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Asima's avatar
Asima H Community Member

Freelancers are Damaged

Many freelancers have purchased job connect But they have not received any job yet.

Even if not all freelancers get jobs, the company will be very profitable here

That's the right way?


Does anyone know? any other way to Resistance spamming?

Jennifer's avatar
Jennifer M Community Member

Thank you, Doctor. I'm glad you let us all know these things.

Tiffany's avatar
Tiffany S Community Member

Asima H wrote:

Many freelancers have purchased job connect But they have not received any job yet.

Even if not all freelancers get jobs, the company will be very profitable here

That's the right way?

The company is not and never has been "very profitable"...or profitable at all.

It will certainly not become profitable by selling connects for a few cents each.

Amr's avatar
Amr E Community Member

actually no, it will be very profitable 

Tiffany's avatar
Tiffany S Community Member

Amr E wrote:

actually no, it will be very profitable 

I would love to hear more about the data you're basing that conclusion on. Given that Upwork has traditionally lost millions of dollars every month and that although all connects now have a price tag, the cost of individual connects has dropped dramatically, your logic isn't immediately obvious.


Upwork would have to sell about 36,000,000 connects each month to make up the average amount the company has traditionally been in the red each month. 


There are 218,250 freelancers who have been active on Upwork in the past month. That means we'd each have to buy about 165 connects each and every month for selling connects to take Upwork to the break even point--to make it "very profitable" would take quite a bit more.


Are you saying that you believe that each and every one of the active freelancers on this site will regularly purchase a couple of hundred connects each and every month?

Michael's avatar
Michael S Community Member

Asima H wrote:

Many freelancers have purchased job connect But they have not received any job yet.

Even if not all freelancers get jobs, the company will be very profitable here

That's the right way?

Upwork isn't a vending machine where you insert connects and receive a job. They went with paid connects not to make money, but to provide some minimum barrier to entry in an effort to prevent freelancers from simply spamming irrelevant proposals to every client they see. It has nothing to do with anything except attempting to provide higher quality responses to job postings.


Is it working? Still too early to tell.

Is the algorithm that decides how many connects are needed flawed? Yes.

Is Upwork making a profit on connects? No.

Have the changes been communicated effectively? Apparently not, judging by the number of complaint threads still being posted.

Is Upwork still completely oversaturated in some categories? ABSOLUTELY.

Asima's avatar
Asima H Community Member

Does anyone know? any other way to Resistance spamming?

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Asima H wrote:

Does anyone know? any other way to Resistance spamming?

Sorry, what in the world is "Resistance spamming???"

Rene's avatar
Rene K Community Member

Asima H wrote:

Does anyone know? any other way to Resistance spamming?






"Where darkness shines like dazzling light"   —William Ashbless
Wendy's avatar
Wendy C Community Member

Putting it in even blunter terms ...


If you are unwilling to pay 15 cents per connect X number required to bid on a job > Go ELSEWHERE. As an FYI, it seems that paying for the right to bid is having the intended impact.  Other platforms are following suit.


Either you have the talent, abilities, and business acumen to land a job and perform it better than anticipated or Upwork does not want you.


Based on the plethoria of gripes and complaints about paying for connects,  Upwork management will be successful in one of its intent.  Ridding the platform of those who drain the energies of buyers and staff alike.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Wendy C wrote:


Either you have the talent, abilities, and business acumen to land a job and perform it better than anticipated or Upwork does not want you.


Mark's avatar
Mark F Community Member

Asima H wrote:

Many freelancers have purchased job connect But they have not received any job yet.

Even if not all freelancers get jobs, the company will be very profitable here

That's the right way?


Does anyone know? any other way to Resistance spamming?

I think the only way to consider it right now, fair or not, is this is the way it is.  You are not alone in your unhappiness about this, in fact some of the reaction you are getting is probably due to the fact that there are usually multiple posts a day complaining about this.


But this is the way it is.


I think you need to find a way to be successful with the way it is.  You need to look for those jobs you know you will be the best at and spend your connects like mad when you do.  Otherwise you need to be very careful with them.  You need to decide for yourself how to figure out if a client is sincere and what kind of client you like.  You need to do more to market yourself and improve the message you give to clients every time.


You also need to make sure you make enough money every project to cover those times you are not working and the expenses it will now cost you (in connects) to find other work.

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