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Help with another user's account

Hello all,


I am here on the behalf of another freelancer who wants to reopen his closed account but has no means to contact you. 


Could you please assist?


Ps: This is an urgent matter so please do not ask me to send you a private message if you will not check it.  Thank you


Hi all,


I understand your friend or colleague would like to contact support and resolve the issue with their Upwork account. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

How do I reach a human in customer support?



  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
Hi all,
This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation on this new thread.
Thank you!
~ Nikola

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Community Member



It looks like it is impossible to get an assistance from a customer support team. My friend's account is suspended since November with NO RESOLUTION  from Upwork. She has money under the account and contracts with the customers she cannot contact since her account was suspended.


Upwork don't reply to the emails, and she cannot write on this forum since she cannot login. She filed multiple appeals to the support and they say that she lives in terrorist country. And need a prove that she is not from the terrorist country.  She lives with her daughter (she is a single mother) in Barvinkove - Kharkiv region, which never been occuped by Russia by the way, and Upwork is the only source of income for her family. She sent all the requred information to the team, but they say that she or her internet provider are using VPN.She don't use any VPN or Proxy and her internet provider either, nevertheless Upwork replied that she is in terrorist country (I am not sure how she got there). 


Following the logic of Upwork support team:  Ukraine is a terrorist country. Okay, so you need to ban all the Ukrainian accounts if it is your logic. My friend is waiting for the reply from the Upwork and it takes ages for someone to reply to her request (last email from upwork stating that she is a terrorist she got on 29th of January).


It looks like you just want to take her $500 that is in her escrow, rather than get % from her contracts. A person working for many years on your platform suddenly becomes not needed. It is not a good way of doing business I think.  Or are you getting rid of people since there are too many freelancers on your platform? 


For your reference customer support case number 45619021


One of her clients was able to connect with her outside the platform to find out what had happened with their contract. They do take care about their contractors, unlike Upwork. They tried to reach out your team, and my friend finally got a reply to a couple of her emails, but than they stuck again. It looks like you support just ban and ignores people. 


So my question is, should freelancers from terrorist Ukraine work on your platform or for us it is better to start earning at your competitors? 





Hi Mayya,


I'm sorry to learn about this disappointing experience, and we certainly understand how important it is to resolve this issue promptly. Please remember that we won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. Rest assured that no action taken on a user's account is taken lightly without thoroughly investigating for TOS violations. 


Since they've coordinated with our support team already, a support ticket should be raised about the issue. We suggest they continue communicating with the team through that ticket and their email so that the team can assist them more efficiently.


~ Arjay

Your support s**ks. They are not replying to emails till someone from enterprise clients call them on the behalf of their worker. You banned an account that was registered in Ukraine and accessed from Ukraine all the time. Answer me, us Ukraine a terrorist country - yes or no? If yes, I will make a screenshot and send it to corresponding authorities. 

I agree on this issue, my sister's account has been suspended since last month. She did all the steps asked, submitted all the requirements needed to prove that she's not and haven't been in any terrorists country. 

She sent a lot of follow up emails asking for an update but no one responded after she did the necessary steps. Upwork support is so slow, they're just focused on getting money from the freelancers with these crazy number of connects and forced to buy connects from them. 

#45037980(ticket number). Despite sending numerous follow ups, no response from them after doing the necessary steps. I even need to post here 2x so they will reply to my sister's ticket. If you're a freelancer who experienced an account suspension, don't expect to get it back because the support team won't really support you. It's so hard to reach them, if you open another ticket, they'll just reply a canned message "you already have an open ticket, please reply on that" like spiel. And when you reply on that ticket they won't reply - so silly. 

Also, it was a new thread and I want everyone to know that you are calling Ukrainians fighting for their freedom terrorists. There is NO RESOLUTION since NOVEMBER 2023 and now it is end of February 2024. 

By the way, is there any way to downvote your reply, since it looks like it is canned reply from upwork's support system. If you cannot discuss the issue with me give me support phone number so the account owner can make a call. Since the begining of January no one replies to her tickets or updates her on the case. Maybe because we are Ukrainians, are terrorists according to your TOS? 


Community Member

Hello my friend,s account is permanentely suspended becaues something was wrong with his NID. But he can see his active contracts. Can he withdraw money when his job is finished?


  • So they should end his contract. Why they left his contract open?

Hi Mobin,


I'm afraid we won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. If your friend needs assistance, please advise them to contact our Support team directly. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here’s how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘chat with Upwork' button’.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Will he be able to withdraw money when his job is finished or not?

Community Member


I'm facing a problem with my Upwork account—it's been blocked, and I have no idea why. I've been trying to get help for 7 days now, but no response from Upwork support. Can anyone lend a hand?

Posting from my friend's account since I can't access mine. Any advice or assistance would be greatly appreciated.

Best regards!

Abdul Manan

Hi Faizan, 


I would like to clarify that we can not share information about other users' profiles other than with themselves for privacy reasons.

Additionally, please note that sharing your account information is a serious violation of the Upwork Terms of Service


~ Nikola
Community Member

Hi Nikola,

I just wanted to clarify that the message I posted on my account was from my friend. I haven't shared any of my Upwork account information with anyone; I simply shared the message from my friend.

I hope this clears up any confusion.

Thank you for clarifying this Faizan,


As Nikola mentioned, account sharing is strictly prohibited. Additionally, we won't be able to share the details of nother user's account for privacy reasons. If your friend needs assistance, please advise them to contact our Support team directly. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here’s how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘chat with Upwork' button’.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.


~ Arjay
Community Member


Hi Arjay,

Thank you for your understanding. I completely respect Upwork's policy on account sharing.

Regarding my friend's situation, he has attempted to contact Upwork Support through the chatbot, but unfortunately, he hasn't received any response despite waiting for 7 days now. His ticket ID is #45567796.

If there's any way you could assist with this matter, it would be greatly appreciated.



Community Member

Why is Upwork Support not responding 😠???

Community Member

  • Help! My friend is a victim too. He has an active contract and a pending hourly payment due by February 28 2024
  • His profile name is Yinka D. A Nigerian with an active Contract for **Edited for Community Guidelines**.
  • He lost his phone and no longer have access to his mails, log in details. Kindly help. 

Hi Ajoke,


Thank you for reaching out to us here in the Community. I'm afraid we won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. If your friend needs assistance, please advise them to contact our Support team directly. They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here’s how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘chat with Upwork' button’.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.

The team will gladly assist once they receive your friend's report.


~ Arjay
Community Member



My friend account has been compromised, with the email address and password being changed.


He had an account with the email address**Edited for Community Guidelines**
and it has been compromised - the email address changed and the password changed
can someone from upwork please contact my friend urgently on the given email.

Hi Muhammad,


I'm afraid we can't share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. Could you please advise your friend to contact support directly for assistance? They should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here’s how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hey Community I am really confused on one thing from upwork. One of my friends profile got suspended from upwork althought he gave his propoer verifcaiton on phone and video call with all the things but still upwork permanently banned his profile. Thats another topic but now after banning the profile upwork said they will return all the money from available balance on which the work is done and the client is happy to the clients back. Now for example if a client paid $1375 upwork is returning $1027 dollar to the client. Where is the rest of $348 gone???? This seems really fishy to me after hearing that. Becasuse if we even calcualte upwork new commission the client should get $1237.5 and ethically upwork should not have taken the fee if the freelancers earned money that he delievered the work of and client is happy and gave 5 stars is stolen and returned back to the client that too with all these deductions 😮 Can anyone explain whats going on here? 

Hello Faisal,


We won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. If your friend needs to contact support for assistance, they should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here's how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hey Joanne, 


Good morning. One of my team member have forgotten the password and now while recovering the account, she gets below message. "Upwork could not locate the information needed to recover your password. Please try again". Some times it shows your account is suspended. Could you please guide me what we should do?






Hi Jignesh,


Thanks for reaching out on behalf of your team member. If she tried the self-service option and that didn't work for her, she'll need to contact support directly for assistance. We won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. 


She should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in. Here's how:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
~ Luiggi
Community Member


I'm currently engaged in a project on Upwork. The client has successfully completed two milestones but has encountered an issue with their payment method for the third milestone. Could you please check what happened?


Could you please review the Upwork contract for reference? The contract ID is 36488687. Your prompt attention to this matter would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hi Muhammad,


We won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. If your client is having trouble funding the third milestone, it'll be best if they contact support directly for assistance. 

~ Luiggi
Community Member

I'm writing on my friend behalf 


His account has been permanently blocked by upwork without any prior notice for verification as its suspended for verification issue. Upwork doesn't stop here the earning from his account which was around 800 usd disappear and came down to 21 usd after that he lost the account access. He file an  appeal but no response after 5 days.


Is there any way to unlocked the account if there is a genuine reason and every proof to prove the identity and what about the earning will be upwork return it or it has stolen ?


please guide me as soon as possible as acocunt was top rated 

Hi Ghulam,


We won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. However, rest assured that decisions to suspend a user's account are not taken lightly and without fully investigating for TOS violations.
Please, refer to this help article for general reasons why our Trust & Safety team may take action on an account.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

Hi man, 


This is not how you address the issue, at least tell me how do I get my earnings back, I am using my friends account just to talk to you guys to get my earning back 

Community Member

Title: Account Suspension Post ID Verification: Seeking Community Advice


Dear Upwork Community,

I'm writing on behalf of my friend who recently encountered a concerning issue on Upwork. Despite completing the ID verification process successfully, their account was unexpectedly suspended.

This suspension has left them in a state of confusion and uncertainty, as Upwork is a vital platform for their freelance work. They've diligently followed all the platform's guidelines and protocols, making this suspension particularly puzzling.

We're reaching out to the community for advice and guidance. Has anyone else experienced a similar situation? How did you resolve it? Any insights or recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you for your support during this challenging time.

Best regards,


Hi Sami,


We won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. However, rest assured that decisions to suspend a user's account are not taken lightly and without fully investigating for TOS violations.
Please, refer to this help article for general reasons why our Trust & Safety team may take action on an account.
~ Luiggi
Community Member


When my sister try to login it shows that account is suspended and she's unable to login but when she filed a appeal she recieves a email from Upwork that account is still active.

Can you solve this issue?


Hi Farhan,


I'm afraid that we won't be able to share the details of another user's account for privacy reasons. Could you please advise your sister to contact support directly for assistance? She should be able to reach out to our support team via the chatbot without having to log in.

Here’s how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the ‘Chat with Upwork' button.
  2. Type a question or topic and select ‘Send’. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need additional help, you will be asked to confirm the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.
~ Luiggi
Community Member

My friends account is showing like “permanently blocked “ but she can still login and receive funds. But she can’t withdraw the funds to bank account. Upwork has done the id verification and notified her to change profile picture but she can’t change the profile picture as the icon next to it is frozen.


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Hi Safia,


We won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons. However, rest assured that decisions to suspend a user's account are not taken lightly and without fully investigating for TOS violations.
Please, refer to this help article for general reasons why our Trust & Safety team may take action on an account. If your friend needs assistance, you can advise her to Contact Support directly. 
~ Luiggi
Community Member

I lose all the money to the fake freelancer, upwork do not assist me to call the police.


I paid the money to freelancer and freelancer said he is not the receipent of the money and he close the account.



I strongly request upwork to report the cyber crime to the police.


Who has similar experience as mine.


I am very depressed. The freelancer take the money, waste my time, and also steal my intellectual property (proof of concept).


Upwork did nothing to help me

set up "alliance of upwork victims"

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

**Edited for Community Guidelines**

The message sent by the freelancer, he take all my money and tell me he is the victim of cyber criminal. Upwork didnt help to investigate.

Hi Douglas,


I'm sorry to learn about this disappointing experience, and we certainly understand how important it is to resolve this issue promptly. Please remember that we won't be able to discuss the status of another user's account for privacy and security reasons.


However, please advise them to contact our Support team directly so that we can address the situation promptly. They should be able to contact our support team via the chatbot without logging in.

Here's how you can reach Upwork Support:
  1. Please visit Contact Support and click the 'chat with Upwork' button.'
  2. Type a question or topic and select 'Send'. The bot will find relevant Help articles for you.
  3. The chatbot will ask you to confirm if you need additional help. If you confirm that you need further help, you will be asked to verify the account type you need help with.
  4. From there, the support options available to you will be listed. Select either of the options to be able to contact the Upwork Support Team.


~ Arjay
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