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I need help with some issues

I have been working on upwork for many years now, I don't know if im not getting the jobs is because of the proposals I have been writing or any other issue.
I need help, guidance on how to write job winning proposals,  what should i mention, how should i start the proposal and what should I include in writing a proposal?

My approach of proposal writing is:

-Starting with greetings

-Telling about my experience

-Telling how my expertise align with the job

-Attaching related links and portfolio


Where am I making a mistake?

Community Member

I'm simply writing: "Hello, Sir, ready to work".


I think it suffices as other details can be explained.

Do you think it is going to help you win projects?

Well, I not only consider this as a good tactics, but also I've earned 120$.

Community Member

Hi Umair,

Clients want facts first. After greeting go DIRECTLY to what you will do FOR THEM with your experise aligghnment.
if you have a short video to direct them to (who am I deal) then link or attach.

They will get who you are by looking at profile so font bore them in the proposal. You wil also know they are interested because you;r get a "looked at" notice.

Say thanks-good bye-talk with you soon.


Keep It Simple, Stupid!


Yes, this is what we should do as a freelancers on Upwork.


And, please, Umair, don't forget about service payments.

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