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Message from former client

I got a text from a client I last worked for on Upwork in 2018. He has a new project he would like me to look at. It used to be that if you have had a relationship with a client on Upwork for over two years you could work with them outside of Upwork without violating the TOS,  but now you have to pay a conversion fee. Does this apply to any former client, even one last heard from 5 years ago?

Community Member

So he sent you a text to your phone, did not initiate the contact to you here on Upwork. I would say, but let's wait for others to chime in :-). That since it's been 6 years if he contacts you not from Upwork, you would okay to work with him and charge him anyways you like, via Paypal etc. I'm sure a community manager will respond to this thread with accurate info. 

Community Member

Hi Clark,


You are fine to communicate and work with this client off-platform since it's past the non-circumvention period (2 years from the moment of your first contract with the client).

And no conversion fee?

WOW, 800K earnings, Great Job 😂. @Clark Yes no conversion fee's I would say they are now your client. But still, be best to wait for the community manager to respond.

how to work this work

800K, I wish! That's 800 jobs.

Thank you, Shane. You're doing a great job there too. Keep it up.

Community Member

Yes. 2 years from your first work with client. Dont matter if job running or break taken.

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Community Member

Yes, even after two years, now there's still a conversion fee of $1. They implemented this a few months ago IIRC.


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