» Forums » Freelancers » Re: all my connects disappeared
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My connect disappear

I was having 10 connect suddenly its 0 now


Hi All,


Could you please refresh the page and check your Connects balance or try submitting a proposal again? Our engineers released a fix for this issue.


Thank you for your patience while we were getting this addressed.

~ Valeria

View solution in original post

175 REPLIES 175

same thing happened to me 

Same here

Same with me

Login with different browser - clear cache - worked for me for one proposal at least, then issue reappeared.

Still doesn't work for me... even when I cleared everything and went through incognito...


Check again

Check again..
Upwork has fixed the issue

You're right! I'm back up and running!

Community Member

hi  i cann't apply or buy connect because it is not showing on my account .. i dont know what is the problem is  .. i had 40 connect left ... as i refresh 0 connect balance shown suddenly,.... can you guys please solve this wired problem 


here is my profile link 


Community Member

My 39 connects disappeared. When I try to apply the proposal, it looks like I have 0 connects, but I have 39 connects. Where is it? Also the message tells me to contact administrator to buy new connectsSmiley Very Happy Where did they disappear? Is it okay?Smiley Very Happy

Having the same issue. I was getting weird error strings with things like timeout=20 etc. written before the new error appeared.


Hope it get's resolved soon, and a few bonus credits wouldn't go amiss either 😉

And after they tell me, its not a crysisSmiley Very Happy

I'm getting the same thing!

The same thing happened to me.  I had over 130 connects, when I went to bid on a proposal, I got an error saying I had NO connects.  When I look at my Connects History, It shows my "Balance" with a QUESTION MARK next to it.   

Community Member

Hi y'all! I'm new to upwork and recieved a bunch of connects. I have only applied to 3 contracts and as of last night I had 66 connects. When I went to apply to jobs this morning it says I have 0. If anyone could help with this, that would be greatly appreciated!

General Issue Kris!

Community Member

They are fixing it, its a bug


Community Member

Hello Hoping you all doing great and safe 

wanted to see my connects history as it went to 0 while i had from 40 to 50 as i thought you know somtimes they run out and you dont notice but i went to my connects history to check if i was wrong but it said ( somthing wrong had happened please contact coustomer support  )


Kind Regards 

Community Member

Same here. 65 connects disappears. Why?

Community Member

me too... what's happening??

Community Member


My 68 connects have suddenly disappeared from my account and i can't apply for any job.




Please help, it's urgent.





Rishi R.

Community Member



I was about to make a proposal for a job and all of a sudden  all my connects disappeared. It is the fisrt time  something like that happened and i do not know why!

How can i have back my connects? Anybody else had the same issue?

Thank you in advance!

They are fixing it, its a bug

Community Member

Hello, upwork team.

I've lost my connects. 


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