» Forums » Freelancers » Re: Requesting a client Testimonial
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Wilson's avatar
Wilson E Community Member

Showcase your past experience with testimonials - FEEDBACK

This is a great idea that I have thought about it for some time now, a way to showcase some of our best testimonials. BUT to me this is not the right implementation, why should we ask a client for a second testimonial when they already left feedback? 


Simply let us select from our job history the testimonials we want to feature, this will also be more legitimate. Otherwise, how can some proof they actually worked together? 

Andrea's avatar
Andrea G Community Manager

Hi all,


This thread has been closed from further replies due to its size. We appreciate your participation in the Community and welcome you to continue the conversation here.


Thank you!


View solution in original post

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Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Ronak,


Thanks for your question. It will take around 36 hours for the testimonial to be verified and then it should show on your profile.

~ Valeria
Ronak's avatar
Ronak B Community Member

oh, I see, thanks for this information but problem is that testimonial not appear. you can check on my profile as well. till yesterday it says pending for approval and now it's not there so what happened dod you know?

Ronak's avatar
Ronak B Community Member

My client fills Testimonials 10 days back till tomorrow its show pending for approval and now it's not there so what happens?

Avery's avatar
Avery O Community Manager

Hi Ronak, 

I'll go ahead and look into this with the team, and our team will come back here once we have more information. 

~ Avery
Vladimir's avatar
Vladimir G Community Manager

Hi Ronak,


I've just sent you a private message with more information, please take a look and feel free to respond to my private message. Thanks.

~ Vladimir
Ryan's avatar
Ryan S Community Member

Does anyone know how long it takes Upwork to approve a client testimonial? It seems like mine have been pending for quite a while now.

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Ryan,


Thanks for reaching out to us. It takes up to 36 hours to verify a testimonial from the time it's submitted. 

~ Bojan
Ronak's avatar
Ronak B Community Member

it is almost 7 days 
and still
<p>testimonial has been submitted and is pending Upwork approval</p>
Still i got this can you please check

Aleksandar's avatar
Aleksandar D Community Manager

Hi Ronak,


Thanks for reaching out about our new testimonial feature, which is currently being tested with select freelancers like you. While we are excited to share that the feature is proving to be very popular, unfortunately, we've received so many requests that it's taking us a while to review each one. As a result, please allow 10 business days for your request to be reviewed. We apologize for the delay, but please know we are still testing and optimizing this beta feature.
Thank you.
~ Aleksandar
Amir's avatar
Amir A Community Member

Respected Team,


Why i won't get testimonal on my profile is there any issue with my profile kindly check

Michael's avatar
Michael S Community Member

You have to request a testimonial from a prior Upwork client. As you have no work history on the platform, there is no one for you to request a testimonial from.


Also flagging for moderator review, as the name you are posting under does not match the name in the screenshot of "your" profile.

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Edited: - there may have been a bit of a misunderstanding

Amir's avatar
Amir A Community Member

Yes this is not my profile i just get it from internet where  someone profile having this testimonal so that's why i ask you for that why i am not get this i hope now you clearly understood my mean on it .

Petra's avatar
Petra R Community Member

Amir A wrote:

 someone profile having this testimonal so that's why i ask you for that why i am not get this

Because you haven't HAD any previous clients on Upwork.... so you can't ask them for testimonials

Valeria's avatar
Valeria K Community Member

Hi Amir,


Correct, we are testing a feature that will allow freelancers to display verified testimonials from their off-Upwork clients on their Upwork profiles. Since it's a test, it's not currently available to all freelancers, however, please stay tuned for future updates.

~ Valeria
Wilson's avatar
Wilson E Community Member

Yes, make sense now. Thanks. 


It still would be cool if we could do the same for some feedback we get here, like pin it at the top.

Esabela's avatar
Esabela H Community Member

I am a new freelancer here, just joined. And I saw an option to get references from past industry clients. Following the 'Request a client testimonial' steps, I've submitted several testimonial requests. One of my previous clients gives me a response and his testimonial is pending Upwork approval.
So anyone here has the same experience? How long it takes to get approved? And which criteria Upwork follows to approve a testimonial like that? Anyone, would you please tell me how this whole process works and how much it'll help me to get an effective exposure on my new profile?




Vladimir's avatar
Vladimir G Community Manager

Hi Esabela,


Thanks for the question. I can confirm it takes up to 36 hours to verify a testimonial after being submitted, after which it should appear on your profile. I'd like to note this is a test we've recently implemented and by displaying your off-Upwork experience and reputation in this form on your profile should jump-start and help, especially freelancers like you who are new on our platform, in building a successful career on Upwork.


To this end, please check the freelancer resources we compiled for great tips and insights on how you can work successfully on the platform. For more information about working safely through Upwork, please read these tips for avoiding questionable jobs.

~ Vladimir
Esabela's avatar
Esabela H Community Member

Thanks for your help, Vladimir.

But it passes up to 36 hours now and still showing as Pending. Can you suggest anything on that? 

Caroline-Lucie's avatar
Caroline-Lucie U Community Member

(Please discard).

Ivona's avatar
Ivona C Community Member

When you go to your main Profile (Freelancer Profile) in the Upwork app
(there where you have displayed your description, hourly rate, pre-packaged
projects, portfolio), if you scroll down, there should also be a section
called “Testimonials” with a “+” sign next to it. You need to click on that
in order to invite past clients to write you a testimonial.
Sabina's avatar
Sabina C Community Member

Everything is good about this except for the fact that email address is required field. I have been messaging clients to give me their email address. This is very annoying.

Kathy's avatar
Kathy M Community Member

I receivved the email inviting me to add past experience testimonials.  Great idea.  Trying to do that now, but the 'Submit'button is not active unless I fill in the required LinkedIn URL.  Why can't I add testimonials from ppl who don't have a LinkedIn account.  Are you getting a kickback from LinkedIn?  

Waiting to request testimonials from several clients who aren't on LinkedIn since I have 35 years of jobs before UpWork membership.

Kathy's avatar
Kathy M Community Member

Why does UpWork limit this feature to only those past clients who have a LinkedIn URL?

Bojan's avatar
Bojan S Community Manager

Hi Kathy,


Currently, the way this specific feature works is that the client needs to have a LinkedIn profile in order to provide a testimonial. However, freelancers can utilize other areas of their profiles to showcase testimonials from clients who don't have profiles on LinkedIn, for example, portfolio and profile overview section.


Thank you!

~ Bojan
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