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Tomoe's avatar
Tomoe G Community Member


Hi, I am new to UpWork, and honoured and happy to be part of this community.


I have worked as a freelancer for a while on other platforms, and this says much about my actual profile and skills... But my profile cannot highlight such experience, because, of course, I am new at Upwork...  So I believe being able to somehow include the feedback (reviews) from the clients from other platforms would be perfect to qualify my profile... I would like to ask which is the best and acceptable way to do so...  


Thanks in advance,


Kind regards,

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Tomoe,


We appreciate you reaching out and welcome to Upwork! We know how important it is for you, as a freelancer, to put your best foot forward with potential clients. That’s why we support testimonials, a way to highlight the awesome work you’ve done outside of Upwork with testimonials straight from your clients! When you’ve done a great job, this is a quick, simple way to showcase it, right on your Upwork profile. Please follow these instructions on how to request a testimonial:


  1. Go to Settings, then My Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the “Testimonials” section.
  3. Click on “Request a testimonial.”
  4. Enter your client’s contact information, including a link to their LinkedIn account. 

Once you’ve completed your part, we’ll email your request to your client and let you know when we hear back. We wish you the best of luck!





~ Arjay

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445 REPLIES 445
Leandro's avatar
Leandro M Community Member

Hi ArjayM, how are you?


I went through the same process a couple weeks ago, but the testimonials are still pending and I haven't received any notification from upwork.


Would you please help me?


Emerara's avatar
Emerara A Community Member



I have a question regarding this.
Only one of my clients has a LinkedIn profile (that he doesn't even use) and the rest don't need it. Even if they create a LinkedIn profile just so they can write the testimonial, it will look fake as it is gonna be brand new.
Is there any other way that I can request/add my testimonials that I already have from other platforms? 

I am new to this platform and i will never get a client without those testimonials.

Thank you in advance.

Rita's avatar
Rita I Community Member

Hi... I recently opened my upwork account but didn't get the free connects that comes with a new account and I also sent out testimonial requests but the testimonials haven't reflected on my account yet

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Rita,


As a new freelancer on Upwork, you need to do one of two things before being able to submit a proposal for a job: subscribe to our Freelancer Plus membership plan for $19.99 USD a month, or purchase Connects. After you fulfill this requirement you will also receive 50 free Connects to further help you get started on Upwork.


Also, I checked your testimonial request and it appears that it is still in pending status. Please note that the review process may take up to 10 days following the submission by your client. Rest assured, you will receive an update regarding the status of your testimonial request as soon as it has been reviewed.


- Pradeep

Erin's avatar
Erin F Community Member

I just finished a job for someone I met on the Goodreads forums, but am looking for a way the author can leave feedback for me if this is possible when they haven't posted a job here. Thank you!

Luiggi's avatar
Luiggi R Moderator

Hi Erin,


An outside client can't leave feedback that's visible on your Work History. However, a way in which they can share their experience working with you is by providing a Testimonial. You may want to visit this help article to learn more about how Testimonials work and how you can request one from your client.

~ Luiggi
Ibtisam's avatar
Ibtisam S Community Member

Good day, I have been trying to add my past client's company linkedin link for a testimonial on upwork, He's the CEO of the company of which i have been adding the link But it's coming up as an invalid link, Please help me in this regard, Thanks in advance and have a nice day.

Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Ibtisam,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ AJ
Nick's avatar
Nick B Community Member

Hello, I used to work as in-house designer in agency and curious if it's ethical to ask clients of that agency to whom I worked with to leave teastimonials for me on LinkedIn. Does anyone had such an experience? What can be the best way to get testimonials for non-freelancer?

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Nikita, 


We surely support testimonials for you to highlight the awesome work you’ve done outside of Upwork with testimonials straight from your clients. All you need to do is:


  1. Go to Settings, then My Profile.
  2. Scroll down to the “Testimonials” section.
  3. Click on “Request a testimonial.”
  4. Enter your client’s contact information, including a link to their LinkedIn account. 

Once you’ve completed your part, we’ll email your request to your client and let you know when we hear back. Feel free to check this help article for more details about testimonials.



~ Arjay
Nick's avatar
Nick B Community Member

Arjay, thank you for reply, this is the feature I'd like to use. However before doing that I want to check with you or other community members if it's a common practice. I concern if it's fair to my employer because I performed the work being an employee of the agency and client give me the personal testimonial.

Gokul's avatar
Gokul N Community Member

One of my client gave me a Testimonial but its shows a question mark from the past 3 days. He gave me on 20th May.
Please help me. 

Nikola's avatar
Nikola S Moderator

Hi Gokul,


Thank you for reaching out to us. Please allow 10 business days for your request to be reviewed. Thanks!

~ Nikola
Md Abu's avatar
Md Abu S Community Member

How can i get non upwork clients (but linkedin have ) testmonial ?

Pradeep's avatar
Pradeep H Moderator

Hi Md Abu,


Thank you for your message. Yes, you can request testimonials from a Non-Upwork client. Here's the link for more information.


Thank you,


Jahid's avatar
Jahid K Community Member

hi, i was trying to add my direct clients linked in profile for my Testimonials, but it says invalid linked profile, my clients linked in profile is valid, please help me to solve my issue thanks

Annie Jane's avatar
Annie Jane B Retired Team Member

Hi Jahid,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your report with our team and one of our agents will reach out to you via a support ticket to assist you further. You can access your support tickets here.

~ AJ
Karla's avatar
Karla E Community Member

I want to ask a few clients to write  a testimonial or review on my work, however, I find that if I don't fill out the "Linkdin link" when I'm entering their information,  it doeant allowme request one. How about for those clients who don't have a Linkdin account?

Joanne's avatar
Joanne P Moderator

Hi Karla,


Clients need to have a LinkedIn profile so that they can share their testimonials. 

~ Joanne
Eddie's avatar
Eddie K Community Member

I am trying to update my profile and within the profile there is a section that allows you to send a request to the client asking them to provide a short testimonial.  However, one of the fields is required to enter the client's LinkedIn info. However, the client does not have an account with LinkedIn.  Since I cannot request a review, what do you do? What's the alternative other than give a client 5 start rating when the job is complete only that they did not respond?

Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Eddie,


Thank you for your message. Please note that your client needs to have a LinkedIn profile. They are required to have a LinkedIn account for their testimonials to get approved. The Work History section of your profile reflects your experience with Upwork clients and the Testimonials section is intended to reflect your experience with clients outside of Upwork. That said, you have the option to request testimonials from clients you've worked with on Upwork. You can check this help article to be more acquainted with how the procedures work.



~ Arjay
Eddie's avatar
Eddie K Community Member

Thank you Arjay.  Unfortunately, none of those cliets have LinkedIn.  A tad off topic but since you are using LinkedIn to verify such client testimonial request, I wonder why you do provide LinkedIN social options for freelancers profile settings?  Am I missing something?


Arjay's avatar
Arjay M Retired Team Member

Hi Eddie,


To ensure trust and quality in our marketplace, we can only approve testimonials from clients when we have sufficient evidence that the contact information is valid. Having a LinkedIn profile is one of the requirements from your client for the testimonials to be approved. We have tools and a system in place to review and check the validity of the testimonials. To better ensure the integrity of our review, we do not share the details of our process. Thank you for understanding.



~ Arjay
Famurewa's avatar
Famurewa T Community Member

Hello, Arjay,


My past freelancing experience and policies don't give me much access to their LinkedIn profiles. I later got one and followed all the steps to request a client testimonial. I'm still working with the client in the long term. But the testimonial got rejected because it wasn't valid enough. I have all proofs and evidence to show our past projects together, when it starts, and how far we have gone. Could you please help open a request to share proofs?




Nikola's avatar
Nikola S Moderator

Hi Famurewa,


Thank you for reaching out to us. I shared your concern with our team and one of our agents already reached out to you directly via email to assist you further.

~ Nikola
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