» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Top Rated Plus Freelancer’s Account Suspe...
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Help with another user's account

Hello all,


I am here on the behalf of another freelancer who wants to reopen his closed account but has no means to contact you. 


Could you please assist?


Ps: This is an urgent matter so please do not ask me to send you a private message if you will not check it.  Thank you


Hi all,


I understand your friend or colleague would like to contact support and resolve the issue with their Upwork account. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

How do I reach a human in customer support?



  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
Hi all,
This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.
Thank you!
~ Nikola

View solution in original post

812 REPLIES 812
Community Member

Hello Team


Upwork firstly block my account 2months back now it blocks account of my another agency admin. Here is the profile link. 

Also block the agency this time. 


As we are a part of agency, we do have different people working from different locations. I really don't understand why it is happening with us.



Hi Sumit,


We won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. However, rest assured that decisions to suspend a user's account are not taken lightly and without fully investigating for TOS violations.
Please refer to this help article for general reasons why our Trust & Safety team may take action on an account. Additionally, if they need assistance with their account, they can communicate with the team via the notification sent to them regarding their account status. 
~ Luiggi
Community Member


I am helping my friend sign up on Upwork from Brazil. She is unable to apply for jobs. She is using the Connects but still can't apply. What are we missing? 

Thank you,


Community Member


My working partner and husband who has been up upwork since its birth (previously worled on elance)  got his account blocked and is unable to get a proper support. 

Here's the situation:

- We relocated from Georgia to Serbia and my husband's georgian sim-card stopped working for some reason.

- He logged in the Upwork without an issue and created a support ticket stating he needs to change the phone number for varification purposes. 

- The support manager responded "you'll hear back from us in 10 hours" and after this for 6 days there was no reply. My husband was sending 4-5 followb up emails (any updates? ) and no response. 

- On the 7th day (today) he has not been able to log in. It says "Your account has been closed. Please contact customer support if you would like to reopen your account."

- So he did contacted the customer support, the bot offered to fill in some fields with email address, name, etc. 

- After this my husband got the following email:

"Hi, Alex!
Thanks for contacting Upwork regarding the status of your account.

The fastest way to fix your account suspension is to respond to the email we sent you explaining the reasons why we suspended you, but if you can’t find it, you can appeal using the button below.


- The thing is... he never got any email from upwork explaning the reasons of suspension (no even an email that "your account is suspended") 

and "File an Appeal" link bounc to general support page https://support.upwork.com/hc/en-us . (Maybe it'll work if he loggs in but there's no way to do this) So there's no way to file an appeal.


I'm writing on this forum as without login Alex can not write himself. 

Can anybody advise what to do? 


Hi Elena,


Thank you for sharing this with us, and I'm sorry to hear about your husband's account status. I'm afraid we can't share the details of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. I've notified the team handling his case, and he should be hearing back from them soon for further assistance. 

~ Luiggi

Thank you, Luiggi.

Much appreciated. 

Hello LuggiR

Unfortunately nothing is happening.  No one is getting in touch about the matter. The support requests 46661756  or 46542711 have not been updating by Upwork staff. Or Alex just don`t get the updates since he is not able to log in and see. We are afraid the account maybe closed forever.  I would appreciate any help

Hi Elena,


I have followed up with the team handling the support ticket and one of our team members will respond to the account owner as soon as possible.


- Pradeep


Hello PradeepH.

Indeed there has been some progress. The account is still blocked, but upwork starts to respond. Thanks so much for helping with this, PradeepH. Can not express enough how greatful we are for this.


I'm pleased to hear that there has been progress on the support ticket, Lena. I understand how frustrating it can be to have the account blocked, but we are committed to supporting Alex through this process. Please assure him that our team is fully devoted to helping him completely resolve this issue. Encourage him to keep communicating directly with the team through the same support ticket to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.


- Pradeep

Community Member

hello Paradeep, please my friend's account is closed by mistake from him he was just wanting to close his client account and leave the freelance account .. but he suddenly found it closed all 

and when he logins it shows
Your account has been closed. Please contact customer support if you would like to reopen your account.

and he want to send u a private message to send u the email registered with it .. it says the profile is not there.

Community Member


I'm trying to connect with real people on Upwork on behalf of my brother because he tried many times but stuck in a loop with upwork support.

His funds got transfered to his bank and upwork asked him to give identity information for bank. Upwork provided him with a form to fill information. 

1. For requires full name (first name, last name) as on 'ID'. But he has only first name on his National ID Card.
2. On his National ID Card he has name on front side and address and expiry date on backside. Form requires both things but allows to upload only 1 picture.
3. His ID Card is in Urdu language (our native language) but form says it should be in english.

Stuck in a loop:
He if fills the form then idenity verification fails because of above reasons.
He is unable to post this problem because due to being stuck in a loop his upwork account got suspended. He can't reach forums.
He also lost his top rated badge because of this issue.
Whatever he does he get's a response from Upwork saying that here is the link to a form to verify your identity. fill it. He does is stuck in a loop.

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

I'm attaching some pictures he sent me to understand the problem better.

Hi Bismah,


Thanks for bringing this to our attention. We’ve escalated your community post to a support ticket. One of our agents will be in touch with you soon to assist.

~ Luiggi

Hello Bismah,
I'm not from Upwork Support, but I encountered a similar problem. Tell your brother to take photos and add them to a pdf file if he wants to send more than 1 photo. I added photos of 2 types of documents to the same pdf file and submitted it. And don't be worried about the language. They accepted my ID and documents in Arabic.

As for the full name requirement, ask him if he has another type of ID (driving license, voter ID, postal ID, passport, etc.). And if he doesn't have any that meet the requirements, tell him to apply for a passport or try to get a civil status record with a photo from the government. I'm not sure if they accept a civil status record, but maybe it would work if it has his full name, address, and photo.

Don't lose hope or give up. My problem took about a month and a half, but it got solved in the end.

Community Member

Hi Nikola,
My cousin has been trying to get his account verified and activated since about a month. His account was suspended in the past because of US sanctions on Syria, but now he is in Egypt. He got an email in the past telling "Once you are no longer located in a U.S. sanctioned region, please login to your account and reply to this email." He replied to it, and then he was asked to log in from a non-sanctioned location and do a verification. He logged in from Egypt, did the verification, and got notification "Your ID has been verified".


His account is still suspended until now. And no one has replied to his ticket for 5 days or so. He is also not able to change his profile photo because the button is not working. They told him many times about changing it but the button is grayed out and not showing in green, and he sent a screenshot of that. Maybe it's like that because his account is blocked.

Can you ask the team to check his ticket? This is its number: 46303529

Community Member

I'm sending this message on behalf of my husband,**Edited for Community Guidelines**l. He used to work for an agency called **Edited for Community Guidelines**, he left the agency in 2022 however the agency is still using the account, they have changed the password and **Edited for Community Guidelines**does not have access to **Edited for Community Guidelines** account. As part of support ticket 46755387, Hardik's Upwork account has been suspended as a duplicate which is totally acceptable however, the profile **Edited for Community Guidelines**needs to be suspended as well because Hardik Panchal is not working here **Edited for Community Guidelines**You can reinitiate the identity verification if required.


I'm forced to post here because Hardik's account has been suspended.

Hi Priyanka, 


Thank you for reaching out to us and bringing this to our attention. I shared your post with the team handling the case for further review. I encourage you to direct your husband to the ticket they have with our team so that they can assist them further. 

~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi Nikola,


Thank you for your response. He can't access the ticket because his account is suspended. Can you please suggest an alternative to get an update on the ticket 46426393



Hi Priyanka,


The account owner can also view and respond to the support ticket from the email notification sent to their registered email address.


- Pradeep


Hi Pradeep,


He tried, but the link https://support.upwork.com/hc/requests/46426393 redirects to the login page where he cannot login due to account suspension.



Can you please help?

Community Member

I hope this message finds everyone well.


I am writing to seek your immediate assistance regarding a withdrawal issue my friend is currently facing while transferring funds from the Upwork account to the Payoneer account.


A week ago, he initiated a withdrawal request from his Upwork account to my Payoneer account, to further withdraw the funds to the local bank account. However, he encountered an unforeseen problem on the Payoneer platform, and his funds are now stuck in limbo.


1. Has anyone experienced a similar situation where funds were stuck during a withdrawal from Payoneer to Upwork? If so, how did you resolve it?

2. What steps should my friend take to escalate this matter within the Upwork platform to ensure a prompt resolution?

3. Are there any specific documents or information that my friend should provide to Upwork to expedite the process of retrieving my funds from Payoneer?


I appreciate any assistance and guidance you can provide to help my friend to resolve this withdrawal matter effectively. Thank you in advance for your support.

Retired Team Member
Retired Team Member

Hi Muhammad,


I'm sorry if your friend haven't received their payment. We understand how important it is for them to have this issue sorted out in a timely manner. However, we won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. Your friend should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

To access our support services, it would be best to follow the steps below:
  1. Navigate to the Help Center's navigation bar and select the "Contact Support" option.
  2. Choose the "Chat with Upwork" option to initiate a conversation with our chatbot.
  3. Type in a question or topic and click "Send." The chatbot will provide relevant articles related to your question.
We strongly encourage everyone to engage with the chatbot to access the available support options. Asking for assistance directly may not provide sufficient information for the chatbot to be able to assist you appropriately - for example, creating a ticket for you with the right team according to your concern.
~ Arjay
Community Member

My husband is trying to create his profile since yesterday but when it comes the time of adding skills it doesn't work. It's like if it was bugged. I tell us to ad at least 1 skill even if we've try adding 10. We have refreshed the app and we even deleted and downloaded again but the same error happens.

Hi Laura,


I'm sorry to hear he's having trouble with this. Could you please advise him to try doing it from a Desktop or Laptop, using different browsers? If the problem persists, it would be best if he reaches out to Customer Support directly for assistance or posts in the Community, as we can't share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

My brother, a freelancer, had set up an account on Upwork back in 2020 but then switched to fiverr. Now he wants to come back on this platform with the account he setup previously. The only issue is he does not remember both password and security question. And when he tried forgetting the password, he got an email with instructions which led to a form where he was asked for some information regarding the account. But the issue is he is unable to submit that form for soem reason. The form won't just submit, it shows the following text when he clicks on submit option "javascript:submitselfAuthForm()". He can't even reach out to fiverr support team since there is nothing like creating a ticket or an email for the support team. Furthermore, he tried clearing cache and changing software as well but still it won't work. He has tried it using Chrome and Edge. What does he do to recover his account? Please can anybody guide. I have attached the screenshot as well for the form he got. 

Hi Parvaiz,


I'm sorry to hear that your brother is having trouble resetting his password. We can't disclose the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. Could you please ask him to contact support directly for assistance? He should be able to do it without having to log in. To access our support services, it would be best to follow the steps below:


  1. Navigate to the Help Center's navigation bar and select the "Contact Support" option.
  2. Choose the "Chat with Upwork" option to initiate a conversation with our chatbot.
  3. Type in a question or topic and click "Send." The chatbot will provide relevant articles related to your question.
We strongly encourage everyone to engage with the chatbot to access the available support options. Asking for assistance directly may not provide sufficient information for the chatbot to be able to assist you appropriately - for example, creating a ticket for you with the right team according to your concern.



~ Luiggi
Community Member

My Sister is unable to log into her account. She added a two-step verification setting on her account. But now the code is not received on text message. Please resolve this issue. Thankyou.

Hi Ibtisam,


I'm sorry to hear your sister's issue. I'm afraid we can't share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. Please advise your sister to contact support directly for assistance. She should be able to do it without having to log in. To access our support services, it would be best to follow the steps below:


  1. Navigate to the Help Center's navigation bar and select the "Contact Support" option.
  2. Choose the "Chat with Upwork" option to initiate a conversation with our chatbot.
  3. Type in a question or topic and click "Send." The chatbot will provide relevant articles related to your question.
We strongly encourage everyone to engage with the chatbot to access the available support options. Asking for assistance directly may not provide sufficient information for the chatbot to be able to assist you appropriately - for example, creating a ticket for you with the right team according to your concern.
~ Luiggi


She has also tried another method of filling the form. But the form is not being submitted. Please resolve this issue. Thankyou.

Community Member

Hey Upwork Community!


I was working for a client and she no longer needed the work done after 1 week, $500 were in Escrow, and I requested for $150 to be released as Milestone payment request, my client approved it and I ended the contract with $350 in Escrow and I approved those $350 to be refunded back to the client.

That happened on 22nd April ' 2024. Today, after 1 week, my client didn't receive any emails or any refund back, is there a specific time when clients get refunds? 


I have ended the contract with escrow amounts in it several times and none of my client had issues before. 




Zain M

Make sure that the client is properly viewing their Upwork transactions because bank transactions can take longer.


If they are 100% sure there is no Upwork transactions, they would need to contact Support themselves.

Hello Zain,


Thank you for reaching out, and I'm sorry to hear your client has not received their refund. Refund credits can take up to five business days to appear in the client's billing method. If they haven't received it, please advise your client to contact support directly for assistance. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

I am writing on behalf of my friend.

Her account was suspended about 6 months ago, and she lost access to it.


Despite her efforts to contact Upwork support in all possible ways, it took several months for her to learn the reason for the suspension.


The reason was having 2 accounts. One of the accounts was created very-very long time ago (more than 4 years ago) when she did not know much about Upwork and she never used that account or took any project.


After a long time and getting some work experience she decided to try her chance on Upwork again. She forgot that she had that account and created a new one. And this was her only and main account all this time. She became a Top Rated Plus with %100 JSS with this account and earned more than $50K. Upwork became her main source of income.

One day 6 months ago, she received an email that her account was suspended.


After some months when she learned the reason for the suspension, Daisy from Upwork support offered to reinstate her account and asked which one she wanted to keep. However, after expressing her preference for her only active account, she never got back neither from Daisy nor from anyone from Upwork support regardless of multiple follow-ups.


My friend is now seeking assistance from Upwork support but has been unable to connect with anyone. Any advice or guidance on how to resolve this situation would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks a lot for your help.

It’s really a terrible situation, and I really feel very sorry and sad for your friend. I am also wondering what can be done in such bad and unfair cases, as no one is immune to unexpected issues like this and this can also happen to anyone here.

Hi Kaan,
I understand your friend would like to contact support and resolve the issue with their Upwork account. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in. They should be able to connect with support by following the steps below. 


  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.


Please note that for privacy reasons, we cannot share information about another’s user’s account which we hope you understand. 

~ Nikola

Hi Nikola,


Thank you for your reply. However, as I mentioned, she is not getting any reply from the support other than the automatic messages. She tried to reach out many times but everytime the messages are stopping and she needs to start the conversation from stracth.


I believe a big platform like Upwork should have a different solution for this.


Let me know.

Kaan, as an alternative to what Nikola mentioned, you can also advise your friend to post in the Community for assistance; we'll gladly escalate her concern to the relevant support team.

~ Luiggi

I am re-opening this thread since we could not get any solution offer other than advice for my friend to post here or contact support. However, these are not possible.


We just want the matter reviewed again because all what happened does not seem reasonable.




I am writing on behalf of my friend.

Her account was suspended about 6 months ago, and she lost access to it.


Despite her efforts to contact Upwork support in all possible ways, it took several months for her to learn the reason for the suspension.


The reason was having 2 accounts. One of the accounts was created very-very long time ago (more than 4 years ago) when she did not know much about Upwork and she never used that account or took any project.


After a long time and getting some work experience she decided to try her chance on Upwork again. She forgot that she had that account and created a new one. And this was her only and main account all this time. She became a Top Rated Plus with %100 JSS with this account and earned more than $50K. Upwork became her main source of income.

One day 6 months ago, she received an email that her account was suspended.


After some months when she learned the reason for the suspension, Daisy from Upwork support offered to reinstate her account and asked which one she wanted to keep. However, after expressing her preference for her only active account, she never got back neither from Daisy nor from anyone from Upwork support regardless of multiple follow-ups.


My friend is now seeking assistance from Upwork support but has been unable to connect with anyone. Any advice or guidance on how to resolve this situation would be greatly appreciated.


Thanks a lot for your help.

Hi Kaan,


I can confirm that one of my colleagues has replied to your post already. You can check it here

~ Joanne
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