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To all freelancers looking for help

I have always had freelancers come to me for help. In the last year, the river has swelled into an enormous ocean.


You don't need me; Upwork provides an enormous amount of information that few ever use. If, after you have gone through all the information I provide, you still have questions, that is when you ask additional questions in the forum.


If you think you will make big bucks right away, you are mistaken. The majority of freelancers never land a job because they have no skills and aren't interested in educating themselves. Others believe online freelancing is a path to full-time employment. It can be, but highly unlikely on this platform.


Freelancing is not for everyone. It means you are self-employed and must adhere to all regulations and laws governing responsibilities, such as paying taxes. Freelancing means you are on your own. No one has your back, including Upwork. If you don't follow the rules, no one will or can help you.


If you are willing to work hard, follow the rules and prepared to spend a lot of connects and proposals, you can be successful, as many are on Upwork. While so many fail, it is almost always due to lack of skills and treating freelancing like employment  where the employer will make sure you do the job correctly.


If you want to succeed, start with the Terms of Service, then read this from Wes.


Then go here. Then here.  Next, check this site regularly for events such as webinars and other learning opportunities.

After that, go here for safety information, and then here. If you still need help, after you have gone through all the previous steps, you can find additional help here. This thread is dedicated to new freelancers. And here are announcements from Upwork that can help keep you up to date.


It will take some time to go through all the information. I'm not suggesting people should not post in the forum, I am suggesting before you ask questions and want help, you need to help yourself first.



From Prashant P: "And have relevant profile picture of your face.  Not some desks, or Mickey mouse, or full face covering." 

From Susan S: "And patience! Have patience! It takes a while to get started, even after going through all the information available."

From Martina P:  "Only one thing you forgot, namely telling people to use all 15 skills, if you have all 15 skills"

And with advice from Maria T, I will say, 

Refrain from personal messages, please read all the links I have added.



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I am Zeeshan and new to Upwork, this is a great read, Wow. 

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Plz tell me what I wont any project plz help me kindly thank you 😊 


You have to start at the beginning. Read through the top post and follow every link. You will not get any jobs with your current profile. They will target you for scams because it is obvious you haven’t learned the rules.

Freelancing means you are self-employed, and responsible for everything you do through Upwork.

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I have just started my journey in UpWork. Any quick tips from pro users?

If you haven’t, read through the top post and go through every link. You need to work on your profile. The introduction is far too long and doesn’t sell your service.

Hi jeanne H how are you my name is Mohsin Abbas i am from Pakistan can you please review my profile and feedback please 

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Remember to always communicate clearly and professionally with clients, and be responsive to their needs and requests. Building good relationships with clients is key to building a successful freelancing career.

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Thank you for sharing all the helpful links in one post. I found it informative. 

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Hi... firstly I would like to know whether my profile is on private or public. secondly I have been interviewed and hired a few times before the connects' increase. After that, I have not been hired by anyone. Everthing looks like a scam. Even the jobs that look legit, already knew whom to hire, but simply they just post their requirement on upwork... Its super frustrating. Is everyone dealing the same. How to survive this?

Your profile is public, and I viewed it. It's good to see someone who has taken steps to have a complete profile. I would change your photo to just your head. You have a nice variety of samples in your portfolio. I'm not in your field, so I don't know if your rates are typical or not (graphic designers weigh in, please)


The big problem is that Upwork removed all platform and skills tests, removed category/field limits, and allowed anything to be a freelancer and apply for jobs. This created an enormous amount of garbage proposals for the clients, who began to receive 50+ proposals. Many are unrelated to the job and are bots or people who spam the jobs and apply for every one.


With the flood of inexperienced and unskilled freelancers floundering in the Upwork waters, the sharks began to circle. Scammers can smell the inexperienced, the greedy, and the easily led like sharks smell blood. The feast for the scammers grew as more and more, 18 million +, freelancers provided an endless supply.


Clients are not happy with trying to wade through 38 garbage proposals to get to one that can form a sentence in any language. So, boosting arrives to supposedly help freelancers be noticed. Of course, as anyone could have predicted, it did nothing to stop the flood of garbage. Boosting became a way for the unskilled to further annoy clients. Some clients think the top spot must be appointed by Upwork.


Upwork needs money, we all understand that fact. So connects happened. With many millions of freelancers throwing connects, the income was good. But with boosting, now those connects are soaring! (Now I understand the themes.)

There are jobs with thousands of connects. Unlimited freelancers x unlimited connects = a whole lotta money. The problem is, it is driving decent paying clients from the platform.


No, you are not alone. While some freelancers are doing fantastic, many experienced freelancers are hurting. I have never seen so many top earners saying they may leave the platform or at least look for other ways of earning. These decisions are not by choice, but necessity.


It's always good to reassess the business, and I encourage people to do this whether things are bad or not. Are there things you can change in your proposals? If it's not working, no harm in trying something new. If you like the Upwork platform, you don't have to leave if you want to check out other options. Thinking outside the typical business model is necessary, and creativity plays a part in good business.


Upwork is not going to cut off the connects revenue, at least not until they make a profit. This means a continued flood of freelancers and connects. At the same time, the "Best Match" algorithm was changed, to the detriment of freelancers and clients. Freelancers and clients have complained with no response from Upwork. I have no reason to believe anything will change.


Community Member

Hi Jeanne,


I appreciate your posts, and am definitely feeling the sting of this new influx of freelancers. Upwork has been good to me the past ~5 years - largely because I have worked so hard the entire time. When I have friends use words like "day off" or "weekend", I laugh becuase I have not had those. I have grinded so tirelessly, and built up what has usually been a steady stream of work - if I needed more, I simply searched, sent proposals I was qualified for, and got more jobs. Or if I needed less, I simply changed my availability. This was one of the best parts about my work.

Lately, it's radio silence. That is what led me to the forums, which I have not visited more than a few times in 5 years. I was frankly too busy working! So here I am in March, and it's been weeks since I got a response, let alone an invite. I'm Top-Rated, 100% JSS, not too many active jobs, awesome feedback, been adding portfolio items, including intentionally adding the related contract to them so then (after a few days) they show up next to the job's feedback.  I even try lowering my rate when it's slow, which has helped in the past. 

I know I am pretty good at sending cover letters, as I've never had issues getting replies this entire time. If you want to look at my profile and offer any advice, I'm very open. Lately I've been crafting a resume on Indeed and am currently applying for W-2 full-time positions outside of here. If I can create drastic change for myself here, quickly, that would be great. Otherwise I might just start being a weekend freelancer. I appreciate any input 🙂




It doesn't help your bottom line, but you aren't alone. There are too many unskilled freelancers, agencies, and farmers with too many connects.


I don't know of any way to make things turn around quickly here. It's always good to reassess the business and make changes if things aren't working. Only you know if there is enough reason to stay, or perhaps branch out while maintaining your account.

You are totally right. After i had posted that reply above, i found another one of your replies (the one right above my earlier reply) that really made things even more clear than before. We're lucky to have your insights! 

About the noobs on here asking "how do i get my first job" but not even taking the time to read through your initial post, I wish you would! There is no magic key, no one sentence of how-to that is going to get you jobs here. Take Jeanne's advice that we are lucky was provided fee of charge, and follow the links and read the content. That is the first step to finding work here. Be prepared to hear nothing back until... you do. My first contract took weeks of applying and hearing nothing or interviewing but not getting hired. And that contract was for $13/hour. I then slowly worked up to ranging from $65 to $120/hour. That was a process of years for me, and my path is unique, but so is yours. You can make it what you want, but no one will do any of it for you. You have to want it enough to grind, grind, grind, and then grind some more. 

I went 4 years in Upwork before I ever even came to the Upwork forums - I never had any advice from any other freelancer. I just figured it out on my own. You can do it too!

Great. This Is a very helpfull with me. Thanks

Community Member

Some common areas that freelancers often seek help with include:

  1. Finding clients and getting new business
  2. Setting rates and pricing for services
  3. Managing time and staying productive
  4. Dealing with difficult clients or situations
  5. Maintaining work-life balance and avoiding burnout
Community Member

Hello Jeanne, 

I am new to Upwork and would appreciate if you review my profile status and assist me in sectios that need changes for effective user interface and customer's approval,thank you


Will, you need to read the top post and follow every link. You are not prepared to apply for jobs. Your profile is only going to attract scammers. Learn the rules because no one, including Upwork, can or will help you if you break them.

Community Member

Am very interested on knowing the tips on taking a first order as a beginner

Read the post at the top and follow the links. Follow the Terms and rules, and visit the areas of the Academy, such as coaching, help with profiles, and other helpful information. 


I would start with a different photo.

Community Member

Hi Jeanne,
I am a Graphic Designer/Digital Marketer and new to Upwork. I have been struggling to get my first Preoject Catelog. I have submitted about many proposals to different Design/ leads base projects.
I really need help.

Thank you


It will probably take far more proposals than you have submitted. Starting out on Upwork isn't easy, quick, or free. Go through the links in the top post and learn all you can about your profile, portfolio, and proposals. You have to find a way to stand out in the millions of other freelancers. Make sure your skills are top-notch and if you don't qualify for the job, don't apply. It takes skills, time, effort, money, marketing, and work to be a successful freelancer.

Community Member

very interesting I'm happy to your resume

thank you for

Community Member

You are extraordinary, Jeanne. Thank you for the guidance and support.



Please update your Profile to public so it can be reviewed.

Community Member

Hello Jeanne,


I just wanted to take a moment to express my appreciation for the information you've shared here. Your post is not only helpful but also empowering for freelancers who are starting their journey on this platform.


It's clear that you've put a lot of effort into compiling these resources, and I couldn't agree more with your message that freelancers should take advantage of the wealth of information available.


Once again, thank you for your time and dedication to helping others navigate the complex world of freelancing on Upwork.

Community Member

Hello Jeanne,

My name is Mohsin Abbas I am from Pakistan but i don't received any project on upwork and anyone not give review and feedback so please guide me 

Mohsin, I have provided guidance. Read the top post and follow every link. You need to improve your profile, your photo and learn how to find jobs. The links in the post will show you how to use Upwork's resources to make improvements and write proposals.


Community Member

Hi Jeanne, I'm a newbie here... so glad to find out about this forum. I have had job proposals declined due to client failure to comply with ToS. So, I did some research and discovered that it's a violation to include Skype in to cover letter. Should I go ahead and withdraw out proposals I sent to the client? 

Please read the top post and go through every single link. You must learn the rules and follow them, so you don't get scammed again. You don't need to do research; you need to follow the Terms of Service. Not only will you be scammed, you can permanently lose your Upwork account for breaking the Terms. You can't go outside of Upwork to talk, text, email, exchange money or have any communication before an Upwork contract is in place.


Withdraw the proposals and flag the job to Upwork. Before you apply for another job, read and learn the rules. You must protect yourself because no one, including Upwork, will do it for you.

Thank you so much, Jeanne, from now on I'll always keep that in mind. 


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You need to read the top post and follow every link. I have already provided the guidance you need, if only you would use it. It's great to have dreams, but freelancing means you have skills now. Get the education and training, and then you can be a freelancer if you have marketable skills, patience and money to invest.

Community Member

To all freelancers looking for help, there are many resources available to support you in your work. Whether you're new to freelancing or have been working independently for years, it's important to know that you don't have to go it alone. One valuable resource is online communities and forums where you can connect with other freelancers and share tips, advice, and support. There are also many websites and apps that can help you manage your workload, track your time, and organize your finances. Additionally, there are numerous training programs and courses available to help you develop your skills and stay up to date on the latest trends and technologies. It's important to take advantage of these resources and not be afraid to ask for help or advice when you need it. Remember, freelancing can be challenging, but with the right support and resources, you can build a successful and fulfilling career.

You left out the one thing that is mandatory, but is missing from most freelancers - skill.

Community Member

I am writing to thank you for your information.

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Well what about those that have tried every trick, have a decent amount of clients in their home country and cant get a client here? As an architect 99% of the jobs here are fake. Feels like a free QnA section of upwork to be honest. How to actually get started here when out of 40 proposals only 2 were actually real and 1 of them actually hired someone.

It's not easy to start freelancing. Even if you have real skills, you are starting over. If you have success in your location, by all means do the work. Freelancing doesn't bring instant cash. Your profile is private, so I have no idea if you are prepared.


The majority of all jobs are fake. This is Upwork with unlimited freelancers, connects, and scammers. Filter out the worst. Go through the links at the top on scams and proposal writing. Pay special attention to the information from Wes on the red flags.


Any new freelancer will spend a lot of connects and send a lot of proposals before they land a job. For many, they are on 75+ proposals with no hire. If you aren't prepared to spend time and money developing your business, Upwork won't work for you.


Make your profile stand out, have amazing portfolio items and learn about marketing online. Every freelancer needs to think outside the box, be creative, and decide if freelancing is worth the investment.

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Hi Jeanne,

I just joined and am having difficulty finding my first client, can you look at my profile and see where I have gone wrong, please

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