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Hello there,

I have completed 4 jobs in which two are rated 5 stars and others two have 4.85 and 4.45.

But the Job Success Score is 66% only. What's the matter? Can anyone please help me?

Thank you in advance!

Community Member

Sabita A wrote:

. What's the matter? 

Clients leave two types of feedback: Public feedback (stars and optionally words) and private feedback, which is what mainly makes out the JSS. Your private feedback is clearly not the same as the public feedback.

Community Member

Hi Sabita, yes Petra is absolutely true that the Private Feedback is the cause for your JSS drop.

I can see that you have many contracts in progress, I believe you can benefit from that to boost your JSS.

Focus on delivering the highest quality possible and as soon as you finish the required work, Politely ask the clients to end the contract and "Professionally" let them know that you'd appreciate it if they left feedback about their experience working with you and that this will help you a lot.


PS: The more contracts you close successfully, the more your JSS will be boosted and compensate for that drop.

I hope this helps. Wish you the best of luck.



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