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Desktop app

Hi, the desktop app/time tracker is not launching, I tried uninstalling and installing it again but it doesn't work, is there a problem within upwork's system right now?


Hi John Paul,


Thanks for reaching out. I've shared your concern with the team, and one of our agents will reach out and assist you directly via a support ticket. 

~ Joanne
Community Member

Same problem. It doesn't open. Was there a fix?

Hi Natalie,


Could you please share more information with us about the issue you're experiencing so that we can assist you accordingly or have the correct support team assist you?


Thank you.

~ Bojan

I am having the same problem right now. Upwork app not launching. I have uninstalled and reinstalled it back to no avail. Restarted computer a couple times already. I only get the "how to tips" page every time I open it but it never launches the timer app like it's supposed to be. I'm using Windows 10. Please help.

Sorry I forgot to mention I'm using Windows 10.

Hi Aileen,


Could you please look at the system tray where the Upwork icon should be running? Please right-click on that and go to settings and logout. Once this is done, click on the application icon and log back in.  


If the issue persists, you can also try Troubleshooting tips shared in this help article.


Thank you.

~ Bojan
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