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Is this SCAM, is it allowed to work this way since it's contracted on Upwork?

Hello, I've applied for a job on Upwork and the person asked for my number saying that his assistant would contact me to explain the situation. I was like ok, but the payment has to go through Upwork. 
So they did offer to bid for 60$/h on their post and after I bill them and take money from Upwork, I'm obligated to give them back the commission like 50%.
So I was wondering if this is allowed or if it is against Upwork's privacy, and why would someone do that?

Please help me to understand and answer my questions.

Thank you in advance!



Community Member

Of course this isn't allowed.

They're simply trying to steal money from you.

Stop communicating with them.

Community Member

Nebojsa P wrote:

why would someone do that?

You will be paid from stolen card, for example $100. Then you pay $50 as agreed to scamer. He took your $50 and gone. Credit card owner found and cancel unautorized transaction, Upwork take $100 from you and return to owner. At result you have $-50 total. Also you can be banned with ToS violation.

Looks like you already have such an experience. 

Community Member

Re: the person asked for my number saying that his assistant would contact me to explain the situation. I was like ok,


Not Ok. Communicating outside Upwork before a contract is in place on Upwork is a violation of their Terms of Service. Please take a look at the Academy courses at the top of this page.


Community Member



It's against Upwork's Terms of Service to go off site for communications prior to becoming a client. Client the  Academy link on the top of this page for how to use Upwork. Thanks!

Community Member

Hello everyone, it's my fisrt time here upwork.  I want to sure it this is legit please. I'm looking forward your answer guys.



We can not answer your question because we do not know what you are asking about.


Please rephrase your question more clearly.

Of course it's not legit. Total strangers aren't going to just hand you money unless they're trying to con you, or doing something illegal. Read this before you send any more proposals: https://community.upwork.com/t5/Community-Blog/Top-Red-Flags-for-Scams-From-Community-Member-Wes-C/b...

Community Member

Thank you guys so much for the answer, I do really appreciate it, I will stop any contact with the person and be sure that in the future I won't get into contact with people like this. I thought that Upwork would not mind as long as we would sign the contract, but I see it's different.

Thank you once again for your kind answers!


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