» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Testimonial Form
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Showcase your past experience with testimonials - FEEDBACK

This is a great idea that I have thought about it for some time now, a way to showcase some of our best testimonials. BUT to me this is not the right implementation, why should we ask a client for a second testimonial when they already left feedback? 


Simply let us select from our job history the testimonials we want to feature, this will also be more legitimate. Otherwise, how can some proof they actually worked together? 

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Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


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Thanks for the quick reply on this.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Uzam,


If testimonial needs to be edited our team should be able to assist with edits. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

How do I re-send a testimonial request form? One of my clients didn't specifiy the job I did and I need her to specify I was the book editor for her book. Thank you!

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Community Manager

Hi Sydney,


One of our agents will reach out to you directly to assist you with this request.


Thank you for reaching out to us. 

~ Bojan
Community Member

Hi All,
I requested my client outside Upwork to give a testimonial regarding me but the issue is that he told me that I didn't receive any email or anything from the Upwork.

Hi Azaz,


I'm sorry to hear about that. I followed up with my team and the email was resent. Could you please check with your client and let me know if the email arrived this time?

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi Aleksandar,

I am very thankful to you. My client confirmed to me that he received that email now.


Thank you,

- Azaz ul Haq

Community Member

I have problem, system second time declined my 'outside' client's testominal.' I recieved email-


Hi Szymon,We are writing to inform you that Kris’s testimonial was not approved.To ensure trust and quality of our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. Thank you for your understanding. You can try requesting another testimonial from a different client. 'can someone help me?

What's going wrong? All data are filled well i can give his number for upwork for aproovement

Hi Szymon,


We do have tools and a system in place to review and check the validity of the testimonials before it's accepted or rejected. To better ensure the integrity of our review, we do not share the details of our process. I'll ask the team to reach out to you and take another look at the request.


Community Member

I'm talking about UpWork profile Testimonials option. UpWork said to add LinkedIn profile link there. If my client isn't from linked in or is my client from another marketplace. Can I add testimonials of them?

Hi Al,


Currently, this feature is only available for users who have a LinkedIn account. Let us know if you have further questions.

Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

Hey, Is there any way to get the Testimonial from non-Upwork clients without the  LinkedIn account link? 

Hi Arif,


At this time, this feature is only available for users who have a LinkedIn account.


Thank you,

~ Nikola

Big NO. Paste the quote into your profile description.

Please ppl read past forum questions and answers — this question has been asked and answered dozens of times— save our time and yours!
Community Member

Will you consider removing the need for my client to have a LinkedIn profile in order to leave a testimonial? I have a client who would be more than happy to leave a testimonial but can't because they don't have a linkedIn account and it wouldn't be approiate for me to ask them to set up an account just so they can leave me a testimonial. Couldn't be an option for showing unverified testimonials, or verifying based on including the clients website or facebook page something? My client has both those things set up for her business, she just doesn't use LinkedIn.

Hi Rachel,


I already shared your feedback with my team for review. For now, this feature is only available for users who have a LinkedIn account.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar
Community Member

I was given a glowing report for a reference from a former client. However UpWork would not accept it. This is so frustrating and am new at this site. No one to talk to in customer service to correct this it seems. Am not liking how this site is being run if it's like this.

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Linda,


Are you referring to the testimonial request being rejected? If so, please note that we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.

~ Bojan

Put these two UW support numbers in your address book
**Edited for community guidelines**

I’ve found them to be very responsive.

If your outside client doesn’t have a linked in account you CANNOT according to UW policy use their reference. Don’t waste your time if they aren’t on LinkedIn.
Instead copy and paste their reference as a quite into your profile description.

Community Member

My client testimonial was rejected, even though I gave all the necessary information including his Linkedin account and the project I made, which is a real working website that you can see both online and in my portfolio. Can you please tell me what is the issue?

Hi Anna,


To ensure trust and quality of our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.


Thank you,

~ Nikola

Hi Nicola,

Can you please explain what information would be a sufficient evidence that it's valid? My client has quite a popular Linkedin account and you can see there that he is an owner of a company I made the website for. If you need some more evidence, please let me know so I can provide you with it.

Hi Anna,


We do have tools and a system in place to review and check the validity of the testimonials. To better ensure the integrity of our review, we do not share the details of our process. Thanks for your understanding.

~ Nikola

Hi Nicola,

Unfortunately your tools don't seem to catch this was a legitimate job. I worked hard on this project and I'm sure my client would be happy to confirm it if you contact him. I honestly don't know what else could be a proof in this situation. You probably know that it's not easy to start on Upwork, so this testimonial is really important for me. Also the fact that you don't allow testimonials of clients without Linkedin account doesn't make it easier to find one. Thanks for your understanding.

Copy the text of your client's testimonial into the description of your gig as a work around with UW’s impossible criteria for approving an outside testimonial.
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