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How to arrange my workplace?

I have table, chair, desktop and laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, spectacles, boootle of water. What other?


I am too. Father said that my backborn will destroed. May be games will shorter and can play on bad like in gta V and programming with laptop on the table. I played before on the table with laptop and mostry worked and gaming on desktop. Linux games does not need desktop. Windows games need powerfull computer. I saw image where man stay near table with laptop. It is hardly for the first time but after it is OK.

View solution in original post

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This is what what all the Upwork freelancers I know do:


Few things needed for this to work: 

1. External CPU Fan (prevent overheeting )

2. APC UPS battery backup system 
3. Anti glare monitor 

4. WiFi external antena ( or phone hot spot)
5. Electric 
6. Sun lotion 
7. Baywatch 
8. Cold beer

9. Snacks

Smiley Very Happy

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@Dzmitry S wrote:

I have table, chair, desktop and laptop computer, tablet, smartphone, spectacles, boootle of water. What other?

 Does your table have drawers? If so, do what one regular contributor to the forum does- keep a bottle of booze in each. 

I have shelves and door

Community Member

Cats take up most of the space on my table because there is no softer place to sleep on in the whole house. I can't close my drawers either. They don't like closed drawers so they open them. Cat hair makes my laser mouse stutter and I can't use the number pad on the keyboard without pushing a cat tail. It is really hard working from home.

I had cat but it stolen chicken and missing. In breaks I I ride an electric bike and bougth a lot of equipments for skiing also I try ice skates. At last time I fall asleep (literally sleep) at bad near so laptop help me work sometimes at nigth, early morning (light night about 3-4-5-6 am), after midnight 1-2 am. I bougth only one VR base station and wait 8k helmet pimax games (compatibility), collect on the second base station. Really no free place.



@Dzmitry S wrote:

I had cat but it stolen chicken and missing. In breaks I I ride an electric bike and bougth a lot of equipments for skiing also I try ice skates. At last time I fall asleep (literally sleep) at bad near so laptop help me work sometimes at nigth, early morning (light night about 3-4-5-6 am), after midnight 1-2 am. I bougth only one VR base station and wait 8k helmet pimax games (compatibility), collect on the second base station. Really no free place.

If you have another room or room in your work place have you thought about adding a bed where you can get some sleep? 


Computers eat up your melatonin, so unless you want to end up surrounded by people in white coats, you need to think about what cathode rays do to your brain. 

@Nichola L wrote:



@Dzmitry S wrote:

I had cat but it stolen chicken and missing. In breaks I I ride an electric bike and bougth a lot of equipments for skiing also I try ice skates. At last time I fall asleep (literally sleep) at bad near so laptop help me work sometimes at nigth, early morning (light night about 3-4-5-6 am), after midnight 1-2 am. I bougth only one VR base station and wait 8k helmet pimax games (compatibility), collect on the second base station. Really no free place.

If you have another room or room in your work place have you thought about adding a bed where you can get some sleep? 


Computers eat up your melatonin, so unless you want to end up surrounded by people in white coats, you need to think about what cathode rays do to your brain. 

 It might be too late...

Nichola L wrote


Computers eat up your melatonin, so unless you want to end up surrounded by people in white coats, you need to think about what cathode rays do to your brain. 

Perhaps you should explain, for the benefit of forumites who are too young to remember cathode ray tubes. Smiley Wink

My first monitor was with ray tube but for proffessional and flat

I have UHD LG monitor. http://www.lg.com/ru/monitors/lg-27UD68-W . What are years did you leave?

Baris: do you need to hire an exterminator?

dust collector may be sometimes but really I can myself. I saw cockroaches in dorms. I like spiders but spiderman is **bleep**.

@Preston H wrote:

Baris: do you need to hire an exterminator?


Are you trying out new skills? 😉

@Preston H wrote:

Baris: do you need to hire an exterminator?

 Shush.. Petra might hear...

I'll crowdsource it.




My workspace is horrifically messy, but this is my basic set-up.

I use a laptop docking station, so I just dock my laptop and it automatically connects to my headphones, monitor, keyboard, and mouse. I also use a monitor riser, and highly recommend it for anyone. My desk is massive but it never seems to have enough space, so I bought this riser. It has a cupholder, phone holder, spots for a mouse, and a keyboard can slide underneath for when you need actual desk space. It is honestly the best thing I have ever purchased for work. 

Also in case anyone was curious about my equipment (I'm a gamer so my stuff isn't necessarily what you would buy just for working)

Keyboard: SteelSeries Apex 150

Mouse: SteelSeries Sims 4 Limited Edition

Headphones: SteelSeries Siberia (can't remember the model)

Monitor: Samsung SyncMaster 226BW (purchased at an estate sale for $20)

Laptop: HP ProBook (I'm currently awaiting the arrival of the Lenovo custom-built laptop I ordered weeks ago)

Also little tip to new freelancers (in America, at least), anything purchased for work can be a tax write-off. Consult a tax expert before you do it but it really helps out at the end of the year.


EDIT: I feel the need to add that I am moving across the US in a month, so my floor is full of boxes and most of my desk has been packed. I'm not usually THIS disorganized.

May be need to buy webcam, but I do not like to shave.


Not so crowded...Not so crowded...


I want the one in the gingham-lined basket. 

I like German Shepherd but only cat can play with keyboard. Pigs watch video games: race. Dog like listen music.
Community Member

I got a new desk recently and I love the extra space. Here's a pic, with of course the obligatory cat in the photo. Usually there's 3 of them getting in the way. 

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Emily, everything looks beautiful. Especially the cat : D

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I currently work in my bedroom, on my bed, which might be destroying my back slowly. Although am planning to eventually move into a two bedroom place and make one room an office, so I can feel smug about it. 

I am too. Father said that my backborn will destroed. May be games will shorter and can play on bad like in gta V and programming with laptop on the table. I played before on the table with laptop and mostry worked and gaming on desktop. Linux games does not need desktop. Windows games need powerfull computer. I saw image where man stay near table with laptop. It is hardly for the first time but after it is OK.

Try VR. They need motion.

I used to work from my bed, but eventually had to move to a desk because it was messing up my sleep schedule. If you get your body/brain used to working while in bed, it can be hard to get a good night's sleep. My desk/workspace is still in my bedroom, because I don't have an office, but it is far enough from the bed to allow me to sleep peacefully.

I sleep and working in bed. Sometimes I sleep two times in day totaly 16 hours. May be because I ride a bicycle 1-2 hours (and electrik bicycle usually 18+18km).

When used tablet I went in train, electric train, metro (subway) and on work on the table with computer and in home on bed.

I work in my living room, sitting on a recliner, with my laptop.  Not ideal but quite comfortable!

I sat before on soft chair and not big table with notebook (laptop). Table shattered and back was too far away when relax.
I sleep in living room (parlour). I hate battery. Furnace like firewood.

@Alice M wrote:

I currently work in my bedroom, on my bed, which might be destroying my back slowly. Although am planning to eventually move into a two bedroom place and make one room an office, so I can feel smug about it. 




Eeeewwwwww! Alice no, no and no! Can you not get some sort of (correct) table and chair into your bedroom? 

Take it from just one ( I know for a fact there are others) who knows about damaged backs. Do NOT go there! 


I agree!

Even my current desk chair, a retro/modern leather chair, causes me serious back problems because it doesn't have the necessary supports. (But I keep it because it was expensive and it's cute.) As someone who already has severe arthritis, you really don't want to risk developing it down the road because you worked from your bed.

Resolution does not good but pimax solved problem. Pimax 8k may be have less compatibles. I saw web sites in vr. I try A-Frame. But it very short pleasure.

As another person with a problem back (I think it must be the norm, not the exception) I agree with Nichola and Madison. Don't risk it!


For a few years I worked standing up...till my knees got worse than my back. Now I'm sitting again, but I have a better chair, and my back's not too bad. For a long time I used one of those kneeling chairs (with a support below your knees and no back rest) because those were recommended for bad backs. They're supposed to improve your sitting posture. But my sitting posture was incorrigible, and those chairs proved terrible for me. I really need some back support.


Now what I need is some new glasses. A couple of years ago I got varifocals. But they're affecting my posture, because I can only see the screen in focus when I look through the bottom of the lenses. I'll have to get some single-focus glasses with just the right focal length for using my computer.

I know I shouldn't do it. It's a space issue at the moment, although at a push I could probably get a table and chair set up in the kitchen space. Can you recommend a good chair?

I like my chair 🙂

I might be the odd one out here but 'cushy' chairs - no matter how good and/or expensive - aggravate back issues for me.  A hard chair works best; the dining room table is my desk so the level is perfect for laptops.  The hard seat forces you to have better posture.


Freelancing is actually easier on my back that my long-ago corporate corner office with all the accouterments.

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I have multiple workplaces. My office desk. The floor. My bed. The sofa. The dinner table. I just need to be close to a wall socket. So I can plug in my laptop.

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