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Payment Method ‘Failed’



A week ago a made a new USD account at my local bank. It was active and ready to use. I then made this a form of payment method on Upwork and waited for it to be approved. I got a notification that it was approved after about three days. To test it out, I then requested $50 to be sent directly to the USD bank account. This was on Oct.24. I read it takes about 8 days to be reflected in my local bank account, so I decided to wait. However, I just saw 'Failed' below this form of payment ( see pic). ( Though it says JMD which stands for Jamaican Dollars, the account is for USD savings so I don't know what happened there.) When I sign in to online banking, it does say that it is a USD account. Could it because the bank is Jamaican?

Seeing that if failed, how long will it take for it to be sent back to Upwork?

Should I re enable it and try again?


Thank you in advance.


Hi Rajhean, 


In addition to what Biljana mentioned, I can see that the withdrawal got already returned on Oct 28 and you should be able to see it if you go Reports > Transaction History. This likely happened because there was a problem with the bank details you entered, so I suggest you double-check the information with your bank first before you re-enable it.


Thank you,

~ Luiggi

View solution in original post

Community Member

If you are using "direct to local bank" option, your account must be in the local currency which is JMD in your case. That's why USD account doesn't work. See here.

Community Member

Thank you!


Hi Rajhean, 


In addition to what Biljana mentioned, I can see that the withdrawal got already returned on Oct 28 and you should be able to see it if you go Reports > Transaction History. This likely happened because there was a problem with the bank details you entered, so I suggest you double-check the information with your bank first before you re-enable it.


Thank you,

~ Luiggi
Community Member

Thank you Luiggi!

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