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So, today this happens.


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Petra R wrote:

Here is a very good article explaining why the whole idea of herd immunity in this context is insane. (written by a Harvard University professor who researches and teaches evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease- aka, someone who actually does know what he's talking about.)


When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire


That's essentially the scientific version of my amateur attempts at "that doesn't make sense, let's crunch some numbers" from yesterday.


There is possibly some hope on the horizon in form of a drug that has, according to what I've read, shown promising results and is already in the testing stages


Very well explained.
Simple and to the point.
It seems to me that what Britain is doing is creepy.
And listen to people that think it normal, much more.

Hopefully they come to their senses as soon as possible.

Maria T wrote:

It seems to me that what Britain is doing is creepy.

Hopefully they come to their senses as soon as possible.

The other "cute" part of the plan is that they intend to tell the elderly to self isolate "in the next few weeks", but when the health system becomes overburdened, call in retired health professionals (in other words, the very group that is most at risk if infected and needs to be as far away from infected people as possible, certainly NOT taking care of them.)


People need to look at Italy. Every country needs to look at Italy and calculate where on the trajectory they are and how long it will take their country to be where Italy is today.


Germany is where Italy was between the 6th and 7th of March. (minus the massive death rate)

The UK is where Italy was on the 29th of February. (minus the massive death rate)


Community Member

I live right outside NYC.  #ShutdownNYC is trending on Twitter and here's why:  


"Analysis strongly suggests that the NYC metro area has 5–10 days to quarantine the city or face dramatically overwhelmed hospitals, extremely high death rates, and a ruined economy. The outlook for NYC and COVID-19 is bleak. The policy response is far too slow and too weak to meet the needs of the moment.  The NYC region has approximately 400 cases reported as of Friday Mar 13. That number is obviously an underestimate. After accounting for undercounting of asymptomatic cases and failing to detect cases due to under testing, we estimate that between 1,281 and 2,280 people are infected as of yesterday.  


"The NYC region has between 1,200 and 3,000 open hospital beds. This analysis suggests that enough people will become infected by March 23 and March 25 that NYC’s hospitals will be fully at capacity approximately 7 days later. (Infected people who will become severely ill do not immediately need medical care upon being infected. There is approximately a 5–7 day incubation period. After which, most severe cases present to the hospital within 2–3 days.) NYC must implement more severe social distancing measures and fully shut down no later than a week from now in order to overwhelm this hospital system.  The governor and the mayor continue to allow the virus to spread at schools, subways, restaurants, cafes, and workplaces. This is the exact same approach Italy took at the beginning of its outbreak.


"After that fails here too, we will wind up with the Italian situation. Overflowing hospitals. Demand at two, three, five times the capacity of the hospitals’ ability to deliver care. What’s worse is that their capacity will decline as cases overflow. Their doctors and nurses will be exposed and have to be quarantined, reducing an already strained workforce. Soon after, chaos in the hospitals will lead to fear in the whole city. You will see reports of people dying in their apartments because there isn’t capacity for them in hospitals. This fear alone will shut down the city. The economy will be ruined and tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of New Yorkers will die this year. This could all start at the beginning of April, if we don’t act within the next 5–10 days.


"Shut down the city this week. Close everything but grocery stores, banks, and pharmacies. Convert schools into food distribution centers. Bring in the National Guard to provide essential services like food and augment police and emergency services. Issue checks to all New Yorkers for the length of the quarantine for at least $500 per person per month. Limit travel outside of the region. Slow the growth of the virus to a crawl immediately."


Full article:  https://medium.com/@donnellymjd/covid-19-new-york-will-be-the-next-italy-but-doesnt-have-to-be-54a5c...




Smiley Mad Without words!


Not sure many remember the UK TV series "Yes Minister / Yes Prime Minister"? 

(PS: Yes, this is a spoof, of course)

That was one of my absolute favourite TV series when it was on!


edited to add:


So. New numbers are out. 3,590 new cases with 368 new deaths in 24 hours.


Someone died from it in Italy every 4 minutes.




Community Member

Ironically I find the best, fact-based info about Italy here, from Petra.


In the U.S. we need to flatten the curve. It's as simple as that. People equate moves to flatten the curve with irrational panic... cancelling events starting with the NBA, and closing retail stores, etc. But nothing would be better than everyone taking two weeks away from work to see if we can avoid the spike that Italy and some other countries had.


Yes, it is a painful step to take, but logical. The lack of logic in the 21st century irritates me quite possibly more than anything else.

Community Member

"I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire"  


"Your house is on fire, and the people whom you have trusted with your care are not trying to put it out. Even though they knew it was coming, and could see what happened to the neighbours as they were overwhelmed with terrifying speed, the UK government has inexplicably chosen to encourage the flames, in the misguided notion that somehow they will be able to control them.


"When I first heard about this, I could not believe it. I research and teach the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health. My colleagues here in the US, even as they are reeling from the stumbling response of the Donald Trump administration to the crisis, assumed that reports of the UK policy were satire – an example of the wry humour for which the country is famed. But they are all too real."


Herd immunity: :  https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/mar/15/epidemiologist-britain-herd-immunity-coronavir...

Community Member

Lisa B wrote:

"I’m an epidemiologist. When I heard about Britain’s ‘herd immunity’ coronavirus plan, I thought it was satire"  


"When I first heard about this, I could not believe it. I research and teach the evolution and epidemiology of infectious disease at Harvard’s Chan School of Public Health. My colleagues here in the US, even as they are reeling from the stumbling response of the Donald Trump administration to the crisis, assumed that reports of the UK policy were satire – an example of the wry humour for which the country is famed. But they are all too real."

Yes, I posted about that a couple of hours ago. Excellent article and perfectly debunks that dangerous nonsense.

Community Member

I'm trolling old people on NextDoor today and it's cracking me up. They keep wishing "karma" on me that me and my family get bat flu. lol God I love uncensored Internets so much. Nextdoor is an untapped fountain of lulz.I've got like 40 boomers who want to kill me now. I won't die of beer virus, but I *will* die from some crazy old coot tracking me down and shooting me. lol


In other news, my neighbors came over yesterday and I was first world problem complaining that people bought out all the delicious toasty Cheez its cuz of stupid viruses and he went to the grocery store and bought me some and left them on  my doorstep. Neighborly love. They also offered me toilet paper but I don't need any.

Community Member

lol a rare find. The last person on earth who never heard about beer virus until today



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Sorry, I'm bored out of my mind and I'm triple posting like a nooob. But Ima do it anyway.


This might be of interest to people:



Jennifer M wrote:

Sorry, I'm bored out of my mind and I'm triple posting like a nooob. But Ima do it anyway.


This might be of interest to people:



LOL, yes you must be very bored!
Don't worry, it's JSS day, so in a short time we will be saturated with "my JSS fell"
Cheer up!

We've been told today that the situation in our area is the same as two weeks ago in Northern Italy.

Jennifer R wrote:
We've been told today that the situation in our area is the same as two weeks ago in Northern Italy.

Yes, Petra posted something about it.
How is everything in your area?

Meanwhile, I just read disturbing news about Trump attempting to offer big money to a German lab in order to develop a vaccine exclusively for the US.

And from this side of the world, yesterday we've got our first confirmed case in Wellington, an australian man decided it was a good idea to board on a flight to visit his son, while waiting for the result of the CV test to arrive, he found out that he was positive while having breakfast in a café...

Valerio S wrote:

Meanwhile, I just read disturbing news about Trump attempting to offer big money to a German lab in order to develop a vaccine exclusively for the US.

And from this side of the world, yesterday we've got our first confirmed case in Wellington, an australian man decided it was a good idea to board on a flight to visit his son, while waiting for the result of the CV test to arrive, he found out that he was positive while having breakfast in a café...

Wow! There are people who are not dumber because they don't train!
And this goes for Trump and for that man.

What it's like to be in quarantine in Italy right now:


If you leave the house, you must do so alone and have on you a self-certificate that explains why you left the house and where you are going and why. You may not go out with other people and if you meet people outside your home you must keep your distance.


You may go directly from your home to work if your work is still open and in the case that you  can not work from home. You may go (directly) to the pharmacy, the post office, the supermarket or the doctor. That's it. And return directly to your home again


The police WILL stop you and check if you are on a direct route between your home and where your self certificate says you are going.


You are in deep trouble if you are not on a direct route between your home and where you are going or where you are returning from. You my not visit friends or family unless there is a verifiable emergency.


For me personally, this is no change from what I've been doing since quite a while ago. (days are literally "quite a while" in this kind of situation.)  I absolutely self-isolated when the first local case was confirmed. (the day this thread was started) I have my own entrance, so I am as safe as I possibly could be. I have plenty of food and pet food and Amazon still deliver, although even Prime now takes 2 to 3 days. 


Community Member

Petra R wrote:

What it's like to be in quarantine in Italy right now:


If you leave the house, you must do so alone and have on you a self-certificate that explains why you left the house and where you are going and why. You may not go out with other people and if you meet people outside your home you must keep your distance.


You may go directly from your home to work if your work is still open and in the case that you  can not work from home. You may go (directly) to the pharmacy, the post office, the supermarket or the doctor. That's it. And return directly to your home again


The police WILL stop you and check if you are on a direct route between your home and where your self certificate says you are going.


You are in deep trouble if you are not on a direct route between your home and where you are going or where you are returning from. You my not visit friends or family unless there is a verifiable emergency.


For me personally, this is no change from what I've been doing since quite a while ago. (days are literally "quite a while" in this kind of situation.)  I absolutely self-isolated when the first local case was confirmed. (the day this thread was started) I have my own entrance, so I am as safe as I possibly could be. I have plenty of food and pet food and Amazon still deliver, although even Prime now takes 2 to 3 days. 


I'm glad you have your furry friends to give you love and comfort, Petra.

Petra R wrote:

What it's like to be in quarantine in Italy right now:


If you leave the house, you must do so alone and have on you a self-certificate that explains why you left the house and where you are going and why. You may not go out with other people and if you meet people outside your home you must keep your distance.


You may go directly from your home to work if your work is still open and in the case that you  can not work from home. You may go (directly) to the pharmacy, the post office, the supermarket or the doctor. That's it. And return directly to your home again


The police WILL stop you and check if you are on a direct route between your home and where your self certificate says you are going.


You are in deep trouble if you are not on a direct route between your home and where you are going or where you are returning from. You my not visit friends or family unless there is a verifiable emergency.


For me personally, this is no change from what I've been doing since quite a while ago. (days are literally "quite a while" in this kind of situation.)  I absolutely self-isolated when the first local case was confirmed. (the day this thread was started) I have my own entrance, so I am as safe as I possibly could be. I have plenty of food and pet food and Amazon still deliver, although even Prime now takes 2 to 3 days. 


Here it is basically the same, but without a permit, for now that I know of.
But, anyway, we are so few people that it is difficult to meet someone normally, so now, even less.
Today my partner has gone to the bush. As always, he has only seen, during the 10 kilometers, a tractor bringing food to the cows .

Although, I guess they'll ban us even that 😞

Jennifer R wrote:
We've been told today that the situation in our area is the same as two weeks ago in Northern Italy.

Yes, that's what people fail to understand. 


I've plotted the trajectory in Excel and then tried (and failed) to make a graph that's based on the days since a set number of confirmed cases for "my" three countries (Italy, Germany and the UK)


Essentially both the UK and Germany are following Italy. Numbers are indeed somewhat lower (partly due to Germany and UK not testing until people are REALLY ill), and the fatalities a lot lower, but they are running parallel. I started day one when the numbers were between 70 and 80. The green line is the UK, who is on day 12 and the red line is where Germany's at on day 17. 


The UK is 12 days behind Italy, and Germany a week.


It is literally a matter of time.




If anyone wants the spreadsheet I plotted the graph from, let me know and I'll send it. If anyone wants to teach me how to get three lines onto an excel graph, please pm me with idiot-proof instuctions (for excel on a Mac), it took me forever to figure out to create just one line.

Community Member

Jennifer M wrote:

I'm trolling old people on NextDoor today and it's cracking me up. They keep wishing "karma" on me that me and my family get bat flu. lol God I love uncensored Internets so much. Nextdoor is an untapped fountain of lulz.I've got like 40 boomers who want to kill me now. I won't die of beer virus, but I *will* die from some crazy old coot tracking me down and shooting me. lol


In other news, my neighbors came over yesterday and I was first world problem complaining that people bought out all the delicious toasty Cheez its cuz of stupid viruses and he went to the grocery store and bought me some and left them on  my doorstep. Neighborly love. They also offered me toilet paper but I don't need any.

Jen ... I hope you remember that you have a lot of "boomer" friends on these here forums. So lulz away, but know that some of us are a tad bid scared. An 80-year old woman in my county passed away, and amazingly, she's the first reported death in Colorado. Apparently, she had contact with a lot of people in late Feb. to early March, and one of them is reported to be presumptive positive. Too close for my comfort. 

Community Member

"You may not go out with other people..."


What on earth do people with children do?

Community Member

Kim F wrote:

"You may not go out with other people..."


What on earth do people with children do?

I genuinely don't know! I don't know anyone with small children!


Petra R wrote:

Kim F wrote:

"You may not go out with other people..."


What on earth do people with children do?

I genuinely don't know! I don't know anyone with small children!


ME, I still need a nanny.

DH has another 9 days of paid leave and I will go to my office (a rented room just for me) to get some work done before they tell me I am not allowed to go there. Working from home is no option with a 4-year-old.
After work I do some shopping and take the bus home because it is only me and the driver.

No talking to the driverNo talking to the driver
We are still allowed to go out so we went for a walk with the kid yesterday but only met very few people with their dogs. Luckely we have a kindergarten next door and since the kindergarten will be closed my men can just go there to play.

Our ski centerOur ski center


Petra R wrote:

Kim F wrote:

"You may not go out with other people..."


What on earth do people with children do?

I genuinely don't know! I don't know anyone with small children!


I am very fortunate to have two teen-agers who believe their life approach of staying home and being on the computer is being validated. Online school starts tomorrow.....

Community Member

Virginia F wrote:

Jennifer M wrote:

I'm trolling old people on NextDoor today and it's cracking me up. They keep wishing "karma" on me that me and my family get bat flu. lol God I love uncensored Internets so much. Nextdoor is an untapped fountain of lulz.I've got like 40 boomers who want to kill me now. I won't die of beer virus, but I *will* die from some crazy old coot tracking me down and shooting me. lol


In other news, my neighbors came over yesterday and I was first world problem complaining that people bought out all the delicious toasty Cheez its cuz of stupid viruses and he went to the grocery store and bought me some and left them on  my doorstep. Neighborly love. They also offered me toilet paper but I don't need any.

Jen ... I hope you remember that you have a lot of "boomer" friends on these here forums. So lulz away, but know that some of us are a tad bid scared. An 80-year old woman in my county passed away, and amazingly, she's the first reported death in Colorado. Apparently, she had contact with a lot of people in late Feb. to early March, and one of them is reported to be presumptive positive. Too close for my comfort. 

The boomers in my town aren't scared at all. And I say this because I see them at the gym every morning. If I were 60+, I would not be going to the gym. Saw a few at the nail salon too. I'm not trolling them saying they will die. I called some guy with it a plague walker who will be eating people's brains soon and they maaaaaaaad.  Some guy around here was turned away by the hospital and went back because he was feeling sicker. So they tested him and he had it. 

Community Member

Jennifer M wrote:

Virginia F wrote:

Jennifer M wrote:

I'm trolling old people on NextDoor today and it's cracking me up. They keep wishing "karma" on me that me and my family get bat flu. lol God I love uncensored Internets so much. Nextdoor is an untapped fountain of lulz.I've got like 40 boomers who want to kill me now. I won't die of beer virus, but I *will* die from some crazy old coot tracking me down and shooting me. lol


In other news, my neighbors came over yesterday and I was first world problem complaining that people bought out all the delicious toasty Cheez its cuz of stupid viruses and he went to the grocery store and bought me some and left them on  my doorstep. Neighborly love. They also offered me toilet paper but I don't need any.

Jen ... I hope you remember that you have a lot of "boomer" friends on these here forums. So lulz away, but know that some of us are a tad bid scared. An 80-year old woman in my county passed away, and amazingly, she's the first reported death in Colorado. Apparently, she had contact with a lot of people in late Feb. to early March, and one of them is reported to be presumptive positive. Too close for my comfort. 

The boomers in my town aren't scared at all. And I say this because I see them at the gym every morning. If I were 60+, I would not be going to the gym. Saw a few at the nail salon too. I'm not trolling them saying they will die. I called some guy with it a plague walker who will be eating people's brains soon and they maaaaaaaad.  Some guy around here was turned away by the hospital and went back because he was feeling sicker. So they tested him and he had it. 

That's all very funny (except for the sick guy), and I'll try to lolz along with you. My anxiety (so far it's low-level) stems from a scheduled surgery in April, and my immune system, which has been in a comprimised state for some time.

Community Member

Virginia F wrote:

That's all very funny (except for the sick guy), and I'll try to lolz along with you. My anxiety (so far it's low-level) stems from a scheduled surgery in April, and my immune system, which has been in a comprimised state for some time.

awwww, Virginia. I love you, ya boomer. You're gonna be fine, friend. 😘😘😘😘😘

Jennifer M wrote:

Virginia F wrote:

Jennifer M wrote:

I'm trolling old people on NextDoor today and it's cracking me up. They keep wishing "karma" on me that me and my family get bat flu. lol God I love uncensored Internets so much. Nextdoor is an untapped fountain of lulz.I've got like 40 boomers who want to kill me now. I won't die of beer virus, but I *will* die from some crazy old coot tracking me down and shooting me. lol


In other news, my neighbors came over yesterday and I was first world problem complaining that people bought out all the delicious toasty Cheez its cuz of stupid viruses and he went to the grocery store and bought me some and left them on  my doorstep. Neighborly love. They also offered me toilet paper but I don't need any.

Jen ... I hope you remember that you have a lot of "boomer" friends on these here forums. So lulz away, but know that some of us are a tad bid scared. An 80-year old woman in my county passed away, and amazingly, she's the first reported death in Colorado. Apparently, she had contact with a lot of people in late Feb. to early March, and one of them is reported to be presumptive positive. Too close for my comfort. 

The boomers in my town aren't scared at all. And I say this because I see them at the gym every morning. If I were 60+, I would not be going to the gym. Saw a few at the nail salon too. I'm not trolling them saying they will die. I called some guy with it a plague walker who will be eating people's brains soon and they maaaaaaaad.  Some guy around here was turned away by the hospital and went back because he was feeling sicker. So they tested him and he had it. 

The people who are not scared at all, scare me most of all.

I'm edging toward old enough to be high-risk but not there yet. However, I have sisters 10 and 12 years older than I am who are officially old enough. One has a chronic immune disease and has had to take regular neupogen injections for decades to keep from dying of a common cold or infected hangnail. (Neupogen is what they give chemo patients to keep their white blood counts from zeroing out.) The other sister is nearly at the end of a six-month course of chemotherapy. If either one contracts this virus it's likely she'll become dangerously ill and require hospitalization. If enough people of any/all ages continue to treat this lightly, we will have a spike and our health care system will be swamped and a lot of people will die unncessarily. I just can't find any lulz, myself.


Phyllis G wrote:

The people who are not scared at all, scare me most of all.

I'm edging toward old enough to be high-risk but not there yet. However, I have sisters 10 and 12 years older than I am who are officially old enough. One has a chronic immune disease and has had to take regular neupogen injections for decades to keep from dying of a common cold or infected hangnail. (Neupogen is what they give chemo patients to keep their white blood counts from zeroing out.) The other sister is nearly at the end of a six-month course of chemotherapy. If either one contracts this virus it's likely she'll become dangerously ill and require hospitalization. If enough people of any/all ages continue to treat this lightly, we will have a spike and our health care system will be swamped and a lot of people will die unncessarily. I just can't find any lulz, myself.


I wish I lived near you guys. I would go get your groceries for you. 😥


I was reading a thread on reddit where restaurant workers are talking about people 80+ having their birthday parties at the restaurant. It doesn't seem like a lot of older people are scared. I'm not scared, but I'm also not high risk. 

Community Member

Toasty Cheez Its...amazballs

Jennifer M wrote:

Phyllis G wrote:

The people who are not scared at all, scare me most of all.

I'm edging toward old enough to be high-risk but not there yet. However, I have sisters 10 and 12 years older than I am who are officially old enough. One has a chronic immune disease and has had to take regular neupogen injections for decades to keep from dying of a common cold or infected hangnail. (Neupogen is what they give chemo patients to keep their white blood counts from zeroing out.) The other sister is nearly at the end of a six-month course of chemotherapy. If either one contracts this virus it's likely she'll become dangerously ill and require hospitalization. If enough people of any/all ages continue to treat this lightly, we will have a spike and our health care system will be swamped and a lot of people will die unncessarily. I just can't find any lulz, myself.


I wish I lived near you guys. I would go get your groceries for you. 😥


I was reading a thread on reddit where restaurant workers are talking about people 80+ having their birthday parties at the restaurant. It doesn't seem like a lot of older people are scared. I'm not scared, but I'm also not high risk. 

That's the problem, they aren't scared, they don't get it and can't change their whole world fast enough.  My mom thinks it's okay for her to go to the store here, its not,  she can't grasp how this could happen so quickly. 

Jennifer M wrote:

Phyllis G wrote:

The people who are not scared at all, scare me most of all.

I'm edging toward old enough to be high-risk but not there yet. However, I have sisters 10 and 12 years older than I am who are officially old enough. One has a chronic immune disease and has had to take regular neupogen injections for decades to keep from dying of a common cold or infected hangnail. (Neupogen is what they give chemo patients to keep their white blood counts from zeroing out.) The other sister is nearly at the end of a six-month course of chemotherapy. If either one contracts this virus it's likely she'll become dangerously ill and require hospitalization. If enough people of any/all ages continue to treat this lightly, we will have a spike and our health care system will be swamped and a lot of people will die unncessarily. I just can't find any lulz, myself.


I wish I lived near you guys. I would go get your groceries for you. 😥


I was reading a thread on reddit where restaurant workers are talking about people 80+ having their birthday parties at the restaurant. It doesn't seem like a lot of older people are scared. I'm not scared, but I'm also not high risk. 

You have the same risk of catching and transmitting it that anybody else does. It's great that if you catch it, you probably won't get very sick. What about the people who catch it from you before you realize you have it? They still aren't sure that everyone who catches it even gets sick at all or has any symptoms. It is possibly being transmitted asymptomatically.


Phyllis G wrote:

Jennifer M wrote:

I'm not scared, but I'm also not high risk. 

You have the same risk of catching and transmitting it that anybody else does. It's great that if you catch it, you probably won't get very sick. What about the people who catch it from you before you realize you have it?


That is exactly the point and the problem and the reason why low risk people should be careful, even though when they catch it, they're likely not the ones dying. The two point something people they (on average) infect, however, might.....


Many, if not most of the over 360 people who died from it in Italy yesterday likely got it from someone who never got particularly sick themselves...


I realise that people are understandably scared, but please give a thought to the Chinese community who decided to remain in Europe. They're doubly scared at the moment.

Ramon B wrote:

I realise that people are understandably scared, but please give a thought to the Chinese community who decided to remain in Europe. They're doubly scared at the moment.

I do. Especially when China has helped so much. They are sharing their knowledge, their doctors, their masks, their drugs. There isn't any Anti-Chinese sentiment in Italy, or at least I have not seen it. 


In other news, I have taught myself how to make a multi line chart, which is actually super easy once you know how lol 😄


So here we have the current situation of confirmed cases in 4 countries. I included the USA now


The black line is Italy, the red is the UK, green is Germany and yellow the USA. You can click the graphic to see it in full size. 


PS, for Maria I added Spain in magenta


To clarify, day one is the day when the number of confirmed cases reached between 70 and 80. Also bear in mind that Italy tests more than the other countries, so the number of confirmed cases at any given point may appear higher because more people were tested, rather than more people were infected.


5 country progress of the CV5 country progress of the CV

I feel it. People are drawing away, or, conversely, actually being a lot nicer than usual in some cases. I already had to report a local counciller for his actions on social media, and it's getting quite uncomfortable to be around strangers in a way it wasn't a few months ago. I should also add, however, that some of the clients on here have been great.

Ramon B wrote:

I feel it. People are drawing away, or, conversely, actually being a lot nicer than usual in some cases. I already had to report a local counciller for his actions on social media, and it's getting quite uncomfortable to be around strangers in a way it wasn't a few months ago. I should also add, however, that some of the clients on here have been great.

I see more "coming together" in Germany and Italy than pulling apart. My mother in Germany is very high risk due to age and health and people keep calling her offering to go shopping for her etc.


All my clients are being super nice!


Petra R wrote:

Ramon B wrote:

I realise that people are understandably scared, but please give a thought to the Chinese community who decided to remain in Europe. They're doubly scared at the moment.

I do. Especially when China has helped so much. They are sharing their knowledge, their doctors, their masks, their drugs. There isn't any Anti-Chinese sentiment in Italy, or at least I have not seen it. 


In other news, I have taught myself how to make a multi line chart, which is actually super easy once you know how lol 😄


So here we have the current situation of confirmed cases in 4 countries. I included the USA now


The black line is Italy, the red is the UK, green is Germany and yellow the USA. You can click the graphic to see it in full size. 


PS, for Maria I added Spain in magenta


To clarify, day one is the day when the number of confirmed cases reached between 70 and 80. Also bear in mind that Italy tests more than the other countries, so the number of confirmed cases at any given point may appear higher because more people were tested, rather than more people were infected.


5 country progress of the CV5 country progress of the CV

The Chinese community in Spain is sending masks and gloves to the police and hospitals.
Not only have they known how to deal with the problem, but they are helping a lot.
If there is someone from China here, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Checking  in from the Seattle area, staying in and bracing myself for whatever is going to happen. Ticked off that I can't get dried black beans.  I feel soup should be made. 


Glad to hear from everyone, keep checking in.  Petra, you're a trooper. Stay safe. 


Phyllis, know what you mean, my mom is 89 and I'm trying to keep her alive through this and annoyed people didn't take this seriously earlier.  I had a bad, bad feeling when this first started and was told I was overreacting and it was no big deal.  Yeah now look. 

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