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I received this message from a client:


Thank you for your interest in our project. Please use this link (**Edited for Community Guidelines**) to request an interview via Skype.

We want to make the interview session as convenient as possible because we have discovered that most of our time zones are different, which disrupts the interview's flow and we also intend to make the contract an extended one."


When I try to click the link, the Upwork site warns me that I am about to leave Upwork and may not be safe. How do I tell if this is a legitimate job offer?

Community Member

Legitimate or not, you are not allowed to communicate with a potential client outside of Upwork even if it is for an interview. If Upwork discovers you are communicating outside the platform your account may get suspended! 


Looking at the text of the message you received, it sounds like a scam. 



Community Member

Hi Alyssa,


We appreciate you reaching out and bringing this matter to our attention.


Please note that Upwork TOS requires that communication must take place on Upwork before a contract starts. You can find more information here and rest assured I already flagged the jobs in question to the team for a review.


~ Arjay
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