» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Why have my profile views dropped to zero...
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JSS update date shows 27. Feb

Hello Everyone 

JSS was suppose to update on Sunday But it didnt. 

The last update date shows 27 feb

Please help

Thank You

150 REPLIES 150

Hi Lalit,


I've just checked you profile. You have 2 Udemy certificates. Congratulations.

Can you see in your stats at least one visitor?


Thank you Mariusz but still there are 0 views.



Over the last one my profile view has being showing "Your profile was discovered 0 times last week. (-100% from the previous week)"

Is this normal?, Or how do I correct this

Hi Charity,


One of our agents will reach out to you directly via a support ticket. Thanks.

~ Joanne

Hi! The same here. Very frustrating. I am having this issue every time they change something in design or introduce new bages, or something else. I had 20-30 views per week before, now is again 0. 

As a feature request, I would love if we could add a Google Analytics script to our profile pages. Many services allow you to enter your Google Analytics code or Google Analytics View ID and think it would be easy to implement.

Maybe this could be a Freelancer Plus feature only. I would totaly buy Freelancer Plus simply for the ability to add Google Analytics to my profile. I really don't use many connects, so this could be an added incentive to continue to subscribe to plus. There are a lot of developers using UpWork who use Google Analytics on a daily basis, and for those who do not, a simple short article explaining the steps to help non-developers set it up would allow them to use it as well. 

The current analytics provided is great, but is lacking a lot of information. Google Analytics could add a lot more information to help us market our services, and the Upwork platform. Plus it requires very little code from the Upwork side. I would like to market my Upwork profile on my own end, and knowing where traffic is coming from would be very helpful. 

Community Member

Same issue is with as well. I got top rated batch around 23rd july and after that my views are zero and now it's 23rd August. Though I got one invitation as well. but still.

Help me as well.

Profile views.JPG

Hi Shahid,


I would like to confirm that this is a known issue and our team is working on resolving it as soon as possible. Thank you.

~ Goran

I have the same problem. Please help.
Thank you

Im glad that I saw this thread. I have been having the same issue for weeks. Now i know that it isnt just me, lol.

Hey everyone

I need some help figuring out what's going on with my visits. Since Upwork's latest big update, my visits went to almost 0.


After freelancing for 3+ years on Upwork, I understand ups and downs, but they're all gradual and never just a huge drop to 0.


Could someone help please?




I am facing the same problem. My profile views is stuck to 0 since about 2 weeks time, eben though i reveive invitations. Can you help me please?


I too have had this issue since the redo of the profiles. That and receiving no invites for a week, which is super rare!

Why the sudden lack of invitations from clients? Is anyone else having this problem?


I've seen a lot of "entry level" jobs posted lately, maybe that's it? But I usually get at least one invite or more per day. Everything was going along fine until the redo of the profiles (mine was not showing up on my browser although all other pages were) and I've been working on this site since it was Elance.



Mine has shown zero views for the last couple of weeks, but I still get the emails telling me that people are viewing my profile. I have no clue what's going on. 

Susan - Glad to see I am not alone! 

Hi Everyone, Can anyone tell me What's wrong with my profile? I get notification my profile viewed 23 times. but 

In my profile stats, I found 0 views.


Mekail R
Community Member

Mekail R wrote:

 I get notification my profile viewed 23 times. but 

In my profile stats, I found 0 views.


It's a bug. The Profile view counter is broken (again...)

Community Member

Thanks you Petra R 

Mekail R
Community Member

wow...I don't even get those notifications. any ideas?

I don't know!!
I think When I submit a proposal for a job after that if client view proposal & visit my profile 

Mekail R

Hi Mekail,


I shared your issue with the rest of our team and one of our agents will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Thanks a lot, Aleksandar D 

Mekail R

I don'nt think views are still matters..as long as the client hire you with subbmitting the proposal, and get hire by them, If want to share the upwork profile link to others and they just viewed and go away so it will any harm on that? 
So I would like to share and marketing my profile to any one on upwork community clients? Is that ok to do it? But If many views are there and no hiring or invited.. So views are useless I think soo. Upwork community members better knows..



My profile views showing zero views for two weeks despite I got email which say your profile was viewed 6 times this week.

Hi Abid and others,


We currently have an issue with the profile views showing incorrectly on My Stats page. Our engineers are aware and are actively working on resolving this issue. We apologize for the inconvenience and confusion this may have caused and appreciate your patience while this bug is being fixed. 

~ Valeria

A month ago I noticed that my profile's views went down to zero and stay there since then ( I attached a screenshot to this message). Could someone from the Support group help me out and check if everything is alright, please? From the moment I started my career on Upwork, I never had zero views of my profile. It seems strange.


Thank you for your attention.

Community Member

Vladislav S wrote:

A month ago I noticed that my profile's views went down to zero and stay there since then

It's a bug, and there are endless posts about it.


Upwork are working on fixing it

Hi Vladislav,


One of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your ticket here

~ Nikola

aa11.pngGetting no Invitations and Response's from Clients from Last2-3 Weeks, This is frustrating even though I am Improving my profile in every way possible!

Community Member

Hello Nicola


I haven't been contacted by support team - Will you help me with that please? Thanks!

Community Member

Florencia F wrote:

I haven't been contacted by support team - Will you help me with that please? Thanks!

You don't have to be contacted by anyone. It's a site-wide issue. They're not going to fix it freelancer by freelancer. Once it's fixed, it's fixed for everyone.


It doesn't mean that clients don't see your profile, it just means that the counter is (still) broken.

Community Member

Hello Petra

Thanks for taking the time to reply. I saw that some moderators replied that freelancers were going to be contacted by the support team and wanted to check with them if they were going to open a ticket pr should I do so. Many companies, even when it could be a known issue / global issue, still need to have Service Request logged to assess the number of people impacted or other metrics.

Regarding the "broken counter," as you mention, in my case, it is not that I have visits to my profile, and the visit's counter is not registering them. I know I have 0 visits as I suddenly stopped receiving invites. So for me, it does mean they're not seeing my profile


Community Member

Florencia F wrote:

I know I have 0 visits as I suddenly stopped receiving invites. So for me, it does mean they're not seeing my profile

Yes they are.


You actually appear right on page one when I search from my client account for PowerPoint Presentation.


So yes, clients can find and see your profile just fine.

The counter just doesn't register the visit because the counter is broken and has been for some time.



Community Member

I do know I appear on searches, and I don't feel comfortable with you posting here my profile.

Something else is broken or not working as usual, and I want to understand what. Your explanation is not enough as it does not explain how I went from receiving several invites to almost 0. I will look for support directly from the Support team if this makes you feel irritated for some bizarre reason.


I came here for help, and I'm always addressing everyone with respect.


Your attitude in replies, not only to me but to other colleagues, is one of the main reasons I ceased years ago to seek help and community in this forum.


While we all use the same language, we do not share the same culture, education, and others. I do understand that when people ask the same over and over, it can be frustrating. If it's the case, I may recommend a stress ball or just punch a pillow, than reply with no empathy.


I do not want to start a discussion with you, so I'll leave it here.


Community Member

Florencia F wrote:

I do know I appear on searches, and I don't feel comfortable with you posting here my profile.

Sorry, I removed it!

Please note that anyone can get to your profile with two mouseclicks from your post.

Community Member

Flo, I agree with you.. as I myself experienced this... and felt the same... when i joined UW and put some suggestions, (i thought) for betterment of us, the freeancers.

But what I am not able to understand is.. if people ask the same over and over again, and persons get fed-up of reading this, who has asked him/her to keep repying to the messages, is the replying duty assigned to some specific persons in community?

See attachment. I know i don't have zero views because i'm constantly getting invites.

Alexander N wrote:

See attachment. I know i don't have zero views because i'm constantly getting invites.

Been broken for a while. Upwork know, they're working on it and have been for a while. Dozens of posts about it.

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