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Fewer job postings and no hiring activity on Upwork for the past three months

Hi there,

My name is Ankur, and I specialize in WordPress Plugins and APIs. I've recently noticed a decline in relevant job opportunities on Upwork despite actively applying to over 30 jobs in the past 3 months.


Unfortunately, I've only secured 2 interviews and no hires. It's concerning, as I've been a member since the Elance days and haven't experienced this before.

I'm curious if others are encountering similar challenges and what might be causing it. Should I explore other platforms for work opportunities?


If anyone has insights to share, I'd greatly appreciate it.


Best regards,

Ankur V.

Community Member

Same in the video world my friend. T

Too many decktop computers with wann-be operators.

This purge has been going on for 30 years. I been here/there.

I started at Photoshop 2.5 in '93, before layers where even a thing. Worked on and in every digital and print media field. Doesn't mean a thing against $2-$5/hr.

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Hi Ankur,

Understandably, you're concerned about the decline in job opportunities on Upwork despite your active efforts. While I can't speak for others, it's not uncommon for freelancers to face fluctuations in job availability on platforms like Upwork.

There could be several factors contributing to this decline. One possibility is increased competition in your field, leading to fewer job postings relative to the number of applicants. Additionally, changes in client preferences or market demands could also impact the types of projects being posted.

Before exploring other platforms, it might be worth revisiting your approach to job applications and profile optimization on Upwork. Here are a few suggestions:

1. Update Your Profile: Make sure your Upwork profile accurately reflects your skills, experience, and expertise in WordPress plugins and APIs. Highlight any recent projects or achievements that showcase your capabilities.

2. Refine Your Proposals: Tailor your proposals to each job posting, emphasizing how your skills and experience align with the client's needs. Personalize your communication to demonstrate your genuine interest in the project.

3. Expand Your Skillset: Consider broadening your skillset or exploring related areas within WordPress development to increase your marketability. This could open up new opportunities and make you more competitive in the job market.

4. Seek Client Feedback: If possible, reach out to clients who interviewed you but didn't hire you to request feedback on your proposal or interview performance. Use this feedback to identify areas for improvement and refine your approach.

5. Diversify Your Platforms: While Upwork is a popular platform for freelancers, it's not the only option available. Exploring other platforms or networking within your industry may uncover new opportunities for work.

Ultimately, persistence and adaptability are key in navigating the freelance marketplace. Keep refining your approach, stay proactive in seeking out opportunities, and don't hesitate to explore alternative avenues if necessary.


Best of luck, Ankur! I hope you find success in your freelance endeavors.

Best regards,


Whle all your suggestions have been regurgetated 100 time on this forum, the hard truth is that the market is saturated with freelancers! This location alone adds 1000+ a day.

Don't forget to add in the brick-mortar establishements, full time corporations and friends of the clients that do EXACTLY what you do.

One of the biggest threat is the DIY user and the AI abuser!

Don't forget the other 10+ freelancer sites too! Yup Angi and even E-bay too!


We are not just competing with UpWork folks. ALL theses other influence the scheme, quantity and quality of opportunities.

Community Member

Its not 3 months its more than a year and its same for everybody.

We all loved Upwork before last CEO came, the days when alll freelancers can get jobs. 

But thoose days are long gone, and, Upwork is now Casino and yes you might win on short run, but nobody won Casino long term.

Now Upwork target group are freelancers money , they dont care for clients and hiring,and quality jobs or quality freelancers,and, that is why we see, fake jobs, repeting jobs, and everything that they can think of, like, Profile boosts, proposals booosts, offers from AI, Adobe, buy this buy that etc.

They now understand that only way to make money is to take the freelancers money not clients money, becuse freelancers are the ones who holds the cash at the end of the working day, not clients.

Now Upwork is sending notification if client seen your proposal and that should be highlight of freelancer day for his money, not getting job. Just awful.

Upwork will be deaf and dumb and  never take action against itself. Upwork maybe will increase coonects for  aplying to 32 if freelancers are desperate for job and continue paying.

Only if freelancers stop paying or Boycot until changes are made, only then Upwork will think this again. As long as freelancers paying and not saying anything, this madness willl continue. Or new platform come to play. Until then freelancers are doomed in never ending circle of working for connects and without profit.


Spend money on connects and get nothing in return, its not sustainable strategy, neither for Upwork, neither for freelancers, and its just a matter of time till it colapse completly, and in my view, only thing for complete colapse, is just if new platform on the market, and  downfall of Upwork will be over night.

  Marjan K wrote:

We all loved Upwork before last CEO came, the days when alll freelancers can get jobs. 

Sounds like you may not be benefitting from the CEO's passions based on her childhood spent in Kathmandu, Nepal.


Quoted from the current CEO's bio:


". . . she is known for bold leadership and her passion for the company’s mission to create economic opportunities so that people live better lives. That passion stems from her childhood years spent living in Kathmandu, Nepal, and she’s committed to building a sustainable, high-performing business that delivers on that mission in ever-bigger ways."

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Hi everyone,


Thank you for your responses. I'm hopeful that everything will be resolved soon; otherwise, I may need to explore alternative solutions.




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This is the 6th post about this and I have my own concerns. 

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I have been experiencing lower activity from January to March in general. 


A new feature I have to laud here is that Upwork (thank you!!!) now informs me when a client has viewed a proposal. Yippeee, now I'll know when the person at the other end is real!

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Quality of job post are in the garbage.

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Clients are simply not hiring.   The percentage of jobs that hire is getting smaller and smaller and smaller....

Community Member

Hi Thomas

I think you are correct, i calculated around 25%,, and that number is going to get smaller and smaller, if clients continue to get boosted freelancers and freelancers that are paying for jobs as best matches, instead of quality freelncers. 

Community Member

I agree.  My estimate has been around 30% but 25% would not suprise me either.  There's no way it's 50%, which is apparently what Upwork estimates (at least not in my niche, video production).  

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