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New fonts, colours?

Come on, Upwork.

You're messing with the fonts and colours of this site.

What you have done, sucks - the new fonts are extremely hard to read.

155 REPLIES 155

I suspect this was a "corporate" decision and they thought that font looks good on printed letterheads, so maybe yet another case of "brandbook killing usability". It's actually a commercial font Neue Montreal designed by Mathieu Desjardins - not sure if created primarily for display.
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Gregory M wrote:

I suspect this was a "corporate" decision and they decided that font looks good on printed letterheads. It's actually a commercial font Neue Montreal designed by Mathieu Desjardins - not sure if designed primarily for display.
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I'm in Smiley Very Happy

Hi Gregory,

Regarding the font, our new look uses two fonts, “Upwork Neue Montreal” and “Upwork RZA”. 

~ Vladimir
Community Manager
Community Manager

Yury M wrote:

New fonts look awful and unreadable. Can we just have a choice of fonts in settings?

Gonna use font-changer addon for now.

Kevin P wrote:

It's a font render issue. I don't know if it's the font, windows, or browser. Some letters are cut off a bit, some have different weights. Even the ones that render correctly just look "off". Way better before! I swear, people always try to "fix" things that aren't broken 🤣🤣🤣

Phuong D wrote:

I welcome all the changes but come on, the new font is a nightmare!! Please change it back.

Mohammed G wrote:

The same here, the new colors are hurting my eyes and the new font doesn't look good on Firefox!

Vinod M wrote:

Difficult to read with the new font, It's too smallSmiley Sad. please revert it or do some necessary changes.

Zoe B wrote:

The font change has been a bad move for me. I'm on a Macbook, macOS Mojave 10.14.6. The font's just too small, which makes it harder to read than the previous one.


A couple of point sizes bigger would look better.

Vishal K wrote:

Agreed. Too hard to read. I really don't like this change. We want the previous font 😞

Seth B wrote:

New font is certainly harder to read. Had to increase size just to make it legible, and even then it's a lot slower for me to browse compared with the old font. I realize some may prefer it, so perhaps an option to set our font? 

Pavel T wrote:

It hurts my eyes. 

Hi Pavel, Yury, Kevin, Phuong, Mohammed, Vinod, Zoe, Vishal, Seth, 

We appreciate your feedback. Can you please take a screenshot and share it with us? It will also help us if you can share what browser you are using, the version, your operating system, your screen resolution, and any other details/feedback. We will pass it on to our team for review. Thanks for your help!

~ Vladimir

This is what I see: https://prnt.sc/12ix869
I have been on the website for just 5 minutes and my eyes hurt!!!
I am using Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (64-bit) and Microsoft Windows 10 Version 10.0.17134 Build 17134
Please bring back the old font!

Hi Zlatina,


Could you try to clear your cache and cookies and check if you're still experiencing any problems with the font on your end? Thank you.

~ Goran

It looks bad in my Upwork app since the update, all the letters are different size, that's on my Windows pc 2560x1080 screen resolution. On my Macbook the app text looks fine

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Hi Nikolet,


Could you try to clear your cache and cookies and let me know if you're still experiencing the same problem with the font after this? Thank you.

~ Goran

I cleared the app's cache, restarted and I still see it the same way

Thank you for the follow up, Nikolet.

If additional information is needed our team will reach out to you directly.

~ Goran

Hi Nikolet,

Thanks for the follow-up. Could you please provide another screenshot, preferably one showing more text? Thanks for your help!



~ Vladimir

This is Upwork app, version, Windows 10, Screen resolution 2560x1080

Thank you for providing the screenshot, Nikolet!

I've checked and shared all the information with our team for further review.

~ Vladimir

Vald, I hadn't noticed looking at the time tracker. It looks bad.
Since I haven't opened it in a long time, it has been updated, so it's not a cache issue.Time Tracker.JPG

Nikolet M wrote:

I cleared the app's cache, restarted and I still see it the same way

Hi Nikolet,

I apologize for asking you for another update but I'd like to be sure we're on the same page when it comes to clearing cache. I see you mentioned clearing app's cache. Can you confirm you cleared your browser cache or the Upwork Desktop app cache?

If you haven't please clear your browser cache and let us know if the font appears in the same way. Thank you for your continued cooperation.

~ Vladimir

Hi Vladimir, I previously cleared the Upwork App's cache as the problem I have is the fonts are not displayed correctly in the app not in my browser ( the browser looks fine ), but I just cleared the cookies and cache in my browser as well just in case, font is still the same in the app

Nikolet, Maria and Konstantinos,


We've shared your reports about the font on the Desktop App with the team. They've confirmed that they're working on improving it. 
Thanks for details and screenshots you've been sharing in your comments!

~ Valeria

Hi Pavel, Yury, Kevin, Phuong, Mohammed, Vinod, Zoe, Vishal, Seth, 

We appreciate your feedback. Can you please take a screenshot and share it with us? It will also help us if you can share what browser you are using, the version, your operating system, your screen resolution, and any other details/feedback. We will pass it on to our team for review. Thanks for your help!


Chrome Version 90.0.4430.93 (Official Build) (x86_64)

and Safari Version 14.0.3 (14610.

(both browsers present the same problem)

Operating system: MacOS Mojave 10.14.6

Screen resolution: 2560 x 1600, 13.3 inch display

Details: Font is just too small. The previous font size was fine in comparison.

Community Member

I think, its the most worst and, worst font choice of UpWork ever! just bring back the last font! 

Community Member

Also, the size of the font of the message room becomes too tinier. If this goes like this, I have to increase the power of my eyeglass which is already too much. 

Upwork, you will pay me for my eyeglasses. 

Hi Rafsun,


We understand your concern and thank you for your report. Could you please clear your browser cache and let us know if the font is still displayed on your end in the same way?

If it is, could you please take a screenshot and share it with us, along with what browser you are using, the version, your operating system, your screen resolution, and any other details/feedback? Thank you!

~ Vladimir

Hi Vladimir,

I am sorry to hear this from you. You are talking like a politician. 

I can 100% assure you that it's not a problem of cache or cookies, resolution, my operating system, browser version or any other details.

The problem is UW changed the font which is not neat and readable. The font should be changed. 

Rafsun S wrote:

Hi Vladimir,

I am sorry to hear this from you. You are talking like a politician. 

I can 100% assure you that it's not a problem of cache or cookies, resolution, my operating system, browser version or any other details.

The problem is UW changed the font which is not neat and readable. The font should be changed. 

The font is not neat and readable, I agree.
But, in addition to that, there have been problems for its correct vision depending on which computer you use.

I believe this is not a problem from our side, still, I am sharing the screenshots and I had cleared my cache/cookies.

Present font and color. This green on the white gives pressure on the eyes. 

New Font & Color.png

I have a full HD (1920 * 1080) resolution.

Screen Resolution.png

My PC configuration.

PC Configuration.png

My Chrome version is the latest version.

Please let me know arent's these not enough to see your new font in a fine way?

Thank you.

Community Member

Took me 1 second of google searching to find these update reports. It is hard to read and not easy on the eyes. Bravo! The letters are way to thin and close together. I really wish you would use an easily accesible and easy to read font. 

I really do NOT like the new fonts and colors.  Terrible.

Goran, Vladimir - can you please tell - was the previous font Gotham Book? I want to override the current eyesore at least in my browser...

Community Member

Hey there, Upwork team!


I just noticed today that the website underwent some design changes and the one problem I noticed right away was that the text became tinier.


That was very disappointing, I won't lie. The same happened with the desktop app so it can't be something on my end.


Is there, though, to fix it for me at least except for zooming in?


Thank you for your time and I'm looking forward to your answers...

Community Member

I personally don't like it. Smiley Mad

Community Member

It may be fine if you have good eyesight, but the tighter than usual kerning combined with the meanness of some of the letters (tops of f and r are reduced in comparison with other fonts) and the odd imbalance with the bowls and heights of some of the letters (the top of the o is lower than the top of an m, for example) is nausea-inducing.


I can see exactly this effect in some of the screenshots here, so it's pointless adding to them. But perhaps it's relevant that I have *extremely* bad sight in one eye and the imbalance makes the effect worse. I'd lay money on people who say it's OK having balanced eyesight.

Side-by-side comparison: 



That shows the tight kerning really clearly - it's as if someone decided they were running out of space and had to squish the text.


And the lack of contrast between that lime green and the grey background is also eye-straining.


Why actively reduce legibility? 

The old font was Gotham Screen Smart - specially designed for screens, with excellent readability. If Upwork just wanted a narrower version - there is Gotham Narrow Screen Smart 🙂

This is an excellent picture, and makes the difference so easy to spot. Bravo!!

Community Member

Sadly I have to join the majority of the colleagues here and echo that the new font and colors are so hard on the eyes ... 😞 


I have pondered for a while whether this is resistant to change calling but the overall experience of the website definitely appears cheapened to me. Font / font size is soooo hard to read - literally my eyes heart. And to be honest the situation in the mobile app is not better - I do not find this font flattering on mobile device either. 


I really appreciate Upwork's efforts to be better and better but something seems to have gone wrong with this rebranding. 


And just look at the header of this very page (screenshot attached) - menus and icons appear to misaligned! And no comment on the font size of my user name. I wear glasses and I barely see it. 


I hope the community's feedback will be taken into serious consideration. 

Community Member

I agree, the new fonts and colors are horrible and make it very difficult to read on a PC. The size is smaller, too. It may be mobile-friendly, but how many freelancers actually work from their phones? Even if there are a lot of you, what we had before worked just fine. 


For those of us that work on our computers all day, our eyes are strained enough. Why the change? If it wasn't broken, don't fix it!


Upwork, if you want freelancers to apply to more jobs, make them easier to read, not harder.

Thank you.

Krista W wrote:

Upwork, if you want freelancers to apply to more jobs, make them easier to read, not harder.

More importantly, they should do this if they want clients to post.

Community Member

Can anyone PLEASE make all upwork text pressence more legible by getting back font / s of aspect ratio that is human eye friendly ???


That new update of the tracker app (along with the web site) has all text using font which is INSANELY diffiuclt to read now the contrast between what was before the update and what is now is HUGE. Narrow characters is not what's good for people to read You can type a phrase with such skinny letters in hopes user will only read it once or twice, but what, the whole online pressence using this ??. I can't even stress this loud enough - I have to strain my eyes everytime I got a message in tracker app or open upwork website as dialy routine to surf through saved searches or for even checking my work diary at the end of the week. Yes I can solve this in browser but what about the app? It has nothing related to fonts in Settings.

And yes I do not care there are dozens of poeple expressed opinions on this new font thing before me, I just have to say this! As a person who's drawing letters every day. As someone who's testing logotypes in very small sizes for legibility. I do not even care if this is not a good place for such opinions - just count number of poeple noticed **Edited for Community Guidelines**

Can't you see bloody tears coming out of eyes of many many poeple here?

Sergey S wrote:

Can anyone PLEASE make all upwork text pressence more legible by getting back font / s of aspect ratio that is human eye friendly ???


And yes I do not care there are dozens of poeple expressed opinions on this new font thing before me, I just have to say this! As a person who's drawing letters every day. As someone who's testing logotypes in very small sizes for legibility. I do not even care if this is not a good place for such opinions - just count number of poeple noticed **Edited for Community Guidelines**!

Can't you see bloody tears coming out of eyes of many many poeple here?

If nothing else, Upwork should be thinking about how people with disabilities such as dyslexia would have even more trouble with this lettering. It's EXTREMELY ablist to choose a font that even the average person has problems with and say that they don't care about anyone's opinions without even considering how difficult this would be for someone with visual processing issues.


We value constructive feedback from the Community, and I can assure you that the rest of the team is aware of the feedback about the new fonts and colors shared here and through other channels. 


Just the same, thank you for sharing this with us. We will share this with the rest of the team for their consideration. 

~ Avery
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