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Welcome to the Community - Please Introduce Yourself

Hello Everyone! 


This thread is here so you can introduce yourself to your fellow Community members!


You are encouraged to add some details on:

  • what you're looking to achieve with joining this Community​, 
  • what you'd love to learn from other ​freelancers, or 
  • what business processes you've got figured out!

Tell us a little bit about yourself below!


182 REPLIES 182
Community Member

Arvin K wrote:

Hello Everyone! 


This thread is here so you can introduce yourself to your fellow Community members!


You are encouraged to add some details on:

  • what you're looking to achieve with joining this Community​, 
  • what you'd love to learn from other ​freelancers, or 
  • what business processes you've got figured out!

Tell us a little bit about yourself below!


Hello Everyone, 


I am a Freelance Crypto and Blockchain writer. I am a crypto enthusiast and even as I type this, I just finished writing a blog post on the new meme coin FreeWoly.


I look forward to having a great working relationship with the community members. 

If you ever need a writer for your next project, please send a Message.



Chinenye Favour

Welcome Chinenye!! Good to have you on!

I'd like to checkout your portfolio whenver you get a moment

Thank you. Is now a good time to check my profile?


I have been working in the blockchain domain for quite a while now. Have done a good number of blockchain projects as a private freelancer.
Currently, I am working at a well reputed MNC, as a full stack developer.

I have very good experience working with the ERC721, ERC721A, ERC1155 & ERC20 standard, and looking at your requirements, I think the implementation will not create any issues. I have delivered multiple blockchain projects also.
If you are looking for a person passionate about deep tech with a strong development foundation in blockchain, I will match your requirements.

I have done token deployment, Defi Projects, Initial Coin Offering Contract, Pre Sale Contract, Airdrop contracts for multiple clients.
I have completed NFT, Staking, Raffles, Cross Chain Bridging, and Rewarding Contracts.


I am writing about blockchain and have a few questions I cannot find answers for. I would appreciate it if you would contact me. 

Thank You.

Sylvain Metz


CryptoDev for about a year now. Started in with Solidity shortly after BAYC released (though I started programming when I was a little kid), now Full-Stack Dev on several projects in web3. I haven't taken on any Upwork jobs for it at this point, most of my customers is word-of-mouth,,, or I guess word of gm. haha.

Nice to meet you all. Going to take a look around and see what the community deal is about. This is new.

Community Member

yes word of mouth is suprisingly effective!



My name is Jeffrey. I have heard much about writing blog. I would like to know just what is it. What does it consist of, also if you are looking for a writer that write novels, contact me, as a freelancer.

Community Member

I'm Aaron 👋


SEO Specialist in Web3/Blockchain - new to Upwork! I've worked with leading blockchains such as Polkadot, Kusama and have helped improved their organic adoption. More to come as I update my upwork.


Nice to meet you all.

so cool!!!

Help me out with my SEO too!!

Hello Aaron,

I am writing about blockchain and have a few questions I cannot find answers for. I would appreciate your insight.

Thank you.

Sylvain Metz

I am a crypto and blockchain writer. Send me a message maybe I can be of
help to you.
Community Member

Hello Fellow Web3 Enthusiasts, 

I provide Design and Development services within the Web3 Space:
- Branding
- Meme - graphics
- UI/UX Design
- Smart Contract Development and Audit
- Mobile and Web Development

If you've got a brilliant concept for decentralising a previously centralized system/industry I'll help you architect that solution.
Here's my Agency: https://www.upwork.com/ag/hashpotato/

Looking forward to collaborating with Marketers, copywriters, artists, and mods. Here's to an exciting synergy :rocket: and being stronger together 🤩💪

Thank you Arvin for bringing us all together!! 😁:sparkles:

checked out your portfolio! Looks very cool! 


Where can I see more about your meme graphics? 

We should talk.


I am a highly motivated and progress-focused Freelance Content Writer with a long-standing background in this industry. With a track record of initiative and dependability, I have devised strategic initiatives which I believe will prove valuable to my clients. 

Throughout the course of my career, I have perfected my creative content writing, abilities. I am a capable and consistent problem-solver skilled at prioritizing and managing projects with proficiency.
In my previous role, I contributed creative content writing and SEO toward team efforts and business improvements. I am progressive minded and in tune with new developments in my field. I have proven to be effective and collaborative with strong communication talents.

My previous experience working as Freelance Content Writer for several websites, gave me great experience. I have an excellent track record of creative content writing.


Thank you 


Hello, I have a very good voice for recording audio and video. I would love the opportunity to work with you!

Community Member

Hello Everybody,


This is Markose Chenthitta , Im the Podcast & Communication Lead for **Edited for Community Guidelines** as well as Podcast host of the Cryptocosm. I also co host and community builder of Coffee With Crypto, which is a meetup for developers and creators in the crypto,blockchain and web3 space.


Im passionate and evangelize about how crypto and blockchain based solutions are going to revolutionize the way we use the internet, information and money.


To Learn about Cryptocosm and my work portfolio - Check out the following links  -

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

**Edited for Community Guidelines**


Thanks Arvin for creating this group and excited to see this group grow and share knowledge of our amazing space


Hi Markose! Good to have XT in the house! See you this saturady at your event!!

Community Member

Hi Nageena!!


Welcome!! What's your involvement with the web 3?


I am data entry specialist having 2 years experience

well welcome to the group and take a look at https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Web3 to get an idea what everyone here is talking about


I am data entry specialist

My expertise are:

MS word, Excel, PowerPoint.




Community Member

Hello community!

Email marketing enthusiast working daily with Klaviyo tool for almost 3 years now. I was super happy to discover this channel after almost 10 years of experience in marketing. So, the decision is made, and my expertise is Email!


I'm new here and on Upwork as well, looking forward to meeting great freelancers here and helping many clients get more revenue from the email channel.


welcome welcome!! any experience in web 3?

No, unfortunately not, blockchain never was my focus.

cool Marko! This is a group all about web 3. If you head over to youtube I have a lot of content as for introduction to web 3. So does many other folks in this space. Give it a shot check it out see if your bussiness could fit into web 3 or what that could do for you and your business

Community Member


I am a Brazilian Portuguese translator with plenty of experience in the Crypto space. I have already worked with cryptocurrency projects (Electroneum and Allvor, to name a few) and helped them localize their content to the Portuguese audiences.

Besides my professional experience, I am a crypto-enthusiast too. I have been investing for 2+ years in several projects (not meme coins, of course haha), but my main focus is on Bitcoin and Ethereum. I also like to venture on DeFi sometimes, but still don't have much experience with NFTs (despite having created one, which was not sold for obvious reasons).

As for this community, I would like to get in touch with freelancers who are also addicted to this revolution and maybe convince Upwork to accept payments with crypto (hahaha, just kidding).

Kind Regards,

super cool background!! great to have you and welcome to the group!!

Community Member

Hi All.

Scott Schlichter.   I launched **Edited for Community Guidelines** to help empower digital video creators on YouTube and social.  

Looking forward to checking in and maybe find those who are interested in participating in the democratization of content.



I can't seee the link but is it web 3 related?

Hi Arvin  

It seemed to replace the URL I added for community guidelines reasons.  They don't want anyone spamming, which is not my intention.  I started a DAO called CreatorDAO and the extension is .me.  Put the two together and that's us.  It is web3.  It is using the benefits and possibilities offered by web3 to change the way digital video creators build into companies.  I ran a web2 network of 10,000 video creators.  We would help them grow audience, find sponsors, educate, search for new monetization.  The one thing we couldn't do is to help them grow an asset.  You can have a channel on YT as example, but when you stop producing it is down.  A couple have sold channels, but the creator usually is the brand.  Unlike other small businesses they don't have a way to build an asset, something that they can liquidate when they are done and ride off into the sunset.  You open a brick and mortar store - you can someday sell that and ideally get a nest egg.  Tokenization can help them do that and it is one of many reasons and features we are building into the community.  I want to set up co-op style health plans, insurance, business loans, even reinvestment opportunities, etc. that most small business have access to, but digital video creators can't access.  In the past, our team were the ones helping the creators.  I want to set up a community that helps each other and is rewarded through the DAO tokenization.  As the DAO grows and the coin value creators earned and built become an asset they can rely on.  

Checked out the website but wasn't able to quickly understand the innerworkings of things. Looking forward to learning more!

Yes, that is true.  There was a little snafu when another group calling themselves CreatorDAO emerged in the press.  They raised 20M from Andreeson Horowitz, proposing to do exactly what we were doing.  We started LONG before they did, so now the lawyers are discussing how to resolve this.  It put us in a tough position since we already started, including hiring, selling our membership NFTs, and airdropping.  Really sticky.  At least we know it was a 67 M valued idea 🙂

Community Member

Hello all...

I am a Professional Crypto Consultant focused on working with individuals and businesses on solutions for blockchain accounting, analytic and tax preparation.  Former IT Professional/Executive (retired), lifelong programmer and spreadsheet master with passion for financial systems and accounting.  I may not be an accounting or tax professional but I have been well trained by the various CPA mentors in my life so I can hold my own in many ways.   

I started with crypto in 2016 (BTC) and  2017 (ETH) then when the pandemic hit and side-tracked my business, two things happened: I started trading, instantly hooked on the boundless possibilities and after failing to find suitable portfolio and tax tools, I created my own (think Koinly or CoinTracker light).  I continue to use and improve it for my peronsal use as it provides specific lot tracking, generates my tax forms and, most importantly, provides data that I can feed into QuickBooks for analytics. Along the way, I have created numerous tools and processes to enhance and extend my data capabilities for clients.


As far as community goals, working in crypto is equal parts exciting and frustrating so I un-retired a year ago and changed the focus of my niche consulting/bookkeeping practice to focus on crypto full time.  At a high level, unlocking the potential that crypto offers requires creating new resources that solve eveyday pain points.  For example, I tackle tough projects, sorting out complicated crypto situations involving data extraction, compilation and analysis - typically for accounting and tax purposes. Building a collaborative community where new talent can onboard into the new world of crypto support is why I am here.

As to learning from other freelancers, there is no doubt that not only is their strength in numbers, but growing a new core of crypto focused professionals is critical. A long time ago, I participated in a working group tasked with understanding and recommending ways to evolve the CIO profession.  The slant was heavily on continuing education and standards as it was part of an Accounting/Audit organization.  We are on the cusp of starting to see that emerge and it is exciting. So, I am here today, with hopes and dreams of the community expanding and organizing to meet the challenges that stand before us. We can and will learn from each other - perhaps organically at first but then perhaps more formally. I loved the early days in IT when user groups formed and would get together - an online community like this is that and much, much more.

As to buiness processes, I spent an entire career making systems work together. Systems that turn data into information - beyond basics, my focus was on profitability.  For example, when I show clients profitabiltiy (or lack thereof) on their NFTs, they are generally floored.  Recently, I had a client that was into gaming with NFTs and they were mortified by just the sheer total cost of the gaming (turning it into fiat vs crypto has a way of grounding any conversation). I have been and continue to work on tools as fast as I can.  I recently audited data extracted via explorers for ETH and nearly a dozen EVM compatible chains and as a result filed a handful of bug reports of various kinds. And I love working with crypto startups - as the grow and succeed, their needs for squaring things/controlling aways suddenly jumps to the top of their to do list. Taking in equity, issuing payroll, paying bills are all standard when you use fiat - using crypto takes things to another level. My take is that we all need to have confidence in data and that is a mission for me - from blockchain to portfolios, I audit and improve data, every day.

I am going to add what I have not figured out too. Upwork is a great platform and I am greatful for all that it represents. As a crypto professional, the occupational hazard is talking about crypto in a way that is easily misconstrued for going off-platform.  I tried out the community early on and had to cut back as I grew weary of the moderation of content biting me. I completely understand it and honestly have no problem with it since as a business person, it makes total sense. However, it is exhausting and limiting.  So, I return today, after a hiatus - I have changed my engagement rules to be mindful of audience and moderations and will use disclaimers as necessary.  I learned long ago that we should work together for a long as it is productive.  And since I truly wish for continued success for all who touch crypto as well as for Upwork, I am back to participating for the time being.


Lastly, a note about those who think Upwork should accept crypto. While this is certainly a business decision that they can choose to make, I remain convinced it would be unwise.  We can debate all the pros and cons, but for sheer reasons of protecting all participants, I would argue it is a bad idea. And many folks, including feelancers are just not ready. I love working with crypto and want to see it adopted broadly. However we are a long way from general utility.  On the horizon, yes. And that is exciting because there will come a day when it will make sense. That day is not here yet. Honestly, I would normally be open to debating it but it would be a moderation nightmare to do so - for that reason, please don't take it personally if I do not engage on this topic. I have said my peace and that's satisfying enough.

Thanks for reading, I am here to help in any way I can.

Hi Thomas! Welcome!


I read the whole post. Great to have you and looking forward to learning more about your involvement in the crypto industry.


Which country are you focused on when it comes to tax and accounting purposes? 


I am US based - as an expert on working with blockchain data for tax preparation and other uses, I have clients around the world in different jurisdictions.  My time and talent is focused on helping clients achieve high accuracy with their unique transaction dataset.  In theory, there is but one crypto "truth" thanks to the immutable nature of blockchains (less so for centralized exchanges). Whether for an individual or a business, the details matter when it comes to taxation or accounting of any kind.


Community Member

Welcome, Fadila! What do you know about web 3/crypto/NFTs?

Community Member

Hello arvin, i am digital marketing expert and i joined this community to get expert's tips how get job and grow your profile.

I would like to build a good work relationship with community members. 

If anyone neend social media marketer and advertiser to grow  your business i am here to help you out. 
