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Direct Contract

Hi Guys,  I cant find my direct contract details and payments on my profile.  My client has accepted the contract and also sent the payment and I have received notification from Upwork as well confirming that but I can not find the details and payments anywhere in my profile.

Community Member

Hassan C wrote:

Hi Guys,  I cant find my direct contract details and payments on my profile.  My client has accepted the contract and also sent the payment and I have received notification from Upwork as well confirming that but I can not find the details and payments anywhere in my profile.

Direct contracts do not show on your profile. They don't count towards your metrics either. 


Hi Hassan,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Choose the Direct Contracts icon in your navigation bar (as shown in this screenshot) from here, you can create and send contract offers, request payments, and cancel contracts, as well as view all your Direct Contract details. But as Petra noted, Direct Contracts will not show in the Work History section of your profile and won't count toward you Job Success Score. Feel free to check this help article for more information on Direct Contracts.

~ Nikola

Hi Guys. Thank you so much for your reply. Kindly answer the second part of my question as well. Where did the payment go which client deposited and Upwork sent me a confirmation email as well for that. I can’t find that payment in my account balance etc. Please guide. Secondly this is a recurring monthly payment contract? Every time I have to send my invoice to the client, I will have to create a new contract or can do under the same contract? If yes how?

Hi Hassan,


The funds you are referring to are in Escrow, which is a neutral place where the money is held until the project, or a milestone is completed. The funds stay there until you complete the task, request payment and client reviews your work. After that they will release the payment and you will be able to see it on your account. Meanwhile, you can click on the paper plan icon in the upper right corner to access your Direct Contracts and view it. It's possible to create multiple milestones for a Direct Contracts to accommodate recurring payments.

~ Nikola
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