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May 03, 2024
Celebrating Our Community: April’s Shining Stars

Welcome to this month’s Community highlights! Okay, we missed a couple of months, but it wasn’t for lack of trying! We’re working on doing this every month and that will become easier as we improve our systems on the backend. In any case, we’re back to recognize our top contributors for the month of April!


Top Upvoted Community Members


These are the individuals who received the most Upvotes across Community. They’ve clearly made a mark that inspired readers to give them thumbs up!


  1. Samer B
  2. Jeanne H
  3. Clark S
  4. William T C
  5. Christine A


Top Upvoted Blog Posts


Here are the blog posts that received the most Upvotes last month!


  1. Top Red Flags for Scams by Wes C
  2. From Zero to Hero | My Upwork Journey From Tragedy to $8k in 12 Months by Mary Margaret G 
  3. From a Newbie: My Strategies to Attracting Top-Tier Clients by Ezekiel L
  4. Navigating the Upwork Wave: Patience, My Unlikely Ally by Israt J
  5. Turning Rejection Into Opportunity: How I Handle Multiple Unaccepted Proposals on Upwork by Jharna A 


Thank you to our top contributors and all of our members who bring Community to life every day!


Now some questions for you: 


  1. In the future, we’d like to add “Top Upvoted Threads” to this list as well. What other leaderboard-type stats would you like to see? 
  2. We’re also working on adding new elements to Community, including new ranks, challenges, and more. What additions would you like to see? What would bring you back to Community day after day?


Let us know in the comments! Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts.