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Showcase your past experience with testimonials - FEEDBACK

This is a great idea that I have thought about it for some time now, a way to showcase some of our best testimonials. BUT to me this is not the right implementation, why should we ask a client for a second testimonial when they already left feedback? 


Simply let us select from our job history the testimonials we want to feature, this will also be more legitimate. Otherwise, how can some proof they actually worked together? 

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Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


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Yes, make sense now. Thanks. 


It still would be cool if we could do the same for some feedback we get here, like pin it at the top.

I am a new freelancer here, just joined. And I saw an option to get references from past industry clients. Following the 'Request a client testimonial' steps, I've submitted several testimonial requests. One of my previous clients gives me a response and his testimonial is pending Upwork approval.
So anyone here has the same experience? How long it takes to get approved? And which criteria Upwork follows to approve a testimonial like that? Anyone, would you please tell me how this whole process works and how much it'll help me to get an effective exposure on my new profile?




Hi Esabela,


Thanks for the question. I can confirm it takes up to 36 hours to verify a testimonial after being submitted, after which it should appear on your profile. I'd like to note this is a test we've recently implemented and by displaying your off-Upwork experience and reputation in this form on your profile should jump-start and help, especially freelancers like you who are new on our platform, in building a successful career on Upwork.


To this end, please check the freelancer resources we compiled for great tips and insights on how you can work successfully on the platform. For more information about working safely through Upwork, please read these tips for avoiding questionable jobs.

~ Vladimir

Thanks for your help, Vladimir.

But it passes up to 36 hours now and still showing as Pending. Can you suggest anything on that? 

(Please discard).

When you go to your main Profile (Freelancer Profile) in the Upwork app
(there where you have displayed your description, hourly rate, pre-packaged
projects, portfolio), if you scroll down, there should also be a section
called “Testimonials” with a “+” sign next to it. You need to click on that
in order to invite past clients to write you a testimonial.

Everything is good about this except for the fact that email address is required field. I have been messaging clients to give me their email address. This is very annoying.

I receivved the email inviting me to add past experience testimonials.  Great idea.  Trying to do that now, but the 'Submit'button is not active unless I fill in the required LinkedIn URL.  Why can't I add testimonials from ppl who don't have a LinkedIn account.  Are you getting a kickback from LinkedIn?  

Waiting to request testimonials from several clients who aren't on LinkedIn since I have 35 years of jobs before UpWork membership.

Why does UpWork limit this feature to only those past clients who have a LinkedIn URL?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Kathy,


Currently, the way this specific feature works is that the client needs to have a LinkedIn profile in order to provide a testimonial. However, freelancers can utilize other areas of their profiles to showcase testimonials from clients who don't have profiles on LinkedIn, for example, portfolio and profile overview section.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Hello. The option to showcase work experience outside of upwork is great, but I don't understand the selection process for the said testimonials, because all the testimonials I have requested have been denied by Upwork without any explanation as to why. If I knew why, at least I'd know what I was doing wrong and be able to correct it.

Hi Oluwadamilola,


To ensure trust and quality of our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients where we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. In this case, we may not have been able to find sufficient information. You can try requesting another from a different client.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

I had the same situation and UW support told me they had to have a LinkedIn account or they’d be denied. Stupid way to verify in my opinion. A very narrow type of audience has a LinkedIn account.
VERY frustrating and discriminatory.

As with a lot of other Upwork freelancers, most of my clients are not LinkedIn account holders.  I fail to understand why having a LinkedIn account is a requirement for clients to be able to submit testimonials for us to use.  I can also see that a lot of Upwork freelancers have been requesting for this requirement to be removed.  Removing this requirement would allow us to move forward with having great testimonials visible with my profile.


Is this something management for Upwork is considering?

Community Member

Hugh B wrote:

 I fail to understand why having a LinkedIn account is a requirement for clients to be able to submit testimonials for us to use.

  Because it is a fast, inexpensive and effective way to determine if the client is a genuine business and not Uncle Fred doing his nephew a favour.

Community Member

Thanks for the feedback. There are those businesses like mine which
primarily cater to individuals, not businesses.

There should be many other ways other than Linkedin to determine the
authenticity of someone. Linkedin is not something everyone uses. I signed
up and found it annoying and do not use it. That does not mean I'm not a
legit person. Using only Linkedin alienates a lot of people. This should be
obvious by now with all the feedback you're getting along these lines.

I just stumbled on your response Vladimir because I got this option on one of my contracts and accepted it.  It's a great feature for me.  Problem is I was editing my Linkedin profile today and it looked like the item (it shows up in your Activity section) had posted twice, so I deleted one of the posts.  But then they both disappeared, along with my entire Activity section. And I did have the question about whether you can go back and link in past feedback, which I guess you can't.  It would be awesome to be able to do this and I'm sure clients would appreciate not being asked for another thing to do (testimonials).  Do you know how I can get my feedback post back onto LInkedin?

Hi Lee Ann, 


I apologize for the late reply and I'm sorry to hear about the problem you encountered with the published testimonial. I checked with the team and it appears the problem with double-posting and removing both posts when deleting a duplicate one might be related to a known LinkedIn issue. I've sent you a pm so please follow up so I could share an update with you directly.

~ Vladimir

Thanks - got email but when I clicked on subject got a message saying "item you are trying to access is unavailable"

I'm sure others have noticed that recently Upwork has started linking successfully completed projects to Linked, i.e. when a contract ends and you get good feedback you get a pop-up window that allows you to post it in Linkedin as an activity?  Does anyone know if you can do this retroactively with past successful projects or if it only works going forward?

Hi Lee Ann,


At the moment, this option is available only for contracts on which feedback is yet to be submitted and isn't available for older reviews.


Thank you.

~ Aleksandar

Hi Lee Ann,


That's odd, thanks for the follow-up. I sent you a new message now, could you please check and respond, or let me know if you're still experiencing the issue like with the previous one?

~ Vladimir

Hi Lee Ann,


I apologize for the confusion, I misunderstood and thought you were referring to a different feature we're testing. Regrettably, you won't be able to repost the feedback you received since, at the moment, this option is available only for contracts on which feedback is yet to be submitted. Our team is working on expending the feature further and while I don't have the ETA, you should be able to report this feedback in the near future. Congrats again on a job well done and thanks for providing a great experience to your clients.

~ Vladimir

Hello Vladimir!


I have set a testimonial request to a client but I want to withdraw the request. How can I do it? Please connect me with the support.


Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Irfan, 

There doesn't seem to be an option to recall a testimonial request once it is sent. I will confirm this with the team and I'll come back here with more information. 

~ Avery
Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Irfan, 

When an email is already sent, there is no option to recall the email. You may want to reach out to your client and let them know that they can ignore your testimonial request. 

~ Avery

I’ve had some clients from outside Upwork send me some testimonials, but they still show up as “pending”, though it’s been more than 14 days. Is there anything I can do to make them come up on my profile?
Thank you

Hi Ivona,


I checked and it looks like most of your Testimonials have been verified and one is waiting the client's response before it can be reviewed by Upwork.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

hello, i have sent out and recieved my testimonals over a week ago and it is still saying that i have to wait for upwork to aprrove the tesimonals my past bosses have already told me they sent back thier reviews , but they have yet to approve them. and have them visible on my profile ..

Hi Amanda,


While we are excited to share that the feature is proving to be very popular, unfortunately, we've received so many requests that it's taking us a while to review each one. As a result, please allow 10 business days for your request to be reviewed. We apologize for the delay, but please know we are still testing and optimizing this beta feature.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
Community Member

hi sir, there i have applied testimonial request to client from profile page ....i mentioned detail corretly but mine client didnt get any email from upwrok ...i did it both time from 2 days agoo ...i need assitance i want to show testimonials there on my profile

HI Tayyab,


I'll share your concern with the team and they'll check to make sure the email is sent. Please, note that it may take up to 10 days for the testimonial to be reviewed.

~ Valeria
Community Member

is it mandatory of Linkedin Profile URL for requesting testimonials?

Hi Ankur,


Yes, all fields need to be populated in order for a request to be submitted.

~ Vladimir

In the event the client (person providing the testimonial) doesn't have a LinkedIn profile what is the correct protocol? A link to the client's website showing their place in the business?

Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Brett, 

Your client will need to have a LinkedIn profile for this feature to work. 

~ Avery
Community Member

If I request a testimonial am I able to review it before accepting it onto my profile?  If I decide later I don't want it can I delete it?




Community Manager
Community Manager

Hi Ken,


The testimonial is published as soon as it's approved by Upwork. That said, an email notification will be sent to you when it's approved and you will be able to hide it from your profile.


Thank you!

~ Bojan

Hey Mr. Bojan, I am really sorry to disturb you but I have a query to ask. I hope you help me with my problem, if possible Thank You.


I submited a testimonal request to a client, with all his details such as, email & Linkedin profile, but according to my client he did not recieved any notification/email from anyone not even upwork.


Moreover, here on my profile, it stil says "Your testimonial request is awaiting ******'s response".
Therefore, I need assistance, please will you eleborate me on this new feature of Upwork and why I cannot get a response on requested testimonal? Thank You.


P.S. It's been a long time since I submitted that response, like before Qurantine days... 😐

Best Regards,
Syed Jamal

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