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Seeking Web3 Tools and Crypto Recommendations for Daily Use

Hello fellow freelancers around the world,


As the world of Web3 and cryptocurrencies continues to grow and evolve, I'm sure many of us are looking for ways to integrate these technologies into our daily lives and freelance work. I'm starting this discussion to gather valuable insights and recommendations on the following topics:


  1. Which Web3 tools or platforms have you found to be highly valuable for daily use? These could be related to decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), decentralized applications (dApps), or any other Web3 technology that has helped enhance your workflow or income streams.

  2. Can you recommend any crypto tokens or coins that may generate income for holders? For example, tokens that offer staking rewards, dividends, or passive income opportunities. Please share your experiences or insights about these assets and their potential benefits.

Your input will be highly appreciated, as it can help us all stay updated on the latest trends and opportunities within the Web3 and cryptocurrency spaces. Let's learn from each other and make the most out of these emerging technologies!


Looking forward to your recommendations,


Community Member

Hi Khristian, great to have you here! 
Let me get back to you with this, a bit swapped these days