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Career CloseUp
A growing database of stories and resources to showcase the paths people have taken to get to where they are in their career and inspire and support those still on their journey.
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Career Stories
Sales & Marketing
Nov 03, 2022
1328 min

Don’t be afraid to take chances. Be vulnerable. Find success in failure. Laugh. Stay healthy.  

Writing & Translation
Oct 18, 2022
1333 min

Know your worth, but be humble. Never stop learning. Remember your roots.

Hiring & Management
Oct 05, 2022
1323 min

Reminding myself that all problems are solvable, shifts my state of mind into curiosity and creativity and problem-solving.

Development & IT
Oct 03, 2022
1326 min

Number one, be passionate about it, but number two, don't let it take over your life, don't let it consume you.

Admin & Customer Support
Oct 03, 2022
1327 min

No matter where you are right now, nothing is permanent. Everything is temporary.

Development & IT
Sep 26, 2022
1322 min

There's something out there for anyone interested in tech, it's about understanding our strengths

Sales & Marketing
Sep 20, 2022
1331 min

I hit a million dollars on Upwork. That was big to see it change on my profile to say “Over $1M earned”.

Sales & Marketing
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

It's a tool, just like any other, and so we have the choice on how we wield it and how it affects our lives.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

You just need to be consistent in your efforts and you shall prevail! 

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1324 min

I decided to build my own business, I officially built my animation studio in February 2017.

Writing & Translation
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

I realized I wouldn't have come this far if I had waited to have all I needed before starting. But I dared to try.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

Worked my way up starting as temp tech-support to operations manager over the course of 2 years.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1326 min

For me, the ability to work in varying locations or step outside with my dog when I need to clear my head is huge.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

One of the things that I feel very excited about is when a product or service is done well.

Sales & Marketing
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

Always advocate for your work and make sure that others understand how it impacts them.

Development & IT
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

Don’t let comparison steal the satisfaction of your own life and know that perfection can be the biggest enemy of progress.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1322 min

Ignore your inner saboteur. Don’t let negative self-talk impede your progress.

Development & IT
Sep 20, 2022
1324 min

You have to be consistent, keep trying, keep trying and keep trying. Quality matters.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1327 min

Your business will only grow as you have the capacity and professionalism to manage that business.

Design & Creative
Sep 20, 2022
1323 min

Once you find a niche, stick to that niche and be consistent. And that is what makes someone succeed in something.

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Frequently Asked
What is Career CloseUp?

Since everyone’s path to professional success is different, we are building a growing resource of c

What is my career path story?

Your career path story is meant to capture your personal, professional career journey in a story-es

Why focus on career stories?

Stories are the best way to communicate our experiences and inspire human connection with others. W

Who can share their career path story to the Career CloseUp?

Whether you’re a freelancer, full-timer, business owner–or anything in between–we are accepting car

Why share my career path story?

There are a number of philanthropic reasons why sharing your story makes sense. Since a lot of thes

What if I don’t have a story ready to share?

If you don’t have your career story ready to share, we have story templates available, guidelines a

How and why to subscribe?

Subscriptions let you get email updates whenever new content appears in an area of the community th

Where are the stories shared?

Stories are shared through Upwork’s Community, social profiles, and newsletters. We also will occas

How do I submit a story?

1. Submit your story via the Career Story Submission page or email it to communitycareer@upwork.com . 

Submission Guide and Best Practices


    We’re so happy you are sharing your journey! Your story is already magical because it’s about you

    How do I know that you’ve received my story?

    Once you submit your story using the Google Doc submission form, you will receive an email in 5 to

    How will I know if Upwork has accepted my submission?

    Once your story has been reviewed and is ready to be published, you will receive an email.

    I just submitted my story to you. Why hasn't it appeared on the website?

    We know you’re excited to share your story with the world and we are too! Once you submit your stor

    What format can I submit my story in?

    Currently, your story can be submitted in the following formats. (For a more in-depth look at suppo

    Can I include links to other sites with my story?

    Yes! We’re happy to include a link to your Upwork profile, your project catalog, or portfolio.

    If y

    Can I include a picture or artwork I created along with my story?

    Yes! And in fact, we encourage you to do so! 

    Do you accept previously published work?

    Why not! As long as you own the rights to the content, we are happy to republish your work, we'll j

    Are there any restrictions about the type of content the story can include?

    We understand that your story is yours to tell and we do not want to put restrictions on it. Howeve

    Do I have to include a photo?

    No. (Don’t worry we’re not mad…we’re just disappointed.)

    If I submit a story, and it is published, can I still publish the story elsewhere?

    Yes! We encourage you to share your story anywhere your heart desires, please don’t forget to inclu

    Can I upload my video and post my story to my website or Youtube channel?

    We think it is important for your story to be told in the manner you'd like! For SEO reasons, we as

    How can I use Zoom to record my career story?

    You may already know this, but Zoom can be an easy tool to quickly record your screen and audio. Al

    What are the terms and conditions for submitting my story?

    We encourage you to take a moment and review the Contributor Agreement in full. It's important to r

    May I make changes to my paper after submission or inclusion in the database?

    Of course - changes are welcome. Please note, we will do our best to accommodate changes but it may

    Can I withdraw my article after it has been published?

    Of course, if you feel that you need to withdraw your story for any reason after it has been publis

    Will more content be added?

    Yes! This is a growing resource of stories and support.

    What if I have additional questions?

    Please visit our general FAQ page or send an email to communitycareer@upwork.com 

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