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Report to a client


I'm  here to report about my clientof one company **Edited for Community Guidelines** they have given me a project and given three days to complete it but I completed within 2 days and submitted it to the company emial although I have received my project approval email upto 85% they liked it according to email but after that I have received my payment which is 1200$ . I'm submitting this files which includes all of our conversation details and email screenshots kindly go through it one time and solve my problem 


**Edited for Community Guidelines**

Community Member

You might not like the solution to your problem. It's a scam, you will never get any money, and you committed a number of serious ToS violations. You could lose your profile. 

This particular scam has been reported multiple times. 

Community Member

As Martina said, you got scammed and also violated the TOS of Upwork. Make sure to read the TOS before working on any platform next time and try not to fall for obvious traps. 

Community Member

Hi Muhammad,

I think everyone who starts on Upwork should read this article. It explains how Upwork is set up and how to identify scam jobs.


After that, and before you do anything else on the platform, you need to do some research to figure out how freelancing works.

You should spend some time reading the Terms of Use. You can find if you click on the Terms of Service link at the bottom of the page. Then you need to find out how contracts work, so Google "Upwork fixed-price contracts" and "Upwork hourly contracts" and read everything you can find.

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