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Oct 23, 2023
5 Freelancers Share Their Advice on Handling Payment Issues
5 Freelancers Share Their Advice on Handling Payment Issues



To address the common issue freelancers face with client payments, we've gathered five insightful approaches from CEOs, founders, and other industry professionals. From effective communication to implementing a cut-off date for work, these strategies offer a guide to resolving payment issues.


  • Effectively Communicate and Review the Contract 
  • Send Invoice Reminders and Grace Periods
  • Maintain Professionalism and Open Communication
  • Use Copyright and Client Feedback
  • Implement a Cut-off Date for Work




Effectively Communicate and Review the Contract


Successfully resolving a payment issue with a client requires a combination of effective communication, problem-solving, and diplomacy. 


One approach I have used before is to review the contract and contact the client. If a solution does not surface or come into agreement, then I would escalate it to higher authorities. Start by carefully reviewing the contract or agreement you have with the client. Ensure that the payment terms, due dates, and any penalties or late fees are clearly outlined. 


Also, gather all relevant documentation, including invoices, receipts, and any communication related to the payment. Reach out to the client in a polite and professional manner. This can be done through email or phone, depending on your usual communication channels. Explain the issue briefly and express your willingness to work together to resolve it. 


Propose a solution that is fair and reasonable for both parties. If the client doesn't respond or refuses to cooperate, consider escalating the matter.


Joe Li, Managing Director, CheckYa




Send Invoice Reminders and Grace Periods


As a freelancer, resolving payment issues with clients can be challenging, but it's essential to maintain a professional relationship and ensure you get compensated for your work. Aside from open communication, being calm and understanding, one approach I have used successfully to resolve payment issues with a client is as follows.


If the client claims they forgot about the payment, send a gentle reminder that includes the invoice details, the agreed-upon statement of work or contract, and due date. Sometimes, this simple step can prompt the client to initiate the payment. You can even offer a short grace period for payment, which, without imposing late fees, can show goodwill. This allows the client additional time to make the payment without immediate consequences.


Steven Wright, Co-Founder and Chief Editor, Lifestyle to the MAX




Maintain Professionalism and Open Communication


Open communication is key. Reaching out to the client directly, discussing the situation and any concerns they might have had, providing clear documentation of the work completed and the agreed-upon terms. 


This approach helps address any misunderstandings and come to a resolution that works for both parties. It's important to maintain professionalism, stay patient, and collaborate with the client to find a mutually satisfactory solution.


Bilawal G., CEO, Press Pitch




Use Copyright and Client Feedback


The main issue with payment in freelance work is that the client claims the work wasn't what was expected. The problem is, you do the work with an agreement to be paid, put in the time, deliver it, and then the client says it's not right and won't pay. Yet, they still have the work and will likely use it. Many do this to get free work and avoid paying.


Two approaches can be used to resolve this. First, copyright the work before sending it to the client. Inform them that the copyright will be released to them once they pay. They are, in effect, buying the copyright as well as the work. Using the work without paying will land them in court, and they know it. 


Second, when these problems arise, question them as to exactly what is wrong and compare it with the outline or description of the work given. Show them how what was done fits with the description and offer to change specific things they don't like for free if they can identify those items.


Baruch Labunski, CEO, Rank Secure




Implement a Cut-off Date for Work


A cut-off date for billable work is one billing tactic that has proven effective. Invoices are typically sent out at the end of the month, and if full payment is not received by the 15th, all work is paused. This is a significant reason for billing month-to-month. If a client stops paying, it's much easier to pause all work and avoid any legal actions. 


Therefore, if the 15th arrives and no payments have been received, all billable work is paused until the client pays their due amount. If they don't pay in full after the 15th, their account remains paused until the balance is paid.


Taylor Scher, SEO Associate, TaylorscherSEO