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Freelancer fee increase

Hi, my contractor told me that Upwork fees are up and is going to be 10% on all contracts.


> Starting January 1, 2024, we're simplifying our pricing structure to a flat service fee of 10%. This change allows us to continue making Upwork the...


Is that true ? I have not been notified and was not aware of that change. Any reason for that increase ?



Community Member

All, please disregard. I thought it was going to be answered by the Support team directly. Alas, no real support on this site.

And no way to remove the post...

View solution in original post

Community Member

All, please disregard. I thought it was going to be answered by the Support team directly. Alas, no real support on this site.

And no way to remove the post...

Community Member

It is true. You were not notified because you are a customer, %10 fee is paid by the freelancer and they are notified. Long term contracts are unfortunately negatively impacted by this change. No rationale is shared by upwork other than simplification. 

Community Member

5% increase for a long term contractors is a direct 5% increase on us.

I cannot let my people getting lower payments after years of their hard work for no reason.

Community Member

It seems that's true. Starting 2024 the fees that I am facing are 10% and I from contracts of more than $500. It was great before, 10% for bigger contracts is too much... Thinking to move to another platform but I do like Upwork... 

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