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Why can't I download my .jpg file?

All other file types (.eps,.png,etc) dowload automatically when I click on the file name. However, all .jpg files just open in another window. My only option is to then right click and 'Save Image As.' This only gives me a very low res version of the file. I need to download the original file. How do I do that?


Community Member

When you point to the file name, you should be able to right-click and see a contextual popup menu that allows you to copy the link -- not the image, but the link. If you copy the link that the jpeg file listing refers to, it should be a link to the full-resolution jpeg file. You can put that link into a browser window to see the file that it refers to, and download that.


But I should stress that this is NOT an Upwork issue. There are myriad ways a freelancer could provide jpeg files to you... FTP, Dropbox, email, etc.



@Preston H wrote:

But I should stress that this is NOT an Upwork issue. There are myriad ways a freelancer could provide jpeg files to you... FTP, Dropbox, email, etc.

While, yes, there are better ways to share files, this absolutely IS an Upwork issue. Functionality for downloading files of different types through Messaging should be consistent, and it is not. The workaround is to use a better service, but the problem still remains that Upwork promises a certain level of functionality and does not deliver.

Anyone figure this one out? The pdf files download just fine, but can't download full resolution jpg.

Attempted to download directly into paint, but upwork does not grant permission to download from paint.

Can you help us understand why you want to use Upwork for this... when Upwork isn't working for you? Instead of using any of dozens of other tools that will work just fine?


Email, Dropbox, FTP, SFTP, USB flash drive, Google Drive, WeTransfer, iCloud, iDrive, Microsoft One Drive, Smash, Hightail, Terashre, Firefox Send, Surge Send, Icedrive, Send Anywhere, Box, DropSend, MediaFire, Wikisend, etc.

For client convenience. I ask client for info., and if they send .jpg I
must either take a low res screenshot or send them outside of upwork for
file transfer, typically as an email attachment.

Hi Steve,


Could you please confirm if .jpg files open in a new tab when you click on them? If so, you should be able to right-click on the image and select Save Image to download it.



Excellent, yes right clicking on the jpg opened in browser allowed me to save jpg to HD.

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