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Client account suspended

I noticed this morning that my client's account has been suspended.  But I didn't receive a reason.  Must be his as I didn't receive an email from Upwork.  Can I find out why?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Susan,


If there is a problem with your client’s Upwork account, your contracts with them will be paused and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns. You can read some advise on how to handle paused contracts here.




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Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Susan,


If there is a problem with your client’s Upwork account, your contracts with them will be paused and you cannot continue to bill that client through Upwork until the issue is resolved. There are many possible reasons this could occur, although we can’t share the specifics regarding your client’s account due to privacy concerns. You can read some advise on how to handle paused contracts here.




Sorry, it's the contract that's on hold. Not the account.  He doesn't believe it as he can see it and says money is pending.  I've told him to contact Upwork.  The email I got says not to do anything with it until they say it's ok.

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