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No connection required

Hi i am facing a wired situation .. as i am going to bid a jobs it shows no connection requried... but after bidding it showed negetive balance in connection .... please help me out why this is happeing 



Community Member

Avishek B wrote:

Hi i am facing a wired situation .. as i am going to bid a jobs it shows no connection requried... but after bidding it showed negetive balance in connection ....

It's a bug. There is no such thing as job posts with no connects being required.

A previously known bug? It'll be too hilarious if these "zero connects" jobs are ones that are supposed to be boost-able.


ohh then what is a solution ?


Avishek B wrote:

ohh then what is a solution ?

Don't ever think there are jobs that don't require connects.. All job posts require connects to apply.

Petra R wrote:

Avishek B wrote:

ohh then what is a solution ?

Don't ever think there are jobs that don't require connects.. All job posts require connects to apply.

But I was told there would be cake with my free lunch.


Phyllis G wrote:

Petra R wrote:

Avishek B wrote:

ohh then what is a solution ?

Don't ever think there are jobs that don't require connects.. All job posts require connects to apply.

But I was told there would be cake with my free lunch.


But no free drinks.

ok but i am talking about how to fix this ?


Avishek B wrote:

ok but i am talking about how to fix this ?

Upwork will eventually fix it. Just remember that all proposals cost connects and you'll be fine...

Hi All,


Thanks for flagging these new instances of this issue. We've escalated the information you've shared with us and our engineers are currently investigating. 


We'll keep the thread updated with any new information.


Edited to provide an update:


This issue has been fixed.  The number of required Connects should now be showing correctly.


We'll be closing it from further replies. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi, I just found the job posts where no connects were required.


But when I applied for the job, it took 6 connects instantly! What kind of process is this you have started now!

Community Member


I am new to Upwork, Today I was looking at this job

It says no "No connects are required."

I am trying to send proposal but geting this error

"You don’t have enough Connects to submit this proposal."


Can you guys help me??

Community Member


I experienced this just now too (Sep 10, 2021). [A Google search led me to this thread.] First observed it on a job I was bidding for on PC. I had to save it and re-verify on mobile.
I was unsure whether it's a glitch or some perk of just being promoted to 'Rising Talent' barely hours earlier.

Hi Bunmi,


Thank you for reaching out to us. One of our team members will reach out to you directly via a support ticket as soon as possible to assist you further. You can access your tickets on this page.


~ Nikola
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