yeah I hate it. It makes the VA sound comprehensive and hirable and then when tbey actually do a task they fail if they cant use chatgpt.


Also the writing chatgpt gives is very noticeable and it looks tackey.

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