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To all freelancers looking for help

I have always had freelancers come to me for help. In the last year, the river has swelled into an enormous ocean.


You don't need me; Upwork provides an enormous amount of information that few ever use. If, after you have gone through all the information I provide, you still have questions, that is when you ask additional questions in the forum.


If you think you will make big bucks right away, you are mistaken. The majority of freelancers never land a job because they have no skills and aren't interested in educating themselves. Others believe online freelancing is a path to full-time employment. It can be, but highly unlikely on this platform.


Freelancing is not for everyone. It means you are self-employed and must adhere to all regulations and laws governing responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Freelancing means you are on your own. No one has your back, including Upwork. If you don't follow the rules, no one will or can help you.


If you are willing to work hard, follow the rules and prepared to spend a lot of connects and proposals, you can be successful, as many are on Upwork. While so many fail, it is almost always due to lack of skills and treating freelancing like employment  where the employer will make sure you do the job correctly.


If you want to succeed, start with the Terms of Service, then read this from Wes. 


Then go here. Then here.  Next, check this site regularly for events such as webinars and other learning opportunities.

After that, go here for safety information, and then here. If you still need help, after you have gone through all the previous steps, you can find additional help here. This thread is dedicated to new freelancers. And here are announcements from Upwork that can help keep you up to date.


It will take some time to go through all the information. I'm not suggesting people should not post in the forum, I am suggesting before you ask questions and want help, you need to help yourself first.



From Prashant P: "And have relevant profile picture of your face.  Not some desks, or Mickey mouse, or full face covering." 

From Susan S: "And patience! Have patience! It takes a while to get started, even after going through all the information available."

From Martina P:  "Only one thing you forgot, namely telling people to use all 15 skills, if you have all 15 skills"

And with advice from Maria T, I will say, 

Refrain from personal messages, please read all the links I have added.



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Hi Jeanne H,

I was trying to follow most of your constructive comments and implement them. I have a quick question with clear answers. Do you think there is any major mistake on my profile? please help me. What do you mean by 15 skills? (What 15 # was represent) 

Misgana Hirpassa

Break up the text into paragraphs, so it isn't just a wall of words.


Use the top line, all that the clients see in a search, to tell the client why you can do the job better 

than anyone else. For example, "I will build a better widget, that works faster, is cheaper to manufacture, and will increase your sales."


The skills are listed further down in your profile. Only use 15, if you have all 15. Do not add skills, just to have 15 listed.

Also, add more to your portfolio. Show the client your results.  The more you have in your profile, and the more professional it appears, will help attract good clients and deter scammers.

Community Member

Hi I hope you are well please can you go and check my profile for me? if something go on 

First, you have a formatting issue. Your text is too far down the page.


The clients only see the top line in a search, so don't waste it with greetings or names, etc. and they see the information elsewhere on the page. You have to tell the client in one short sentence why you are the best choice. Explain what you do that is so much better than other freelancers.


The text is too long, needs to be consolidated and formed into paragraphs. Remove most if not all the emojis.


Since you are a graphic designer, post more to your portfolio.


If you are offering translation services, make sure you have those skills, and do not need to use a program. However, it seems you are focusing on graphic design. All of Upwork is extremely crowded and competitive.


Community Member

I have news for you Jeanne. I was able to land jobs before you raised the price for connects. You have ruined my life.

Wow, you give me a lot of power. Ruined your life? I'm amazed at those who take no responsibility for themselves, but are quick to blame others for their failings.


This thread was created to help people learn how to safely and effectively use the platform. I wrote the post, and how did it harm you?


Yes, I am thoroughly enjoying the lucrative fees you all give me, 'cause I'm so darned special. Yes, all the money goes to me. I'm living in luxury because I get everyone's connects. In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm. Your post is melodramatic and histrionic.


The competition is fierce now, and if you want jobs, work on your profile.



So that's who raised the prices! Are you taking all the money for yourself? Please share with upwork because they have already fired all their support and even cannot hire adequate development managers.


Jeanne is not available. She's having a mojito on a sunny Caribbean beach, while enjoying that money 😂

*takes a moment to have a sip*


Ahhhhh, this is the life!


Please do keep contributing!

No! It's all mine! Mine, I tell you!


NO, upwork is good place to start work you need to understand everything about the upwork 

Community Member

Thank you for sharing these kind of valuable stuffs.

Community Member

I see you are offering guidance.
European Union DAC7
Electronic invoice - an electronic invoice requires as mandatory to indicate the bank you will be paid by the client at. Funny no client of mine pays me... Upwork does... so this is irrelevant for the tax advisors and fails any what so ever financial check in the EU.
Two topics Upwork is hiding and being affraid to answer.
These 2 topics will make a lot of people either go away as the platform is shady or take desperate measures.

Last topic is:
Fee - upwork says they are the payment for intermediating contracts. 
I have a client for years since 2018 and for 5 years now Upwork keeps eating out my earnings from it, even if it provides NOTHING but an unwanted useless proforma service and a message board not of the best. The contract is one and the same for years now...

I would love to hear your thoughts.



I do not offer invoice or tax advice. However, what is the issue with the bank being named for a transfer?


If you don't want to use Upwork, examine your situation and see if the client can move out of Upwork for the $1.00 amount.

FLance and 5-R are worse. That's one reason I landed here.
But U-works really needs to work on the verification issues I keep seeing and hearing about, To bad us HONEST folks have to suffer!

Clients and freelancers can take their business outside of Upwork, anywhere they want, including privately, if they have been working together for at least 2 years, the client has to start the process and pay $1.00 There are a few other minor requirements.


There are other ways to earn besides platforms. We all need to be creative and think outside the box.

Community Member

Thanks for this very helpful post.

Community Member

Well satated and right on the money.


Most freelancers want a quick buck from thier livving room, and have not even worked in open society. They innundate the proposals with bull and cause chaos for those who rely on these gigs. They need to get a burger job first - then come here.


Thanks for your  post and continue to be a voice of reason - Dave

Community Member

I think the forums and support webinars with the masters are super helpful and informative

Helps to get freelancers "on track"

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Today's business world ibelieves in  fast money for little work. I can be a millionaire being an influencer on U-tube. Yet 98% can't do a good video presentation.  I agree with your assesments above. Freelancing is not for the faint of hart or the lazy. And YES! You will spend a fortune in connects and proosal time to land jobs. THAT is the reality of this world.  Been here for 60+ years myself. Working a box store actually has better ROI AND insurance! You don't get THAT independently! ------- Always around for some senior mentoring and consultation. - Dave 

Community Member

Hello Dear,

I have completed my profile on upwork, I have uploaded portfolio with work samples, also added video introduction. 

Have been submitting porposals from a month but couldnt get any task assigned.

All my connects are also gone.

I suggest to view my profile and advise for any imporvements and also please refer me to recruiters for any tasks so that atleast I can start working here.


Qasim Mehmood.

Other than a better picture it looks OK. BUt take heart. My results ARE THE SAME. I have posted elsewhere my reasoning. In a nutshell - to many emplyees at the hiring window! Like the great depression images!!

Good Luck

- Dave

Your profile needs work. The client sees the first line of your profile, so don't waste it with your name, skills, or greetings. The client sees this in your profile. Use the first line to grab the client's attention. Tell them why you can do the job better than anyone, and make sure you have the hard skills to back it up.


If you haven't, read the top post, and follow every link. You will find no jobs and lots of scams as a writer who is not fluent in any language. You cannot be a professional writer unless you are native or bilingual in some language.  I urge you to assess your real skills, and redo your profile accordingly Data entry is a flooded field, and you will have a tremendous amount of competition.

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